5.. New Beginning

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"Dad why are you doing this with me? " Alessandro said in vexation.

"son I am doing nothing! " His father exclaimed with so much of ease.

"dad plz don't control my life. I am mature to handle me." whiningly, he said.

"son don't shout about your maturity, I know you very well. And last thing is I know what I am doing, so don't teach me. And it is my money. If you want anything than earn yourself, keep that in your mind." His father said sharply. He did not wanted to bound him, but wanted to realize him that he had his business, which he had to handle soon, so he should change his lifestyle.

" dad please I wanted to go Rome, Please give me money to book the flights. "he said.

" son but I don't want to waste my money on your stupid things. " His father said.

" and I know very well that why do you want to go!" He continued.

" dad what's the problem of you with me and Sofia. Why are you coming between us? I love her. Then why are you against our relationship. "Alessandro said irritatingly, didn't know why his father was acting like a villain in his love story.

" son first of all, low your voice and the last I am not against of your relationship. I only want you to understand your responsibilities. " His father said.


" ok you can go on one condition!" His father said after a long heated arguement between them, giving him a hope that something could be resoved, he looked back with his sparkling eyes towards him.

which condition? I will do anything. Just let me go. " he said desperately, how eager he was to be with his Sofia!

" son first listen me, then decide." His father said.

"dad whatever it is just tell me, I will do." he said without listening him.

"ok.. Come to studyroom." ordering him , he left that place.


Donna was busy in checking all the files of next meeting and listening her secretary who was explaining all the terms and condition to her.

There was no stress, no tension, no guilt, no happiness, nothing at her face. It was seemed that she was suffering from bipolor personality disorder But that was her.

Everyday was predicting her newly and differently. Everyday told something new about her.

Donna was different from everyone. It was not because she was rude. It was because of her rough memories. She was struggling not from any problem. But from her ownself. She was torning her soul but she never showed this to anyone.

She didn't trust anyone and the whom she trusted left her.

"Mia, you are going to give the presentation." ordering her secretary, she said. Her secretary was frightened, what if nothing went well

"but ma'am how can.." her secretary said, but stopped in midst of her statement looking at her authoritative face, because there was no point in arguing.


"Hello Maria... Just listen to me." she squirreled in excitememt, listening her excitement, Maria calmed her down.

With hope and happiness, she announced that she was going to be an intern of Simone Alphonsi. Maria congratulated her as it was a great news, this was dream come true. Sofia always desired to do her internship under him.

Sophia's joy had no boundaries as she had put a lot of hard work for this opportunity under her role model.

Everything was clear for her. She was dreaming of becoming a great designer. But her life was going to change and took a U- turn from there.

The name Simone Alfonsi was going to change the meaning of her whole life without any warning.


Coming inside her suit, after a long tiring day, Donna changed her formal attire into casual one.

The door bell ring. She tied her hair into a messy bun and opened the door of her suit. There was a courier boy who had her courier. Donna was confused whom had sent her such a big courier, Signing all the formality she made that courier placed inside her suit by that man.

Suddenly an urge of hunger striked her, so she left the courier and went to kitchen for calming her aching stomach.

Then she forgot about the box and went in studyroom to study the next project.

What was present in the box was still a mystery that time!


Dad why are you twisting the things.. Just tell me what is the condition.. I will do it! Don't oversmart me!" Alessandro said. He was irritated due to his dad's twisted conversation.

"son it is simple. If you go Rome then you have to handle our business there! I must say how desperate you are for Sofia! " his dad replied.

He sighed, it was easy. Everything was clear for him. For him, his father's business was a minor thing.

But then her father dropped a bomb on him saying he wanted all the reports of their business in Rome, and it was specifically made by his own hand. He was shocked, how could he!

His father said that it was his problem, even he had done masters in the business, then he could do such an easy thing. He ordered him to present  whole reports at his table at sharp 9 am next day.

Alessandro was perplexed that time. He could do anything for meeting his Sofia. He set on the chair and opened the laptop for studying the Rome branch thoroughly.

That moment was like the ordeals of his love.

But he didn't know what future was beholding for him!


It was 4:00 am of Morning. Donna was doing gym in her mini gym Room. Suddenly a phone call came to her. She picked the call.

"Hello, just tell me why have you called?" 

