Crush confession - tutoring english/study date

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Austen begins to feel the sweat from in the palm of hands get tighter and tighter as he paces up and down his living room awaiting for Billie to arrive at his house for a study date , she needs help with the latest English homework assignment about one of William Shakespeare's most famous play a Midsummer Night's Dream and the only  person she knew would her help the assignment is Austen after hearing he helped and tutored several of her best friends like Emma (Roberts), Keke(Palmer),Abbie (Breslin),Lea (Michele) ,Evan (Peters)and Finn (Wittrock) with their assignments in the past and advised Billie that Austen would be the one to help her as well

Austen's POV
I think I've made a huge mistake why on earth did I agree to tutor Billie Lourd of all people, i mean she's...she's...really gorgeous and has really nice brown eyes and...lips, wait what I'm talking about she's definitely not into me I don't think I'm her type anyways so she wouldn't even give me the time of day but if my name was Cody (Fern) that would a different story

The door rings knowing Billie is behind it Austen starts grow more panicked before taking a breath in then out afterwards he slowly makes to the front door

Austen's POV
Oh my god it's her she's she's here

He puts his hand on the door knob and gently opens the door to Billie waiting outside giving him a warm smile

"Hi Austen" she said kindly stepping his house as he awkwardly smiles back at her before he quickly closes the behind not letting the cold get into the house as Billie takes off her coat with on hand and carries her backpack with the other hand then she puts her coat  on the coat hanger under the stairs as Austen stands widened eyed by the front door mesmerised by Billie's appearance, she soon catches him staring when she takes a sit on the sofa lays her backpack down onto the floor and begins to take her homework from her backpack on the coffee table "Are you ok Austen?" She asked concerned with a hint of worry in her voice

Austen's POV
What are you waiting for say something Austen

"Oh sorry I just zoned out for a second and forgot what I was doing for a minute there" Austen said nervously covering his tracks hoping Billie would believe his lie "Don't worry that's totally normal I have days like that too sometimes" Billie said kindly gestures for Austen to sit beside he shyly smiles in repose then goes to get his backpack from the coat hanger and sets it aside Billie's on the floor  before finally down next to her

Sky begun to dark as Billie and Austen got further into their conversation about the complicated love triangle of A Midsummer's night dream "So Hermia is love with Lysander and Helena is love with Demetrius But Hermia is arranged to marry Demetrius and Helena arranged to marry Lysander I'am right?" Billie asked confused then playfully giggles

"Yes your right Billie well done I know the story is complicated you've remember that part of the story really well, but i have to warn you now the story does get a lot more complicated once Oberon and Titania came into the story" Austen replies calmly turning the page on the text book where it shows Oberon and Titania in the forest outside Athens

"But what about Nick Bottom the guy who gets turned into donkey by puck later in the story and his friends out in the other side of the forest rehearsing a play about the duke and queen "the most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe" Billie excitedly asked

Austen begins to laugh uncontrollably then Billie playfully hits him on the shoulder while she smiles and laughs "What are you laughing at me?" She asked happily trying hold in her laugh but end up bursting into a loud laughter while Austen continues to laugh uncontrollably as water fall from his water and his turned bright red but all through it he mangers to say jokingly "I'm laughing about the way you said the guy who got turned into a donkey and it doesn't help that his name is Nick Bottom ether"

"SHUT UP!" Billie shouts cheerfully and adds jokingly "So I guess he's also the ass of the story" her and Austen suddenly both to start uncontrollably laugh together and water dips from both of their eyes, the laughter lasted a few minutes more until Billie and Austen fell their stomachs hunting from laughing so much

"Billie I never knew you were so funny"   Austen said wiping the water from his eye while Billie the did same and said calmly looking into Austen's eyes "Well I live something my mom would always say if my life wasn't funny it would just be true and that's unacceptable" Billie said trying stopping herself from tearing up as her eyes began to fill with tears "I'm really sorry about your mom and grandma Billie I knew you very close to both of them and loved them a lot" Austen said putting his arm around Billie to comfort her as she starts to cry

Austen uses his other hand grab the tissue box from the coffee table and gives Billie a tissue "Thank you Austen" she tearful wiping her tears away with the tissue then says with sadness in voice "I'm really sorry I ruined our study date" "Oh no don't worry you haven't anything Billie" Austen said kindly giving more tissues as more tears stream down Billie's face "I really them miss so much" she said sadly resting her head onto Austen's chest then burning it tightly to stop herself from crying while his holds her closer to him putting the box of tissues back onto the coffee table

Austen's POV
I can't tell Billie about I how feel about her now, her mom and passed away a few days ago and then her grandma the following day away So wouldn't be right for me to tell her about it

Billie's head slowly pops up from Austen's chest and gives Austen a warm smile as he smiles back at her, a few seconds both of them say nothing to other each fulls silent the room then both of them look into each other eyes without blinking until Austen moves one of hands to stoke Billie's hair and softly cup her face while she close her eyes then Austen slowly moves his away from her face making Billie clearly now upset with him

"Austen why did you stop?" She asked concerned moving Austen's other away from hair and into her hand to softly hold it making their intwined together  

Austen's POV
Oh man what do I say, what I say now

"Well I erm Billie I...." He struggled to say nervously Billie now holds his tightly and smiles "it's ok you don't need to say it Austen because I already know" She said happily looking down at Austen's hand while he looks at her confused "You already now what Billie?" He asked concerned she laughs and says playfully moving her hair to the side of ear "I know that you really like me a lot and that's ok because I really liked you secretly too" which fills Austen's face with surprise and shock

Austen's POV
Oh my god I can't believe this is happening right Billie had a crush on me all this time and I was too stupid to know that she did really like after all

"But what about you and Cody? Austen asked curiously wanting to know what Billie's answer would be "Oh Cody and I are just really good that's all, but a lot of people at school think that we're dating but we're not" Billie replies shyly "But I always thought there something going between you two because your always hanging out with him in and outside of school all the time" Austen adds quite puzzled and surprised by Billie's answer but laughs it off

"There's absolutely nothing going on between me and Cody so you have nothing to worry about sweetie" she said throwing both her arms around Austen's shoulders and smiling like a Cheshire Cat while Austen slowly leans in to finally give Billie a sweet and tender kiss 

Austen's POV
Is this real right now please god don't let this be a dream

Billie kisses him back with more heated passion, Austen begins to feel overwhelmed and quickly backs in fear which makes Billie take her arms off his shoulder in shock "I'm sorry Austen I got a little too carried away with I hope I didn't mean to scary" she said concerned while giggling softly "No worries Billie and you're a really good kisser by the way"

Billie begins use both of her hands to cover her eyes in embarrassment and laugh loudly then shyly says "Oh Thanks your not so bad yourself" Austen softly takes both of Billie's hands away from her face and places them onto into lap then puts hands on top of hers and kindly says "You have no reason to be embarrassed Billie and if anyone should be embarrassed it should be me not you and once in my life I'm not embarrassed because I'm with you and I wanna take things slow before we get into anything more beyond kissing each other if that's ok with you"

Billie gives him a warm smile once again and winks "No that at all Austen I totally I agree with you, I wanna do everything you said with you as well before we drive into any other part in own relationship too quickly and that's by starting with you continuing to teach me more about A Midsummer Night's Dream because that assignment ain't gonna do it's self now Austen"

He softly laughs while Billie with along with him before sharing another short and quick kiss

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