Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels

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Samantha stopped her car in front of Amaxi Hotels headquarters and grabbed her bag and opened the car door and got out of the car.

The valet took her car for parking and her P.A and CFO and the 3 managers of different departments and Head manager of the Hotel walked towards her.

"Good Morning, Ms. Julie." Her P.A, Quency and CFO and 3 Managers and Head manager of the Hotel said.

"Good Morning. Let's talk while walking around the Hotel." Sam said with a business tone and they all gulped down with fear.

"Ye... Yes, Ms. Julie." The Head Manager said.

Samantha handed her bag to Her P.A Quency and took the file from her started walking around the garden and everyone followed behind her.

Only some important people in the Hotel know who Samantha actually is! Other than them, No one in the world knows who she is or who is the Founder and Owner of Amaxi Hotels and Resorts.

Amaxi name was inherited by the names of Samantha and Alexi. The first three letters of Amaxi are from Samantha's and the last two letters are from Alexi.

Amaxi Hotels and Resorts are famous and popular worldwide, that is every celebrity wants to visit Amaxi and have high security around the Hotel. Not even a single paparazzi person can enter into the Amaxi.

Amaxi is in the top 1 in the world of the Hotel Industry and they also come under the world's longest chain hotels. Samantha worked so hard to bring Amaxi in this position.

Amaxi is famous for the views of New York which has its own specialties. But, Amaxi gives has a Speciality too which no hotels have until now. Amaxi sees everyone equally either they are rich, poor, or middle-class families.

Amaxi is a Hotel, which middle class and poor families can't afford it. For them, Amaxi directly sends the invitation to five of the families each day for dinner in there Hotel with a free of cost.

The families who were got invited by Amaxi have a different and luxury special restaurant in the main branch which is only reserved for personal reservations.

Because, when she is small, she dreamed to go to big hotels with their families but the family couldn't afford it. So, with this thing, Sam wants those people who dream about having a meal in Big Hotels come true.

"So?" Sam asked she looked around the garden.

"Food and Beverage team, Ms. Julie." Said one Director and Samantha nodded her head to continue.

"There is going to be a party in one of our banquet halls." The food and beverage team director said.

"So?" Sam asked.

"This party is giving by Johnson Davis. He requested you to join the Party." The director said.

"You know, I will not accept any and can't attend any?" Sam asked.

"Yes but..." Samantha cut off in mid-sentence by showing her hand to him to stop.

"There is no need for me to attend this party. Next." Samantha said with authority.

"Yes, Ms. Julie." The food and beverage director said.

"About the new construction proposal." Another director said.

"Continue." Samantha said as she looked around the Hotel.

"There is an updated proposal regarding Construction of New Resort in Italy." The director said as he handed a file to Samantha and she went through life.

"The site is the same as the proposal we have reviewed in the previous presentation." The director said and Sam nodded.

"We went through the papers and we will not have any problems by obtaining this site." The director said.

"Look into it more." Samantha said as she handed the file back to the director.

"Yes, Ms. Julie." The Director said.

"Financial Department, it's regarding bank right?" Samantha asked.

"Yes, Ms. Julie. It's regarding a bank." The CFO said.

"Continue." Samantha asked as she looked at him.

"Yes, Ms. Julie. There is a bank that is proposing to give us many loans with a lower interest rate." The CFO said as he handed her the file and they all walked inside the private Elevator and Samantha checked the file briefly.

"But, he wants to meet you first." The CFO said.

"Do I have to meet him?" Samantha asked.

"It's good for us and the Hotel if you meet him once." The CFO said and Samantha looked at him and nodded.

"Schedule a meeting with him." Samantha said to her P.A, Quency.

"Yes, Ms. Julie." Quency said.

"Mail me this month Accounts." Samantha said.

"Yes, Ms. Julie." The CFO said.

"Is the CEO arrived?" Samantha asked.

"Yes, Ms. Julie. He is in his office. Should I give him a call to come to your office?" Quency asked.

"No, I will go to his office." Samantha said.

"Yes, Ms. Julie." Quency said.

The Elevator door opened on the 45th floor and Samantha got out of the Elevator and walked towards the CEO's office.

Samantha knocked on the door and a very deep and masculine voice from inside said "Come in."

Samantha opened the door and walked inside.

"Good Morning, Mr. CEO. I hope, I am nor disturbing you?" Samantha asked in a professional tone.

The person behind the desk looked up at her and got up from the chair and walked around and leaned on the desk.

"Of course, Not Ms. Julie. By the way Good Morning." The person said with the same professional tone.

Samantha laughed and walked towards him and hugged him and he hugged her back.

"Hello, Noah." Samantha said.

"Hello, Sweetheart." Noah said as he kissed her forehead.

"You feeling good today?" Noah asked.

"Yes." Sam said.

"Good." Noah said.

Noah is like an elder brother to Samantha and Alexi, which they never had. Noah is one of the person on whom Samantha and Alexi can trust on.

Samantha and Noah share a beautiful bonding of a brother and sister.

They helped each other in their hard times and now is successful in their lives...

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