"Donna where is your manners?" her brother said.

"Earnest just shut up. Now don't waste your and my time and tell me why have you called?" 

"Donna can't you talk properly. Let it be! To whom I am smashing my head."

"Donna now tell me why have you stoop too low to frame mother." 

"Earnest let me clear one thing. I don't have useless time to waste on you and your mother. Now just shut up and cut the call. And you want to talk something important then call me, otherwise don't you try to waste my time." she said rudely, her statement was true and it had deepened meaning to understand.

She cut the call. She could hear some voices coming from lobby, it was like someone was opening something.

Coming out of the gym, she witnessed that the big parcel was squirming and shaking like someone wanted to come outside from it.

Opening the edges of box one by one, she opened the gift of wonder.

She was surprised to see the one who was inside the box. When she looked at the person, she laughed like she never did.

That surprise was quite amazing, interesting and exciting.


Alessandro was making the report using his all his knowledge and wits. This was the first time he was doing something for the Douka empire. 

Just the love of one girl made him do so. But this love could stand. Had they really made for each other? Or the love they called was just infatuation.

That was their love but could their love stand in thick and thin. That was can predict by only future. Let see all that in their future.

Alessandro was working hard. When he was making report, he didn't make report only for Sophia, he was feeling amazing when he made and study that branch.

The diplomacy of his father was really working well that time. He was not doing that work under any pressure. It was his wish. Might be that was the time of him to understand his duties and responsibilities.

Completing his report, he without waiting for a second went to his father to show him the file.


Donna was laughing like maniac with no limits on her laughter.

The person who was in box was seeing her happily. He was handsome, dashing and dude. His abs were pouncing from his shirt.

"Donna you know what you look really beautiful when you laugh!" He complimented her.

Donna tried to resist her laugh, clutching her stomach she set on Sofa and exclaimed, "Sim you know what you are joker! " 

"I don't have any problem to be a joker, if you are ready to smile like this always." he stated.

After chatting some value talk. She asked him, "Sim tell me one thing. How have you been in Rome?"

"Donna I have actually shifted here. I have come only yesterday." he said.

"Even you didn't bother to tell me, this is wrong Sim! " she said pretending to be angry.

So for mollifying her he kissed her cheek. She looked at him in bewildermemt.

"as a friendly gesture, Donna." he said before Donna said something and she smiled.


After a long conversation between them, Sim said, "Donna by the way when there is guest come, you have to ask him dinner, supper, breakfast, I have heard."

"who is the guest?" she said. He pointed to his side.

"just shut up, Sim, you are not any guest." 

"ok angry Don. I understand don't be angry." 

"by the way Sim I am hungry, please make something from your hand. I want to eat something made of your hand. Please." 

She pouted.

"Donna you don't have to request me, just order me, and everything is in front of you." 

She smiled.

They together made breakfast and then ate with each other. They spend a good quality morning. After that they do bid a bye to each other.


Alessandro showed his reports to his father. But actually he was not showing the report to his father but to the CEO of Douka group of industry. His father checked the report and then the thing which happened was quite unexpected. His dad threw the file in trash and yelled, it was utter nonesense, didn't he know he should check all the reports again.

He whispered, dad but his father didn't want to listen him and told him that he was his boss.

"Do one thing check that file again and correct it, get out for now! " he said irritatedly and took a sigh, putting his hand on his forehead.

Alessandro was so frustrated and angry because of his own father that how could he insult him like this!

Little he knew the gap of professional and personal life. He didn't know about professionalism, so he felt hurt. He took the file and left from there.


When he looked that file again. He found many flaws. He realised that moment, every work should be checked after finishing.

He corrected all the flaws. That time when he was rechecking the file, he found many lacking in his work, So he again made a whole report correcting all the flaws.

His report was indeed good but his father didn't appreciate him for his work when he showed him because it would made him boost to himself.

He said that it was ok. He could went Rome. But Alessandro did not get satisfaction. He was curious that moment to learn new things about business.

That day was very different in everyone lives. Alessandro learnt new things as a new beginning of his life.

Sophia got new opportunities in her life to achieve her dream.

The Great Donna de Costa was also felt delighted.

That was indeed a new beginning, the beginning which make few people closer and few people wider.

Everything was going to be changed. The true knots were going to be tied.

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