Chapter 36

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Hasan P.O.V

"Hasan, I was thinking that we should spend sometime together" Jubayer said to me when we were sitting on a bench in our garden ...

"What do you mean Jubayer??" I asked him...

"Piya wants to see the sea. So I was thinking that we should arrange a picnic there. Also you have a hotel there. We can stay in your hotel " Jubayer said to me...

"That's great but Ammi (mother). I mean will Ammi agree with us??" I asked him...

"Don't worry, Hasan. I already talked with Ammi (mother) and she agreed. Just your decision is left" Jubayer happily told..

"When do you want to go there??? " I asked him...

"Actually, I promised Piya that we will go tomorrow because she is crying badly. But we will go when you like" Jubayer said like a big brother...

" No, we will go there tomorrow and I am calling the manager now. I will arrange everything but I can't accompany you all. I have an opening programme tomorrow and I will go there after the programme " I told him...

"But Hasan, we can go after this programme, right?? " Jubayer asked...

" No, my dear brother in- law. I don't know when the programme will be finished. So it is better you all to leave before me" I said to him...

"Okay but who is vendibility behind this picnic plan??" Jubayer asked...

" Who?. Wait doesn't you just told me Piya want to go there??? " I asked...

" Yes, Piya cried but your both sister made this plan and they used my daughter according to their plan, they used my daughter Hasan" Jubayer said like crying...

" Well I can understand, your felling my dear brother in-law, but be careful if Fatima or Jiya heard you are complaint against them your beloved wife surely going to mad at you " I said while laughing....

" You are right, I don't want to face her anger again and I don't like it when she angry on me " Jubayer said me...

" Marriage made you really obedient my brother, I am glad that my sister got you as her life partner " I said him happily...

" No, Hasan I am luck that I have her, you know she not only loved me like her husband but also like a mother, she take care of me like I am a little child. She is my strength Hasan, she is my everything, without her I am nothing Hasan, nothing" Jubayer said while happy tear rolling from his eyes...

You may thinking why I always accept my defend in front of her. I always let her do everything because her sad face always kill me Hasan. I felt pain in my heart whenever I see her sad. May be she isn't the most obedient wife but my Fatima is the most caring, pious and innocent wife in this world. She is best Hasan. My wife is best...

I about to say something but I saw Fatima is standing behind Jubayer while happy tears rolling down on her cheek. So I went away leave them alone...

When I about to entered my mansion I looked at them and I saw Jubayer hugged Fatima like his life depends on her, seeing this with a happy mind I entered my home...

Now I think I should find a boy for Jiya, who can take care of her like I did or better than me. So that my sister will be happy more than now....

After some time

"Mamaaaaaa ( uncleeeee) whar ( where) are you " I heard Piya shouting for me when I am checking some files...

I am here princess I replied her entering our living room...

Seeing me she again shout happily and ran into my arms..

" What happened princess??? why you are shouting??? I asked her...

"Mama ( uncle) I have a complan ( complaint) " Piya said with pouting...

" Complaint!!! Against whom dear " I asked her...

" Mommy and Fupi ( Aunty) " She replied....

" What did they done princess???" I asked her...

" They ate my ice cream and my candy mama 😭😭😭😭 ( uncle) punise ( punished) them " Piya said sadly.....

" Then you can tell your Baba ( father) princess he will buy you another and he can punished them" I said her...

" No, Mama ( uncle) I said this to Baba ( father) , but he said he can't punise ( punished) them and when he brout ( brought) another candy for me, Mommy snatcd ( snatched) this too saying this cany is not good for children " Piya said while pouting ...

I know Fatima and Jiya loved candy and ice-cream but how can they snatched candy from a child!!!!

From her own child!!!!!

And this fool Jubayer give the candies to Fatima I know Fatima must be used her innocent act which she used to do with me when we are children but still how can Jubayer done this??"

"Princess how about we will go market now and buy candies as much as you want, and we will punished them together later ????" I asked her..

" Okay, Mama ( uncle) you are the best " Piya said happily and I chuckled...

Mrs. Mira P.O.V

" Where are my babies??" Why they aren't here beside me??" She asked the doctor weakly..

" I am sorry your boy was born dead " The doctor replied..

Hearing this she felt someone snatched her heart from her chest

" Wh...What are sayi..saying? My babies are alive, I saw them crying. I heard their voice. Please stop making joke please bring my babies to me I want to see them, they must be hungry. They need me. They need their Ammi (mother) Please bring them to me " She pleaded to the doctor with hope that they will stop their jocking and bring her babies to her...

" I already told you, your baby was born dead and you gave birth one boy not twins. If you want to see your dead baby boy then you can see him after some time" The doctor replied..

" Believe me please. I am saying the truth, they are twins. Please trust me I saw them crying. They are alive not dead. My babies are alive " She told in her broken heart..

" You got shocked that's why you are hallucinating things. Nurse give her sleeping injection " Saying this the doctor went out from that room and gave evil smile to a man who is standing outside of this room..

That man gave a evil smirk at the doctor and went away...

" No, don't give me injection. I am telling the truth. My babies are alive. They need me please bring them to me. My babies must be hungry. I need to feed them but two nurse hold her arm and pushed injection making her unconscious they went away from there...

"Mom what you are thinking?" Maya asked while touching her mother shoulder..

Nothing dear. Why?

" Nothing? Mom I was calling you for few minutes but you are in your thought. Anyway mom where is Khushi's medicine I mean the drugs? " Maya asked her mother....

" Why? What you are going to do with those drugs? " She asked her daughter...

" Dad want to mixed those drugs in her meal " Maya replied..

" Oh, yeah I forget. Okay you can go I am coming with it.

Okay saying this Maya went from there..

"Die you burden and let us live a happy life. We want to rid from you. Die and go to your parents " Mrs. Ali coursing Khushi while mixing those drugs in her meal...


Assalamualaikum readers,

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Many of you asked many times why Khushi never fought back against them. She believe in this

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