Chapter 28

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Hasan P.O.V

I was sitting at my office room and was trying to check some files but I was failing again and again because whenever I tried to concentrate on my file, her face started coming before me....

Why??? Just why???

Why Allah??? Why it is always me???

First Diya broke my heart and then fake innocent girl Khushi. Why she has to be the bastard's daughter???

She unknowingly broke my heart or it was her planned act... The innocent drama in front of me...

Now I understand it was her plan to trap me with her innocent drama...

I again tried to check my file when I heard a knock at my door..

"Come in"...

My PA entered my cabin,
"Assalamualaikum ( May Allah give you peace) sir and good morning " My PA said...

" Walaikum Assalam ( May Allah gives you peace too) and good morning. What is it, Mir??" I asked my PA..

"Sir, I heard last night two person tried to kill Ms. Khushi Ali " My PA replied...

" What???? Tried to kill her??" I shouted...

"Yes sir, but Mr. Murat Ali, her brother saved her and he killed one of them " My PA said...

"What is happening, Mir???" I asked my PA...

"I don't have any idea sir. But I heard that the man who got killed he was the most wanted professional killer" My PA said...

"What a professional killer???" I asked him..

"What about the other one???" I again asked him...

"Sir, the other one ran away and police were unsuccessful to catch him" Mir, My PA told me..

"Okay. Anything else???" I asked him..

"Yes Sir. We have a meeting with Mr. Ali this afternoon and also Mr. Mirza Malik is here and he wants to meet you" Mir said...

"What?? Uncle is here? Why you let him wait for me Mir?? You should have informed me as soon he came here.. " I asked him..

"I tried to inform you about him, sir. But Mr. Malik refused to disturb you" My PA replied me..

"Okay, send him in, Mir " I told him..

"Okay sir", saying he went away..

Soon I heard I knock at my door...

"Come in..."

The man came inside my room and seeing him I stood up from my chair and went towards him..

"Assalamualaikum ( May Allah give you peace) uncle" saying this, I took his blessings and made him sit down in front of my chair...

"How are you son??" Uncle asked me ...

"Alhamdulillah (I am fine by the mercy of Allah) uncle, what about you and how is going everything in your inn???" I asked him softly..

"Alhamdulillah. We are all fine son, the money you send to us every month is enough to live a happy life in inn for everyone" Uncle said happily...

"Do you want to say something uncle? And why you came here here?? You should called me, uncle.." I asked him, because I don't want him to suffer for me, he is just like my family...

"Yes son, I want something special and it is your presence son, I know you are so busy but I want your presence. Actually I am going to open a orphanage beside our inn next week.

So I want you to open the orphanage. I know if I had called you, you would come to me as soon as you can without any question but I have some work here too son.

And when I called you, my son, I thought a father can do some hardships for his child " Uncle said...

"I am really very lucky to have you, uncle and opening an orphanage is a great work uncle. Many children will get their own home in orphanage. Wait a moment, uncle"
Saying this, I called my PA in my room..

"Yes sir, you called me??? "Mir asked..

"Mir, I want you to take care of the expense for this orphanage and take care of all needs. I want to bear all the cost with responsibilities" I told my PA..

"Yes sir, don't worry I will take care of it from now", Mir happily said...

"And uncle Of course, I will happily come to open the orphanage..."

"Son won't you ask me about the name of the orphanage???" Uncle asked...

"Of course uncle. What is it???" I asked...

"Khan orphanage" Uncle said..

"But uncle it is yo...."

But uncle cut off me and said, "You deserve that my son. Because of you, we are happily living in the inn. You always take care of our needs.

So I want the orphanage to run under your name because I know only you can take care of the orphanage. Just like you take care of your family.

Also I used your money for making the orphanage" Uncle said...

"Thank you uncle. I will take care of it. I promise. Also I want to open a school beside the orphanage uncle so that those children can get free education..."

" May Allah bless you son, and do everything as you like after all it is your responsibility now, and I have to leave now son.."

"Okay uncle but please allow my driver to take you back at your home uncle" I requested him...

"Okay son", saying, uncle left my room...

Uncle is the owner of the inn where I used to live after losing everything.

