Chapter 56

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Hasan's P.O.V

"Sir, the man is inside. He tried to run away so we tied him in chair " My PA said me..

"It's okay. now you can wait outside. we will take care of this, Mir. I will call you if we need any help" nodding at me, he left..

"Now let's take care of it Jubayer" and when he nodded at me, we entered the room...

Arman Malik's P.O.V

"Sir, the doctors are inside. you can talk to them now" My PA told me..

"Okay and thank you sam for helping me in this matter though it was not your work but you helped me .."

"It's okay sir. It's my pleasure and sir, is there anything else to work for me ? " He asked...

"Actually yes. sam I want to get settled here in this country. so you have to move my business here. already we have a branch here so just make the branch as the main office", I told him...

" Okay sir" Saying this, he left and I entered the room ..

"Good morning sir, your PA told us that you wanted to ask some questions to us" One of the doctor told me..

"Actually yes gentlemen. I want to ask about a case. In 1995 month may, date 5, 4 male babies boys were born in our hospital and according to the report you four were inchrage of those cases. Am I right?"

They nodded at me so I continued, "I can see from the report that Mrs. Malik bay's boy was born dead and Mr. Ali's baby boy was born dead too..

So what about the other two babies? Why are were no report about them or about their parents?" I asked them..

Two doctors of the four spoke up, "sir we two were in charge of in Mrs. Malik's case because she was so serious but we couldn't save her chlid"

Another told me, "sir I was in charge of Mrs. Ali but her baby was also born dead" but another doctor kept silent.. And I got my target. "Okay you three can go and start your work.."

Nodding at me, they left and I walked towards the other person and sat in front of him..

"Doc. Dani, will you open your mouth by yourself or shall I call the police and handover you to them and believe me then you will spend your remaining life in jail and your family on road" hearing this, he got nervous and started saying, "I am so sorry sir. I did a horrible mistake. I was so blind for money.."

"I don't care about your blindness. just tell me what happened that day, what did you do with the other babies..."

"Sir, the other two babies were belong to Mrs. Ali" but I cut him off "her baby was born dead.."

"No sir. it was Another Mrs. Ali. Mr. Jahan Ali's older brother's wife, Mrs. Ayesha Ali. She gave birth to two babies but Mr. Jahan Ali gave me a lot amount of money and asked me to kill the both of the babies and I accepted..

I was about to kill two babies when Mr. Jahan's Ali wife offered me lot of money again by a nurse and asked me to exchange her dead baby to another.

I gave her one of the two babies and kept the dead baby in dead room and I went to burry the alive baby to a graveyard but a couple saw me and I ran away leaving the baby there and informed that Jahan Ali that I did the work" He finished and looked at me but seeing my angry face, he started begging, "sir please forgive me. Please sir have mercy on me" but he got cut off by my hard slap..

"Did you had any mercy while burring that baby there?

Did you had mercy on my Ammi when she cried for us?" Hearing this, his eyes went shocked...


"Yes. I was the baby whom you wanted to burry. now tell me where are my parents?"

"Sir, your parents are dead. they had an accident. they died with your sister"

Hearing this, tears started falling from my eyes..

My parents?

My baby sister?

They are dead.

That means Murat is my brother.

You are gone Mr. Jahan Ali..

" Sir please let me go. I will leave this city " He told me..

"Sure you will go but not in another city but in jail" just then police entered the room and caught him and I handover the audio recorder which I kept there...

Hasan's P.O.V

"So tell me who are you? And why you wanted to kill otherwise I will torture you to your death "? I asked him..

" Do you think I will tell you if you do it? boy, I am a professional killer and I know how to bear pain" He told us..

"Jubayer, he knows how to bear pain. so I think we should test his limits" I told him and he smiled at me handing me the scissor. smirking at him, I took it and cut the person's one finger.

And as expected he shouted in pain, he was about to say something when Jubayer took the scissor from me and cut down his another finger saying this, "Hasan you cut down the wrong finger."

"You know we don't have any problem to hurt you and as police already declared that dead or alive if anyone catches you, police will give him a prize. So we are thinking that we should cut you down slowly and then inform the police that we found you in this condition. What say Hasan? " Jubayer asked me and I just looked at the person smirking..

"Did you think that we will beat you? no we don't like to put our hand on any dirty people.. So I am giving you the last chance. if you love your life then speak up and he spoke up immediately "okay I will tell you but plz don't hurt me more.."

"Speak up" Jubayer told..

"Mr. Jahan Ali ordered us to kill Khushi but his son Murat came between us and we got failed. One of my friend died in Murat's hand and I tried to ran away but you caught me" He finished..

" Do you think that we are mad? Khushi is his daughter why will he try to kill his own daughter?" I asked him...

"Look I will tell you the whole truth but you have to promise me that you will let me go after this" He said and I nodded at him..

"We are working for Mr. Jahan Ali for last 20 years. Khushi is not his daughter. She was his older brother's daughter. Jahan adopted her after killing her parents because all the wealth including his mansion, company and others everything belongs to Khushi" He told us..

"What you are talking about ?" Jubayer asked him..

"Actually Jahan was adopted by Khushi's grandfather. He took Jahan and his sister from road but Jahan got some bad habit like smoking, drinking, clubbing, also in drugs that's why Khushi's grandfather gave his almost all wealth to his real son Maan and something to Noor Jahan's sister but Jahan couldn't bear it. When he got the chance he killed his brother and his sister-in-law.

He wanted to kill Khushi that time too but his lawyer told him if he killed her too then all wealth will be hanover to orphanage and he can only take those wealth from her when she became 23. Even he got her alone few months back and was prepared to kill her but A person name Hasan Khan came between them.

And wanted to marry Khushi. Jahan wanted his real daughter, Maya to marry Hasan. so he contacted us and told us to kill Khushi but we failed because of Murat" He finished...

"Then why Khushi is known as his daughter to world and why Khushi didn't inform police about it?" Jubayer asked..

" She was just a three years old baby that time and Jahan is giving her drugs everyday by mixing with her dinner so that she can't remember anything from her past" He said..

"You said you are working for him for 20 years then you must be known why he killed a man named Hussain Khan " I asked him..

"Yes, as much as I know Maan Ali was the best friend of Hussain Khan and Hussain got to know about Jahan about killing Maan. He wanted to inform police about it so we killed him at his own office and burnt his body" He said. hearing about Abbu Jubayer was about to attack him and I held him and signaled him to calm down and looked at him again, "okay your job is done. we will free you tomorrow" saying this, holding Jubayer's hand, I brought him out of the room..

Getting outside, we both removed the mask from our faces and Jubayer started shouting " You will not free him Hasan, he killed our Abbu and if you try then I will kill him.."

"Do it then jubayer and I promised him to set free Tomorrow. but it doesn't mean that I can't catch him again. now let's go we need to hear the full truth and only one person can tell us..

"Who?" he asked..

"Ammi, our Ammi"


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