Julie's House

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"Mom, Dad. We are home." Alexi yelled as she got out of the car and ran inside the house.

"Uff! This girl is still a kid." Samantha chuckled at her and walked inside the house.

"Lexi, first get a shower. You are sticky." Cassandra yelled at Alexi.

"Cassandra, she just came home. Let her just take a breath." Liam said and Cassandra glared at Liam.

"Hey, Mom and Dad." Samantha said as she walked inside the house.

"Oh, you came early today?" Cassandra asked Samantha.

"We came together." Alexi said.

"Oh, How? You went to different works, right?" Cassandra asked.

"Yeah, But my shoot was in Amaxi. I finished early so I dragged Sam home early too." Alexi said.

"You did good, Lexi. She needs rest. Look at her, how workaholic she is becoming." Liam said.

"Dad." Samantha said.

"Okay, Okay. Now, girls. Go and get fresh. I will make dinner for us." Cassandra said.

"Mom, I will make dinner for us today." Samantha said.

"It's okay, Honey. I will make it. You look tired." Cassandra said.

"Mom, please..." Samantha said.

"Yes, Mom. It's been so long I eat Sam's food." Alexi said.

"Okay, fine." Cassandra said and Samantha and Alexi smiled.

"Just give me a few minutes, i will shower and come." Samantha said and Cassandra nodded and Alexi walked upstairs to her room.

"Ahhh! My body is aching so badly and my eyes and legs are paining." Alexi said.

"Show me your legs." Liam said and took Alexi's leg in his hands and kept it on his thigh and took her heels and checked her ankle.

"Ahhh! Dad. It hurts like a bitch." Alexi said as Liam checked her Ankle.

"Language, Lexi." Cassandra yelled.

"Yeah, Sorry." Alexi Said.

"Ok, the pain is here." Liam said and Alexi nodded like a small kid.

"I will keep the ice. It will be okay till morning. Don't worry, Sweetheart." Liam said with a smile and kissed Alexi's feet lovingly.

"Dad, don't do that. I already told you many times." Alexi said.

"And I already told you both many times too that you both my daughter and I'm doing this from your birth and i will do it until I die and I'm not ashamed in kissing my daughter's feet." Liam said with a smile.

"But, Dad..." Alexi tried to talk but Liam cut her off.

"You and Sam are my both eyes, Alexi. And you know that you both are so precious and blessing to us." Liam said with a big smile.

"Dad..." Alexi said and hugged Liam and he chuckled and hugged her back.

"Oh, Where are Mumma's hugs?" Cassandra asked and Liam chuckled.

"Look, your mom is jealous now." Liam said and Alexi laughed.

"Of course, I will be Jealous. Your both daughters are your eyes and what am I?" Cassandra asked as she folded her hands on her chest.

"Oh, baby! You are my heart." Liam said as he walked towards Cassandra and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Oh, really?" Cassandra asked raised her eyebrows.

"Yes." Liam said and kissed Cassandra cheek and she giggled and Alexi laughed.

"Guys, stop now. Do your Romance in your room, not in front of your kids." Alexi said with a laugh.

"You idiot." Cassandra said and walked towards her and slapped on Alexi's head and Liam laughed.

"Ouch, Mom. That hurts. Alexi yelled as he rubbed her head.

"I know." Cassandra said and Alexi groaned.

"Does it hurts badly?" Cassandra asked as she indicated her finger to Alexi's leg.

"Yes." Alexi said angrily.

"Why will not you be careful on sets, Alexi?" Cassandra asked angrily to Alexi.

"I was so hurried that I even don't when my ankle got twisted." Alexi said.

"And why that hurry for?" Cassandra asked.

"Because your daughter was out of her mind." Alexi blunted out.

"What?" Cassandra asked and then realised what she told.

"Um... Umm... Um..." Alexi Stuttered.

"Alexi, tell us the truth." Liam said sternly and Alexi nodded and told them everything happened in Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels.

"That bloody bastard. How dare he touch my daughter?" Liam shouted angrily.

"Liam, calm down please." Cassandra said.

"Yes, Dad and I already make sure that he can't come near Sam again." Alexi said.

"What is his name?" Liam asked.

"Dad, please no." Alexi said.

"Alexi, You still didn't go to your room?" Samantha asked as she walked downstairs in her Pyjamas.

"Dad, we will talk about this later but please don't ask anything to Sam. She maybe gets disturbed." Alexi said and Liam looked at her angrily but nodded.

"Yeah, I am going now." Alexi said and got up from the couch and grabbed her bag and walked upstairs.

