Davis Mansion

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Cynthia looked up at Martin as her own son and made Johnson and Martin into real brothers. She made sure, they were with each other whenever they need each other.

But, Unfortunately, after Jessica entered into the Davis Mansion everything started changing between Robert and Jessica.

They started fighting more and more every day and Cynthia went into the Depression and did suicide.

Johnson saw his Mom crying every day and suffering from the pain. She acted as she is happy in front of Johnson and Martin but actually, Johnson and Martin knows she isn't happy.

After Cynthia Suicide, Johnson stopped talking with his Dad and Stepmom and blamed them for her death and still blame them for her death. He hates them to hell.

But, Jessica tried to talk with Johnson after his Mom's death. She tried to give him mother's love and affection to him but Johnson used to shout at her whenever she comes in front of him or tried to talk with him.

Johnson thinks that, if Jessica didn't come into their life, his mother would be still alive and be happy and smiling around him.

He promised himself that he would never ever forgive them for what they did with his Mom.

Jessica's heart breaks every time Johnson looked at her like she is the murderer of his Mom. Jessica wants Johnson to be happy and she is ready to ask for forgiveness for what she did to Davis's family but he would never even give a glare to her.

She wants to hug him and take out his pain from this world and wants to give him the love that his Mom would give if she is alive. Even though she is a Stepmother of Johnson, she feels likes he is her Son.

She wants to show Johnson, how much she loves him and care for him but Johnson didn't give a single chance to her until now even though, he is not her own son, her mother esteem beat for him to hug him and give him all the love that mother gives to her son.

Even though Johnson shouts on her every single day, she tries her best to show him how much she cares for him but it was nothing for Johnson but just acting showing as she loves him...

Jessica accepted his punishment from Johnson by not talking with her nor giving a single glare to her. Jessica's heart scatters when Johnson shouts at her. She cries.

She cries alone in her room, knowing that how much big mistake she did in her life by breaking someone's innocent heart and the main thing is she doesn't even know will that heart ever fix again to its position or not?

But, She is happy for what Johnson is today and proud of what he achieved today. In one word, Jessica loves Johnson more than his own Son Martin.

Robert Davis is one of the influential person in the World. He loves his wife, Cynthia a lot. But, it was a drunken mistake which was happened with Jessica and that leads to the Pregnancy of Jessica and Robert didn't have the heart to kill his own blood, his own child. But, he didn't regret Martin ever in his life.

Robert and Cynthia was an Arranged Marriage by his family but they loved each other more than anything. But, It's hurt him and break his heart into pieces to see Cynthia in pain but he can't do anything at that moment.

Cynthia made herself away from Robert after Jessica entered into their lives. Even though, Jessica entered into his life he still loves Cynthia. Robert always has a special place for Cynthia in his heart for now and Forever.

He wants his Son, Johnson to talk with him and spend the time with him how parents do with their children. But, it seems like, it never gonna happen.

Robert wants to ask forgiveness from him and wants to explain to him but in these 11 years of Cynthia's death, Johnson didn't give a single chance to Robert nor Jessica to explain to him.

After 1 year of Cynthia's death. Robert married Jessica even though, he loves Cynthia just because of his both Sons. He don't want Johnson to be without a mother and don't want anyone to call Martin as an illegitimate child.

Johnson and Martin are stepbrothers, but they both didn't ever felt as stepbrothers and felt each other as Own Brothers. They both share a beautiful bonding with each other. There are no secrets between them and share everything with each other. They love each other as own Brothers.

"Oh, My lion is here." Marina, the head maid of the Mansion, who is in her mid 50's said as soon as she saw Johnson walked to the big dining room.

"Good Morning, Marina." Johnson said as he kissed her cheek.

"Good morning, John. You ready to go to the company?" Marina asked.

"Yes." Johnson replied with a big smile and Marina smiled back.

"Sit down, I will serve your breakfast." Marina said and Johnson nodded and sat on the dining chair and Marina served Johnson breakfast.

Just then, Robert and Jessica walked inside the Dining room and sat beside Johnson but Johnson didn't look up at him and started having his breakfast and Marina served Robert and Jessica their breakfast too.

"You have breakfast. I will bring your juice." Marina said and Johnson nodded with a smile and Marina disappeared into the kitchen.

Marina is the one, who looked up at Johnson when Cynthia died and gave him the strength to stand on his feet. Cynthia and Marina were close. So, they both know about each other a lot. Marina was and is everything for Johnson. She loves him and He loves her. Johnson looked up at Marina as his Mother figure.

"Johnson." Robert called.

"Yes?" Johnson called.

"Congratulations." Robert said.

"Why?" Johnson asked and Robert raised his eyebrows.

"You got an award." Robert said but it was like more of a question.

"It's not my award. It's the company's." Johnson said.

"But, it's your hard work." Robert said and Johnson signed.

"No, It's everyone's hard work who works in my company." Johnson said and Robert nodded.

"And." Johnson said and Robert looked at Johnson.

"I know, why you didn't come to Awards night last night? You want me to take that award on your place as your son, right?" Asked Johnson.

"Johnson." Robert said sternly.

"You are the chairman of the Company and the award is yours, I will never steal or cheat on someone else awards." Johnson said by looking at Jessica and she lowered her eyes.

"It's your company too, Dammit." Robert shouted and Johnson chuckled.

"Then, write the Company on my name." Johnson said.

"I will but for that, you need to get married first." Robert said.

"I will for sure but not the girl you want me to marry. I just don't want to make a mistake." Johnson said by focusing on the word Mistake.

"Johnson." Marina Called angrily and Johnson looked at Marina.

"I don't want this to repeat again." Marina said.

"But..." Johnson tried to argue.

"I said, I don't want this topic to be repeated again." Marina said sternly.

"Yes." Johnson replied.

"Come home early today. Ashley wants to meet you." Marina said and Johnson nodded and got up from the chair and walked out of the Mansion and got into his car and the driver started the engine and started driving to the Company.

For now, he stopped talking about this matter but Johnson knows that he needs to face them both one day...

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