25.. I Killed Him, Why?

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Alessandro's point of view

I felt so panicked where my fiery wife was stucked, it was only three days left for our launch.

If she was busy so she should inform me, she said she was on the way of our home, she stayed in the office for extra time, it was her habit to devote herself solemnly in her work.

I was continuously calling her but her sim was out of reach, that scared me what could happen!

Like a drench dough outside was raining heavily, the vague of chilly blows were on its peak.

All the roads were jammed, hope my baby girl was safe and secured.

I was stretching my head to find a way to contact her about her well being.

At last her mobile was in reach, I was too desperate to talk her.
Come on pick up the call!

" Baby girl, tell me where are you? I am coming!"

" No need Alessandro, I will."

" Just tell me where are you, no arguments."

She informed me that she was near our house, and the horns of her Mercedes suddenly buzzed at the main door.

Huff! She came, thank god.

Entering inside the house, she wore off her rain soked sandals as soon as she could.

She shrugged her wet hairs, that gesture was so sexy. Her curvy figure was on its complete show due to her drenched grey color knee length dress.

Her goddess beauty was tempting me so mucy, her spells was constantly trying to make me loose my control.

What are you thinking Alessandro! Ew! You naughty mind, there your wife was drenched and on the verge to catch cold and here you were busy in checking her every nook and corner out.

" Baby, I will made coffee for you, you go and change your clothes otherwise you will catch cold."

Alessandro's pov end.

Donna's pov.

" Alessandro, why this whole room is decorated like a bride." I asked him when he brought me a coffee.

I was still in my wet clingy clothes. I could feel my whole figure was completely exposed due to its clinginess. The whole room was pearled with red roses which astonished my eyes, did he was going to propose me!

Oh god! Really but what would be my answer, while thinking I bit my lip.

By the way, why such a thought process, it is obviously yes, don't you love him?

Don't be a desperate bitch, Donna, what would he thought about you when he looked at your excitement.

" Baby girl, it was for nothing!"
What did he mean! For nothing, I would kill him for sure, why couldn't he say what he felt.

No, he liked playing with me but darling you were doing the same. Did you say to him what you felt for him? No, then why were you pointing him out if you were not a saint.

" Only for nothing!"

" yes, what did you think?"
Such an evil man he was! I will kill his smirk which made me always so flushed.

" No... Nothing."

" Sure!"

He gave me a cup of my black coffee. That was such a reliever, that mug of coffee was my eternal love.

After sipping a sip of my coffee, I looked at him and said,"Alessandro, don't lie, I know it is for me."

" Do you think?" I would have smashed his face until that time if he was not the one whom I loved.

" Alessandro go to hell!"

" Hell is also become heaven being with you."

How efficiently he expressed himself, I was in love with this gesture.

" I think I should change my dress." I put the coffee mug on table and tried to excuse myself but someone's hand slided down to my waist.

" Give this mere personality a chance to change your dress."
My cheeks were turned into crimson red due to his naughty gesture, such a jerk he was!

" Alessandro don't tease me."

" Why should I not! you are my lawfully wedded wife." I could felt his musky scent, so afreshening and lovely.

His hands around my waist were so delightful and filled with love.

" Only wife, not more than that!" I exclaimed, I didn't like when he called me just a wife, that moment was the moment when my own consciousness pricked me, I could understand then what Alessandro felt when I said him just husband and our relation physical.

" You want to listen, more!" He exclaimed while nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck, his brushing of his lips on my face made me felt worthy and lovable.

" If you are ready!"

" Donna, can I ask you a simple question?" I slightly nodded while feeling his hands movement on my lower abdomen. Butterflies!

" Baby girl, why don't you confess even you know you love me?"
I was quiet what should I say? I wanted him to confess only but why he was not finding that.

I didn't know when we both came on our bed, my dress was dishevelled, some credit went to rain and some went to my lovely husband, Alessandro.

" Say!" He whispered kissing my exposed bosom due to my clingy clothes. Oh god! This is so beautiful.

I didn't listen his statement due to the exciting bliss. I loved this man. I was feeling the moment while closing my eyes.

" Baby girl, open your eyes." He whispered slighly hovering over me, as I opened my soft eyelashes, he slided his black color Louis Phillip's t-shirt by its hem up, his exposed muscular chest was so alluring and chiseled, I wanted to touch that hard piece of flesh but I resisted myself thinking what if he felt me so desperate.