"What happened, Dad? You look like, you are thinking about something?" Samantha asked.

"Nothing, Sweety." Liam said and got up from the couch and walked towards Samantha.

"You okay, right?" Liam asked and Samantha looked at him and nodded.

"Ye... Yes, Dad." Samantha stuttered and Liam hugged her tightly and Samantha felt like her world is crashing down.

The secret, which is she keeping from her family from years making her fear. She fears that maybe her family will get to know it and see her vulnerable side.

A lone tear falls down from Samantha's eye and Liam wiped it and kissed her forehead.

"Sam, Sweetheart. I'm your Dad. You can always count on me. You can tell me anything anytime anywhere. There is nothing to fear Honey. Whatever it may be, I will not judge you or blame you. Just keep this in your mind. I am always here for you." Liam said and Samantha nodded with more tears.

"Sweetie, Don't cry. You are my big support in my life. If it's not because of you both, I don't know what and where i would be today." Liam said he cupped Samantha's face.

"But, it still... Hurts Dad. So badly." Samantha said with tears and Lian hugged her again so tightly.

"I know, Sam. I know. But, they are regretting it now, Sweetie. Don't worry, Everything will be alright." Liam said and kissed Samantha's head and she nodded.

"Now, stop crying like a baby. You are my brave daughter." Liam said wiping her tears away and Samantha chuckled and nodded.

"Sorry, I just got carried away." Samantha said.

"No, Sweetie. It's okay to cry sometimes. I know my daughter is strong and don't give up on life easily." Liam said and Samantha nodded.

"I will make dinner now." Samantha said and Liam nodded and Samantha looked at her Mom, Cassandra and just then she wiped her tears away from her eyes.

Because Cassandra knows her daughters don't like to see tears in their eyes. Just because of their tears, their daughters work so hard to give a better life to their parents.

She knows, how strong their daughters are how matured too. They gave answers with their Success to everyone, who pointed out their fingers at them. Cassandra is so proud of her daughters.

Samantha nodded at Cassandra and she smiled back at her Daughter and Samantha walked inside the Kitchen.

"Can't we do anything to take her pain out, Liam?" Cassandra asked.

"I don't know, Cassandra... By looking at her, I came to know that she needs love... Not our's but someone else's... A stranger's." Liam said.

"But, she is not ready to date, Liam." Cassandra said.

"I know but... We need to be strict now, Cassandra. There is surely something, Sam is hiding from us. We need to find a guy, who can take her pain out." Liam said.

"I know someone, he may take her pain out." Cassandra said and Liam looked at her.

"I'm back." Alexi yelled as she comes downstairs in her pyjamas.

"Let's talk about this later." Liam said and Cassandra nodded and walked inside the kitchen to help Samantha.

"Sit down here, I will bring some ice." Liam said to Alexi and she nodded and he went to bring the ice.

Alexi switched on the TV and changed the channel to the modeling channel and started drooling over the dresses on tv.

"I'm surely going to own them all." Alexi said.

"Sweetie, you have so many clothes in your big closet." Liam said as he sat beside her and rubbed the ice cube on Alexi ankle.

"Yeah, Dad. But, I love these clothes. God! Look at her shoes. I am going to own them too." Alexi said and Liam chuckled and shook his head Alexi.

Soon, Everyone sat on the dining table and started having their dinner.

Suddenly, Samantha's phone rang and she looked at the screen and saw Quency name and answered the phone.

"I'm so sorry to call you at this time, Sam but Mr. Johnson Davis wants to meet you and he is telling the reason is something personal." Quency said on the phone.

"No problem, Quency but didn't you told him that I will not meet him?" Samantha asked.

"I said, Sam but he personally called me and asked me for the Appointment of yours. I even suggested him to talk with CEO but he is hell adamant for your appointment." Quency said.

"What is there to talk personally?" Samantha asked.

"I don't know, Sam." Quency said.

"Okay, fix the appointment with him tomorrow." Samantha said.

"Okay, Sam. Good night." Quency said.

"Good night." Samantha said and ended the call.

"What is it, Sam?" Cassandra asked.

"Johnson Davis wants my appointment it seems, Mom." Samantha said.

"Johnson Davis?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes." Samantha said.

"Why?" Cassandra asked.

"I don't know too, Mom." Samantha said.

"Well, I heard a lot about him. He may be arrogant or dominant but he is so good at heart." Cassandra said.

"Mom, stop talking about him now. let's discuss something else." Samantha said and Cassandra nodded.

Everyone had their dinner and retired to their beds... Hoping to happen something miracle that changes the girl's lives.

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