27.. Her Hatred

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Alessandro's pov.

" Sir, don't worry, this is not critical case, the truck driver stopped the truck but Ma'am was shocked and fainted!" Doctor informed me the whole scenario.

I was relieved and tension free. When the phone call came informing me about her accident, terror filled inside me.

Negative thoughts automatically generated , I couldn't loose her. My heart clenched.

I realise how rigidly and truly, I loved her!

Her pale fainted face rendered my heart, I touched her soft delicate skin. I was hoping for her well being.

At some time, I was cursing myself, it was because of me.

After purchasing medicine for my life, I entered inside her chamber, there she was sitting afraid.

Confusion was clearly on her face, I was happy that she got her consciousness back.

I smiled, my legs chased her and I hugged her so tightly, showing my affection, and emotional strain.

" Alessandro, I am sorryy..." She whispered tightening our contact.

I didn't know why she was.. But I kept her close to me, so that she would never ever thought to left me.

" Alessandro, last night all your words let me feel like I don't deserve any love, that's why I over reacted. But I know you are teasing me only. Sorry! Alessandro, I love you💕.
I love you so much💖.
I don't want any delay in our love confession if you will left me❤️!"

What the juck! She was confessing, on the hospital bed. It was not romantic but definitely true and genuine.

" Donnn.... "I couldn't complete myself and she continued," Don't say anything, I know you don't have feelings for me, I don't want to force my love on you. But I want to let you know that I love you💓! "

" Shhh... Darling! Keep quiet! "I exclaimed and laid her on bed.

I smiled and set there on chair, I put some soup on the spoon and fed her.

" Baby girl, why do you take so much worry? "I asked very lovingly, she took the sip and looked at me embarrassingly what should she say.

" Don't blush darling, otherwise I will bite those cheeks. "I said winking ;-) her.

I fed her more soup, and then gave her the glass of water with the medicines.

" Donna, now listen to me! "I exclaimed while she gulped all the medicine.

" Who said that I don't love you, why confessing the love is only option? For me, love is a silent feeling which we feel with no exchange of words. "I asked her.

She was quiet, I continued," baby girl, can't you see in my eyes, how much I love you! "

" Why doll, why it is necessary to say, why can't you see in my eyes. "

She bit her lips and exclaimed with attitude," Now not a word, no more lecture, its enough Alessandro. Just shut your mouth! "

I was seeing her in awee, I didn't expect this reaction, my wife was back.

" What do you think Alessandro, I would say sorry and apologise, you are wrong! I am Donna, Donna Alessandro Douka. " She said with a smirk, I smirked too and chuckled, she also smiled.

" Doll shut my mouth by yourself! In the way of my wife Donna Alessandro Douka. " I tried to flirt and she blushed.

Her smiling face was so pretty, I couldn't drop my eyes from her and inadventiously smashed my lips to her.

My hands were resting beside her thighs, my tongue was pushing her tongue, fighting for dominance.

I could say she was smiling, her eyes had charm, suddenly I thought to play with her. I was chewing her lips.

I bit her lips, and broke our lip lock and uttered, " I love you, my bossy wife!"

She smiled. Suddenly, I heard a cough from the door and looked back.

There was a lady doctor wearing white coat. She was flushed, and said, " Oops! sorry to disturb you but excuse me I should check her."

Alessandro's pov end.


Donna's pov.

My accident changed my whole life upside down, the sense of loosing him made me go insane and I confessed without any delay.

I never thought that love would come in my life, I never ever thought that someone could love me. Because I believed it was for and by my Stephano.

I was combing my hair wearing a cream shrug over a white knee length light middy.

Alessandro had gone to check all the formalities for our trending launch.

At last, I got ready looking beautiful with a grey color bag. I smiled looking myself in mirror.

Everyone was already departed to club Emerald when I reached to the office. I too left.

I entered inside the venue, where approximately our guests and audience arrived before me.

How careless I was! Huff! I should come before them and I was acting like I was a guest.

Alessandro was no where in my sight. As I was searching him I interacted with a mid-fifties man, his vibes were negative.

" you are Miss Donna, myself Mr. Gambino!"

I forced a smile and then he congratulated for almost success of our project. Somehow I freed myself from the clutches of our guests.

One by one, everyone was coming to me to congratulate us, and some came to complement my beauty.

Oh gosh! ☺️

But I never cared! 😐


" Alessandro, where are you?" I yelled.

He turned towards me while checking all the dresses and facade smiled, I was sure.

" What happened Alessandro? Something is bothering you!" I exclaimed, he tried to excuse me.

But he forgot whom he was talking! 🙄

Might be because of pressure but His jovial nature never get upset.

" Alessandro, don't lie!"

" I am not lieing!"

" Swear on me! "

" Donna, from past two days, our project is suffering from crisis, and at this moment whole 10 dresses don't yet delievered." He stated , and he was saying that then. What the hell! 😑😑

" Alessandro, are you out of your mind? Why have you lurked this!" I said, even I was aware how caring and protective he was towards me.

How sweet of him! 😚 but he shouldn't take all pressure upon him.

I knew why all the problems, all the treachery, all the mishappenings was happening with us. It was Sophia!


I was entangling my hands with his, I looked at him and we shared a sweet smile.

