Chapter 49

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Khushi's P.O.V.

Day after tomorrow is my nikha..Last week I had go through a busy schedule. Murat and Arman vaia (brother ) made me select everything but I was lucky that Hayat was with me all the time...

For last four hours we are doing online shopping because I don't like roaming outside..

I thought if I did my shopping in online, it will be quick but only because of Hayat it took us four hours to choose few Dresses. And she went to collect those dress outside. Actually they will parcel our order in an hour as Hayat was so excited, so she is waiting outside to collect the parcel..

I think I should offer my prayer now before she comes back and make me to try all dresses..

"Come on Hayat. I am tired and want to rest plz bestie, don't force me to try the dress right now.."

"Oh come on Khushi. You have to try them and about your rest, then rest till I offer my prayer. Then we will see what dress will be perfect for you. okay?' Saying this, she went to washroom for making abultion....

Just what a friend I got but now rest for few minutes till she finished her prayer...

"Khushi try this dress. Wait I brought five bags so why seven bag here?" She asked me..

"Murat and Arman vaia (brother ) send those bags just few minutes ago. our maid came and gave me those.."

"Maid!!?? I thought they only used you as a maid in this house? " She asked me..

"Yes they did. Even I was confused when uncle appointed two maid yesterday.."

"Oh, maybe they got Their brain and humanity back. Anyway now start trying those dresses, I want you to look perfect tomorrow " She told me...

"Hayat tomorrow is not my nikha. Tomorrow there is just a simple function and you will just apply henna on my hand. So why you are all making it so big? Even my both of my brothers had not sleep properly since last week. I want a simple nikha so plz bestie. Don't work so hard. I already got tired to make my brothers understand. though I failed there but at least yo...."

But she cut me off, "If you are done, will you plz change now into this dress Ms. Khushi Ali no soon to be Mrs. Khan?" She told me...

I knew it. I can't make them understand. "Okay" saying this I went to washroom for changing..

"How is it?" I asked her..

"Not bad but also not perfect. change again.." She replied..

"Now how is this? " I Again asked her..

" Change again. I don't like the dress" She told me...

"Okay" saying this, I again went to change...

"Now how is this?" I asked her hoping that she like it but my bad luck she just replied a word..

"Change again "


"Now is this okay? plz Hayat it is nice so don't say your change again dialogue" i said to her.

"Okay I am not saying change again. I just want to say change for last time okay " She told me and i agreed because I know making her agree is impossible...


"Perfect bestie. Just perfect. I like the dress. Now change into your normal cloth" She told me..

Ya Allah at last she liked it..

Hayat let's go downstairs. it is already dinner time. You must be hungry and I have to serve Murat and Arman vaia (brother). Let's go. saying this when we were about to pass our room, we heard Murat vaia (brother ) is shouting. We ran towards the voice and found Murat vaia (brother ) was shouting at Maya while uncle and Aunty was standing beside her and Arman vaia (brother ) was standing beside Murat vaia (brother).

What is happening??

I ran towards Murat vaia (brother ) and held his hand when he was about to slap Maya..

"What happened vaia (brother )? Why you are doing this and plz don't hurt her" I requested to him...

" Hurt!! By a slap! You care about her?? You know at this moment, I want to hurt her in most merciless way. You know what she did?" Murat vaia (brother ) asked me and I said no....

"She was behind your accident. Only because of her, you almost got killed at home that night. She wanted to kill you" Murat vaia (brother) said angrily while Hayat became shocked and both of my brothers were looking at Maya in anger.

Tears were just rolling down from my eyes..

Does she hate me that much that she wants to kill me???

Did her hate bigger than our sister relation?

I knew she never liked me but I never thought in my worst that she will try to kill me..


Assalamu-alaikum dears,

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Mine is Piya. Now don't copy my line

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