Chapter 38

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Hasan P.O.V

"Now okay princess, shall we bring your favourite candy?? " I asked Piya...

" Yes, Mama ( Uncle ), but now I want to eat ice cream, please Mama ( Uncle ) let's go please " Piya said to me cutely...

" Okay. Let's go " I agree with her and went in a restaurant because I can't feed her road side ice cream because that may not be good for her health. So I took her to a famous restaurant where I know I will get healthy food...

Entering into it, we took a table...

Soon a waiter come to us and asked us for our orders...

" Princess, do you want only ice cream or want to eat something else also???" I asked her...

" Mama ( Uncle ) I want pizza too" Piya said and giggled cutely...

"Okay, please give us one pizza, ten cup ice cream and one black coffee " I said the waiter...

" Okay sir " saying this, he went away...

"Mama ( Uncle ) why did you order so many ice cream? I can't eat them alone." Piya asked me innocently...

"I ordered those so that we can take those home and you can eat them later Piya " I said her...

"Relly ( Really )!!! 😱😱😱Mama ( Uncle ) you are the best " Piya said happily 😃😃😃....

Soon our food came and when I tried to feed Piya, she denied and started eating happily by herself...

So I started sipping my coffee while checking some files in my phone....

After some time Piya spoke up, "Mama ( Uncle )"

When I looked at her, I saw water in her eyes...

" What happened Piya?? Why are you crying?? I asked her worriedly...

"I dropped some pizza on my dress and it made my dress dirty. Mummy will be sad Mama ( Uncle )" Piya said me sadly...

"Don't worry princess. I will talk to your Mummy and as your dress is dirty let me clean it and after that we will go to market and buy some dresses for you, okay??" I said to her...

" Okay Mama" ( Uncle ) Piya said happily and I chuckled. After that I cleaned her dress by my handkerchief.
Paying the bill, we went out of the restaurant...

After we reached my shopping - mall, I asked Piya to choose whatever she likes. Just then my phone started ringing. So I requested a sales girl to take care of Piya for sometime, who was doing her work beside Piya. When she agreed, I went out and attended the call...

"Assalamualaikum ( May Allah bless you ) Sir" Mir, my PA said...

" Walaikum Assaslam ( May Allah bless you too ) Mir. What's the matter???" I asked him...

"Sir the man is still unconscious and doctor is saying it may take time for him to gain conscious " Mir said to me...

" Mir, I just want him to be alive. Make sure that he will gain his conscious back soon and hide him so that no one can come to know about him" I said to him..

" Okay sir " He said and I cut the call...

When I back towards the place where I left Piya, I saw Piya is hugging a young girl but I couldn't see her face because she was holding some flowers in front her face.

And another girl was standing beside them. Seeing this, I got confused and I called, "Piyaaaa" but the girl left piya who is hugging her and turned other side and soon she turned towards me but her face was covered with a veil. Only her eyes were displaying....

When I started walking towards them quickly, both the girls left from there fastly before I reached there...

I ran towards Piya and picked her up in my arms immediately and started checking her for any injury but found none....

"Princess, are you okay?? Who are those girls and why were you hugging her???" I asked her...

"Mama ( Uncle ) she helped me to get a dress because I didn't get one. You know Mama( Uncle ), she got this dress for me and even she helped me to wear this dress" Piya told me happily...

"But princess where is the Aunty with whom I left you??? " I asked her...

"She left Mama ( Uncle ) because someone called her. So the aunty left me with this those girls but they ran away as soon they saw you " Piya told me....

" Why they ran away Mama ( Uncle ) after seeing you?? " Piya
asked me...

"They don't run away because of me princess " I told her...

" Then Why?? " She again asked me....

"Oh, may be they suddenly remembered that they have some important work. That's why they ran away" I told her and she nodded...

" Now let's go princess. Your Mummy must be waiting for you " I told her....

" Okay Mama ( Uncle ) but you have to punsh ( punished) Mummy and Jiya Fupi ( Aunty) rember ( remember) " She told me more like ordered me just like my Fatima...

Oh, shit. I thought she forgot but she still remembered the matter. now I have to deal with that..

" Okay princess but I think it will be better if your Abbu ( Father ) scold your mummy and I will scold your Jiya Fupi ( Aunty) " I said to her...

"But I told Abbu ( Father ) back then too but he didn't listen to me. You know Mama ( Uncle ) Abbu ( Father ) told that if he punishes Mummy then Mummy will punish him back" Piya replied sadly...

" Don't worry princess, I have a plan" I told her....

After some time

At Hasan's room

"Hasan, you fool 😒😒😒 how dare you 😡😡😡" Jubayer shouted at Hasan entering his room...

" Why? What happened my sweet brother in law😱😱😱😱??" I asked him innocently as if I didn't do anything....

" So you don't know anything na 👿👿👿👿, stop your acting Hasan 😡😡😡😡" Jubayer said me angrily....

" I really don't understand Jubayer 🙉🙉 Why are you angry on me??" I asked him again....

"I know Hasan, it was your plan. You told Piya to cry in front of me cause you know I can never see tears in her eyes...

And because of your plan I had to shout on Fatima and then she kicked me out of our room again 😡😡😡" Jubayer told me angrily...

"Then why you let them eat Piya's candy and ice cream Jubayer and if you let them eat her things, you should at least take Piya's side when she complained to you " I said him...

" You know I can never deny her request Hasan 😞😞😞" Jubayer told me sadly....

"Then you should bear this punishment too Jubayer. By the by I got the main leading news for tomorrow's newspaper Jubayer. You want to know??? " I asked him...

" What??? " He asked me boringly....

" The Famous Business Man Mr. Jubayer Ahmed was Kicked Out of His Room By His Most Innocent Wife Last Night "

"So how is this news, Jubayer 😉😉😉 Do you like this news my brother in law 😂😂😂???" I asked him laughingly....

" Yes, 👿👿👿 😒😒😡😡Of course. I liked this news 😡😡😡. Just let me catch you Hasan, then I will show you how much I liked this news😒😒😒😒 " Saying this, he started chasing me 💃💃💃💃....

" I will kill you Hasan. Just wait there 😒😒😒" Jubayer shouted while chasing me💃💃💃....

" Well first catch me Jubayer if you can 😎😎😎😎 then you should decide my punishment 😜😜😜😜" I said him while running.....

While running I saw Piya got excited seeing us running and she also started running after us...

" Baba ( Father ), Mama ( Uncle ) I also want to play with you 🙉🙉🙉 take me too, why you all always playing without me 😞😞😞 first Mummy play with Baba ( Father ) without me 😖😖😖 and now you both are playing without me. Take me toooooooo. I want to playyyyyy"saying this, she started crying 😭😭😭😭...

And Jubayer stopped at once when he saw his daughter crying and got near her to calm her....

" See 😂😂😂 I told you Jubayer 😎😎 that you can't catch me 😜😜😜" I told him....

" I will see you Hasan 👿👿👿" Jubayer shouted at me...


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