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Im bored lets do i tag

(I tag stalkingkilling sweetshinee- @theinternetisqueer letrashiestofcans soggyelbow kinKtaes I have no friends)


1)i like pet names (if you are tagged cAll me pet names k thanks) but if you call me angel, pumpkin (lola used to call me those when she- ya know.... nvm thats depressing we're not going to talk about that) or like 3 other names that only sweetshinee- is aloud to call me, but dw you wont call me those accidentally because—

2)i am 8 stone 5 (?) i think maybe idk
Ew wtf can you loose more weight please jord you cow ?

3) i bruise extremely easily, i can literally walk on my knees for 3 metres and my whole knees will be bruised for a week

4) i have special blood which is literally neon pink and doesnt clot properly when i get cuts so i always think im dying ?

5) i have EXTREMELY short legs, my sister is the same height as me and her legs are literally 20cm+ longer than mine and people say she has short legs ?

6)i cant walk up stairs, i crawl

7) i sleep in tights and a big sweater so don't invite me on a sleepover

8) if you do invite me round for a sleepover then ill just tightly grab onto your side or something weird so you dont leave me

9) im protective

10) I accidentally bite people at school and get in trouble

11) I constantly get in trouble at school for napping

12) i play ukulele and keyboard (vvvv badly)

13) i like to draw (duh)

14) i am gAy (idek my sexuality tbh)

15) 14 people (that i know of) would date me (i did a 'screenshot if youd date me' on sc and not even Remi screenshotted im still sobbing,,,but i found out that some popular hoes who everyone thinks are straight would date me ? Ew go home)

16) i have a lit gf shes gay

17) i act 4

18) i still suck my thumb (wtf)

19) if i dont have my teddy, i wont sleep. Her name is poppy and my dad won her for me at an arcade in the summer and i cried. He won it for me because i used to have jessie the sloth that he won for me but then lola told me i was too old for teddies and told me to get rid of it.... aNYWAY-

20) if you raise your voice at me, ill cry

21) i have met oli white and emma blackery (i would show pictures but i look like a toad in them,,,,youve probably seen them before anyway)

22) im meeting dan and phil in a couple months

23)luna and charlie are my only irl friends

24)i watched ONE scary show like 4 days ago and im still having nightmares (,,,again, i act 4)

25) i am 5'4 pls dont bully me i am talL LEAVE ME ALONE I AM VVVV TALL SUCH GIANT VERY BIG MUCH WOW

26) i have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and dyslexia soooooo fUck u

27) counselling and therapy is stupid and doesnt help in my opinion ? I hates it so i stopped going lmao oops

28)i am 12 days clean

29)i am extremely obese ay

30) i have deformed bones

Okay thanks bye, if you read all of these then im vvvv proud I appreciate

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