Chapter 24

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Hasan P.O.V.  

Why??? Just Why??? Why can't I get my love??? First Diya broke my heart and now Khushi... Why Allah??? Why it is always me???  Diya once broke my heart..

From last 4 years, I was trying to move on and when I got a reason she turned out to be that bastard's daughter... 

Why she has to be his daughter?? Why??? Just Why??

Am I not worth of love???  Am I not worth of happiness??? 

Am I not worth of living happily???  

May be not ؞ I still remember the day when I found about Diya's true color, her real face, her betrayal.... 

I thought she loved me, only me not my wealth.

I still remember that day when I went her home to tell her that I couldn't save my company.

I went to tell her that she has to be strong because may be after losing my company and my all wealth, I won't give her the life which she always wanted but that day I came to know the worst truth of her....  

4 years back

Standing outside of Diya's house for a while, when Hasan was about to enter her house, he heard Diya was talking to her best friend, Mila about me... 

" So, you again made him fool??? " Mila asked Diya... 

" No, I didn't need to make him a fool, because he himself is a fool. If he was not a fool, he would have understood till now that I am cheating behind his back " Diya said with laugh ..... 

Mila also laughed with Diya.. 

" Is that so??? So what you are going to do with him?? After all that poor man loves you???” Mila asked.... 

"Just wait and see, what I am going to do with this foolish man" Diya said... 

"But I thought, you loved him??" Mila asked her... 

"You thought so? Fine. I admit that Hasan is a very good looking man but the burnt mark on his back make his back very ugly... yyyeeeak ( she act like vomiting)" Diya said.... 

Hasan was shocked listening this. For the first time he was feeling so helpless, a loser. His eyes started getting watery.... 

" So, why you don't you break up with him???" Mila asked.... 

"Because of his money. Only for money but I think now I should break up my relation with him because after his Abbu’s ( father's) death, his company is getting down slowly but before breaking my relation with him, I want his all properties in my name and after that I will run away with my real boyfriend and we will live happily with his money" Diya said evilly....

" You are very brilliant, Diya. How easily you made him fool. Even he never doubted on you...In fact that foolish man thought that you love him more than your life. I must say he is foolish and a loser" said Mila... 

Hearing their conversation, Hasan became frozen at his place..

He never thought in his worst dream that Diya will turn out like this... 

After calming himself when he entered her house, Diya become shocked.... 

"Why did you do this to me??? " Hasan asked Diya...  

"Of course for money," Diya said naturally like she is having a friendly talk... 

“I loved you a lot Diya and you cheated on me ??" Hasan asked her... 

" Love and you!!!! are you mad???? No woman will love you after seeing you ugly back and now go from here and never come back " said Diya... 

"So you only loved my money. You didn’t feel anything for me?? " Hasan asked her again.... 

" Yes, I was only after you because you were a wealthy man but now you are nothing but only a street man. Opps sorry but you are going to be a street people soon, isn't it?? And of course I have a special feeling for you and it is PITY.

ONLY PITY. Now I think you got your all answers. So get out of my house and I want to suggest you something. Never think that someone will love you, only you, for yourself " Diya said evilly....  

End of Flashbacks  

That time I let Diya go because that time my condition was the worst.

I was not in that condition that I could do something to her. I had to take care of my family, my company that's why I let that matter went easily... 

Also Abbu ( father ) always used to tell me that never punish or hurt the person who doesn't repent for his or her mistakes, because if they aren’t repenting for their bad work, they don't deserve or worth of punishment... 

But this time I won't go it easily. Ms. Khushi Ali, you have to pay for making me fall for me, for acting innocently in front me...  Seeing you, I thought I got my better half but you turned into my worst half... 

What kind of luck I have got...!!  I will make you pay. This is my promise. You have to suffer as your father made us suffered and as your sister made my sister likewise.. 

Without doing any fault,, my family broke down because of your father.. 

I know your father loves money that's why I invested in your father’s company so that I can snatch his company first..  

"But what if she is not like them, Hasan??? What if she is innocent??? " My heart asked me... 

Then I will never going to hurt her, but it doesn't mean that I won't take my revenge. If his daughter is not like them, I am not going to drag her into this...

But I know she is like them because she also have the bastard's blood in her vein...  

How can she will be a good person, when her full family is just a curse in the name of people..!!!

So stop pretending that she is a good woman, don't forget she already tried to trap you with  her fake innocence.

So just stop..please just stop...

After Isha's ( prayer name) Namaz ( prayer), I started reciting Quran because it always gives me peace, helps me to fight with the world, clams my mind...

After some time I started searching for my phone because I have to make a important call but I couldn't find it...

Where is my phone???

Suddenly, I remember after talking with Mr. Rahim in the party, I left my phone on the table...

Shit, if Mr. Ali sees my phone and check that.

No no I have to go the bastard's house again for my phone....

After some time I was standing outside of Mr. Ali's house....

When he opened his door, I found he was looking very nervous like he was doing some illegal work and I caught him...

He asked me nervously that Why I was there and what did I want???

When I told him about my phone he invited me inside but I denied because I didn't want to see his daughters face again....

After some time he came back with my phone..

Taking My phone from Mr. Ali, I made my way towards the car......

But one thing was irritating in my mind continuously.

Why Mr. Ali was nervous when he saw me???

And also he looked afraid like I caught him red handed while stealing....

Nonetheless, I hopped in my car and started my journey towards my home🚔🚔🚔🚔.....

But his nervousness was making me curious, why he looked at me like that as I caught him...

Is something wrong?????


What do you all think about Diya???

Assalamualaikum readers,

Enjoy, vote and comment

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