My legs were curved, I was lying there dumbfounded, what was going to happen?

Donna, don't behave like this, you are not a teen, didn't you read such scenes in books.

He touched my hands gently and put them on his chest, " Sweety, I am all yours, yours to love, your to cherish, yours to show anger."

I looked inside his eyes, its deepness made me feel secured.

I roamed my hand gently on his broad chest.

He put his lips onto mine, his flavor was so delicious like a red wine.

Arching my back, I pushed myself back, my hairs were mess, its pallor tempt him to work more on me. While kissing, he caressed those walnut smooth hair.

He came below my bosom and slided his finger to my cleavage line. Unexpectedly he tore my dress completely.

Oh god! I was nervous to the core, I was exposed, my inners were still on my body. I tried to hide myself, this was my first time. I wriggled as much as I could. I could feel his smirk. Jerk he was!

" Don't hide, this is mine, all mine." He said clasping my hands with his own fingers.

" Alessandro but I am nervous." I said timidly.

" Do you trust me?"

" yes."

" Do you love me?"

" Yes."
What the juck, I uttered. Then my all feelings were exposed in front of him.

" Look you had said before me?"

I was so flushed, my all ignoring my feelings game had come to its end.

" Alessandro, now you will not say anything? " I asked hoping if he would confess his love towards me.

" What should I say baby girl?" His smirk was so frustrating.

" The three words which every person say to its lover!" I said lightly looking into his eyes confidently.

" Who is the lover here, you! Then say yourself." 

I was hurted by his statement even though I knew he was teasing me but the feeling of not worthy directly invaded my head. I remembered how the person whom I loved left me!

Stephano left me because of me, I killed him, the feeling of killing him gulped me in my gloom. Why he said those words, I was coping with my past but all the memories came again for haunting me.

" It's ok! " I stated, my voice was heavy as tears came inside my eyes.

" What happened baby girl? "
Oh great! After hurting me you asked what happened.

I slightly pushed him and went from there taking my mobile phone with me.

Donna's pov end.

Alessandro's pov.

I was just teasing her, but it hurt her. Why you hurt her always, you bloody man!

Her going figure with the covered duvet was so frustrating. It was not what I intended, I was eventually going to confess my love but that was little irritating session.

I was sorry, Donna. I stood and came behind her but she was already inside the rest room, I was continuously pleading her to open, I know she was crying.

It was her bad habit to not share her problems and reasons of gloom, she was an introvert, she didn't know how to express her feelings.

At last she was healing and now you again hurt her, you were such a stupid person Alessandro.

Have you heard Karma, it would be back just for your non-sense behavior.

Alessandro's pov end.


Donna was inside the rest room, her mobile phone was also with her, she was in gloom due to Alessandro's statement. It pricked her.

Suddenly a phone call buzzed, she picked up and a mysterious and eerie voice whispered some ominous words which shuddered her soul, trembling  , she gulped the lump of throat and cut the phone which came from an unknown number, she was alone there.

" You killed him!" That was the ominous word, a drop of tear downed from her beautiful eyes.

She stood still, a tear dropped from her eyes, why when she tried to live happy, something happened, did god also not want her to stay fresh, remembering her past she felt dejected, it was surely her karma, she did a sin so the punishment was rewarded to her.

With a heavy and slow pace, she went to take a shower to pure herself whom she thought tainted she was wet under the shower, also letting out her tears from her alluring emerald eyes, she touched her wet hair, her whole seizling body, her curve, everything was well carved by the creator, she was looking so sexy and hot that time, but her tears were not stopping for even a second.

She remembered the day when everything was changed for worst, she couldn't cope up from that night which was indeed a nightmare which ripped her soul apart, which made her feel heinous to herself, she didn't deserve anyone, she was so selfish and self- centered that she killed her own love, she was murderer, she was continuously crying and murmering,' I am a murderer, I don't deserve to live.'

Smashing her head on to the wall, she cried with a sound, she bent on her knees, placing her hand on the floor, she was murmering, " I killed him." she was slapping her cheek continuously, she laid their lifelessly going back to the flashback what happened that horriendous night.

So, how is the update?
Especially her break down
Do drop comment.

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