He always loved me like his own son. His family was dead in an accident. After losing his family, he opened the inn so that he can spend his time with someone.

There are almost 50 men living in that inn. They all looked like a family...

I still remember the day when I first saw him.....

4 years back

Today I lost my everything. I saw them selling our mansion, our company, our hotels and other properties and I can't do anything.

But I am happy that I was able to make Ammi agree to leave this country before it happens. It has been two days since they left..

If Ammi saw this, she would be more broken. Her heart would break into million pieces if she had to leave her house..

But I promise Ammi, I will gain everything back and after that, I will call you here again, in our home.
InshaAllah ( If Allah wishes)

"What you are doing here son??" Someone asked from behind breaking my thought..

When I looked that side, I found an old man standing there...

"Are you okay, my boy? For a pretty long time I am seeing you sitting here and it is about to night. Go home my boy, your parents must be waiting for you" The man told me softly...



Listening his word, my old days start floating in front of my eyes, How much Abbu ( Father) and Ammi got worried when I took little bit more time for reaching home..

How many times Abbu ( Father) called me..!!!

But, there is no call today..

There is no one there who is waiting for me..!!

" Are you okay, son?? Why are you crying??"

The man again asked and I found out that I was really crying..

"Nothing uncle. I am fine and I am leaving from here. Don't worry" saying this, I was about to leave but he held my hand..

"First come inside son. You are not looking well"
Saying this he took me his house though I denied because I didn't want to trouble him...

When I entered his house.. no wait it is not a house. There is no less than 50 people and they were all old person. They were talking with each other looking like a family...

"Uncle is the your house??" I asked him when he took me inside a room..

"I will answer your all question son. First freshen up and take some food. Go..There is the washroom and I am coming " Saying this he went out of this room leaving me in shocked...

There is some good man in this world too who always help other people without any reason, and he is one of them.

After sometimes

"Now son I will answer your all questions" Uncle told me after I had dinner...

"This was my house but now I use it as an inn where some 50 homeless men live son. I know must be you in trouble, my son. So you can tell me" Uncle told me..

Listening this, I told him my story.

"I am so sorry for your father son. May Allah grant him Jannat ( heaven) and don't lose hope my boy. Have faith on Allah because he is the Almighty.

InshaAllah..he will give you your everything back..

And you can stay here son because you have right. Maybe you didn't know but your Abbu was a great man. He used to donate a big amount of money here every month.

We are living happily here because of your father. Even he made a hotel for us so that we can earn from it. So you can stay here.

Your father always thought us as his family so you are our family too and it is my request my boy..

Thank you uncle, for letting me know about this, you again made me proud that I am his son and I will stay here uncle...

" Sir " Mir my PA called me breaking my thought...

" Yes, Mir??" I asked him..

"Sir, I sent your driver to take Mr. Rahim back in his house..."

"Okay, Mir " I said and he went out of my room...

Now it is already lunch time. After this I have to attend a meeting with the bastard, Mr. Jahan Ali...

But one thing came into my mind, last night that bastard looked very nervous when I went his house to take my phone back. And last night even the accident was happened...

Is there any connection between the accident and Mr. Jahan Ali???!!

But why a professional killer want to kill her??
Must be someone sent them but who???

Just then my Phone started ringing and it was Fatima...

"Assaslamualaikum ( May Allah give you peace) Fatima" I said..

"Walaikum assalam ( May Allah also give you peace) vaia ( brother) " Fatima replied...

"What is it, my little sister??? " I asked her..

"Vaia ( brother ), Jiya is coming today by the evening flight" Fatima said...

"Really!!! At last she is coming"

"Yes vaia (brother) and she wants you to receive her from airport" Fatima said...

"Okay, I will..."

" Okay, vaia ( brother ). Allah Hafiz ( bye) " Fatima said..

"Allah Hafiz( bye)"...
Saying this I cut the call....


Assalamualaikum ( May Allah give you peace) readers,

How was the chapter?

And my dear readers, I have a request to you all.

Plz check out my older sister's book. She is an amazing writer. You all will love her book.
Just give her a chance....

The book is...

"Maryam" by FerihaAhmedAN

Enjoy, vote and comment

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