Everything was resolved, I already ordered other dresses because after my detective told me about Sofia's intention, I was sure she would do something problematic.

I looked at her, she was there, her face had a very sightable expression, I wanted to laugh at her but controlled.


I saw Sofia standing at the edge of pool, backside the club.

I could say she had tears, why?
I still didn't know why was she doing such malignant works but her tears were real.

I was walking sluggishly, and brushed her shoulder, she looked at me.

Her redshot eyes had vengeance towards me which shuddered me.

" Why? Why? Why you always win, why after doing so much sin, you are living a happy life!" She yelled, her voice had pain, I was stumbed for what was happening. Her tears were flowing continuously.

I looked at her plainly, what sin I had done!
What were you even saying Donna, your life was the biggest sin.

" Sofia! What are you talking about? "I asked with a composit mind without loosing my temper.

" Ask yourself this question! "She exclaimed, I was plain.

I kept quiet," Why are you silent, Donna? Let me tell you, YOU ARE A MURDERER! "

She yelled on the top of her nerves, then lost all her temper.
I didn't even know when but she choked my neck with her hands trying to kill me. Might be I deserved this.

" Sofia... Let me go.... I will die! "I was out of air and choked.

I was trying to free myself from her clutch but in vain.

Out of somewhere, a hand of Simone came in my defence, it pushed her, I stepped back and was coughing badly with water in my eyes, what happened so sudden!

Someone hold me and I looked at him, it was my Alessandro.

" Sofia, have you lost your senses? How can you! "Simone yelled at her, she looked at him in the hope that he would take her stand.

Alessandro was holding me, I looked at her face, might be she thought Simone would do same but there he was taking my stand.

" Simone, I knew this, if it comes to you to choose between me and her, you will always choose her! "She said with the tears, what would I actually did?

" Sofia, why are you so impulsive, at least tell me what happened in real? What did I do? What is my fault? "I asked her.

" You are acting like, how innocent you are? "She said so ugly that I could feel that I had really did a sin. 😶

In the vague, she got distempered again to hold my neck again , I was so shocked what was happening and suddenly a slash of slap echoed there. 👋👋

Simone had slapped her, I never wanted this. I never wanted to strain someone's relation. She looked at him and was whispering, " He said right, you will always choose her!"

Who was he?

" Simone, I hate you!" She said looking at me with abbhorence and throwing daggers. 😧

Why it seemed so real? Had I really done some sin? 😟

I was standing like statue while she left, Simone was not in his state of mind, and didn't bother to go behind her.

" Donna, Are you okay?" He asked me with care, I just didn't understand why he was prioritising me over her.

" Simone , don't strain your relation over me, you should go behind her, didn't know why but her eyes had real pain!" I exclaimed , he looked at me. 😣

" Donna, have you looked how impulsive she was for you?" why? Why?

I understood the strength of our friendship but he needed to focus on his relation not me, and I simply asked him to go from there. 💕

" Donna, what happened?" Alessandro came infront of me, and looked my tearfilled eyes. 😥

Why those days, I could cry easily? 🤷‍♀️

" Alessandro, I never wanted to strain anyone's relation over me!" I exclaimed.

He hold my shoulders and said, " Baby.. Oops sorry baby girl, don't be guilty! They will resolve."

" Alessandro, you can call me baby!" I exclaimed with a smile, I never let him call me a baby because I believed it was always Stephano's right. I thought I would never love anyone, but love happened. So, why not forget and live happily.

He chuckled and even didn't bother to ask me a reason.

" Let's go doll! Press conference is about to start, we should be there." He said showing me his elbow to hold.

I entangled my hand and went with him, when I entered inside the hall, the splendour of flashlight was over me.

I smiled, Alessandro whispered in my ears," Now you become independent in real sense, the entrepreneur and you got your OWN business, my bossy wife!"

" Alessandrooo.." I complained while blushing and everyone noticed that, and now this paparazzi got a new gossip.

Let's see how paparazzi mould every situation! 😯🤥🤥


"So, ma'am how you both got idea about the starting of your own company? And why have you chosen only textile?" A young reporter asked me.

" Because we want to be independent, free of everyone. And as we are life partner, we could share our business, this is not a big deal. And about choosing clothing textiles, it was my long dream and Alessandro's choice too! "I exclaimed looking at him.

" Sir, can we ask a bit personal question? "A female journalist asked and he nodded.

" Don't take it as offence but when are you going to give us good news? " Everyone was hooting.

I was crimson red upon their question. Oh god!

But there was a point how would our baby looked like, I was lost in my lala land.

What should I name our children? 🙇‍♀️

Just shut up, Donna!

Suddenly Alessandro pinched my thighs and whispered in my ears,"How if we start from tonight?"

I nooked my elbows in his stomach.
" very funny!"

" I think you should ask this to my wife?" He excused himself after teasing me.

And that lady spotted my embarrassment and at last I said," Soon!"

They asked many questions about our set up, our strategies. Then we launched our magazine, fashionista. The whole press conference was going well and suddenly, a heart rendering question stabbed my heart.

" Ma'am I have listen somewhere that you have killed your own lover in your obsession, is it true?"

Everything made sense, Sofia also called me a murderer, what was going on!

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