The Zeros Maker

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we open up in a house that was night time in it as we got closer we see a white haired male in bed sleeping

Carter (AKA me and yes I have mixed eyes)

when he opend his eyes he sat up on his bed and yawned

Me:man this is the last time i go drinking with Fell.....

as he got up walking to his closet to pick out his clothes as he opened it and saw his outfit

the Outfit:

Me:good old coat and i need to ask Shadin for more clothes advice sometimes

*as he puts his clothes on he gose to his armory to pick up his weapons*

Me:now where are they....ah there they are *as he got close to a wall that holds all his weapons on it*

Claymore that turns into a garnade launcher:

the duel wield katana that can turn into anything:

the Guns:

Me:heh my pride and to check my magic before i hit the road

*as i said that i summoned my trusty blaster*

the Blasters:

Me:nice now to the other magic....

*as some time passes shown that i used all the Zeros exsit magic but more powerful than ever*

Me:yep yep im ready to go!

*i sheathed all my weapons and puted away my magic*

Me:now dear Readers you saw what i can do but thats not everything after all they say keep your trump cards hidden~ *puts his finger on near his mouth making a shushing pose*

Me:also the resone why im wearing a mask like the Zeros well.......i got their curse but its 10000000x time worest well im their creater after all but still eh it helps sometimes against evil Females but this all for now all dear readers bye bye~

*as i finshed that the Screen turned black*

(i hope it was good also i hope i didnt make anyone cringe from my bad english)

My other Stuff:

Rage:a Sword that can change into some forms and when its full Power it infact more damage the main Form is a scarf around my neck

Blast:a bike thats so fast it can rivel the speed of light

SpellBreak:a glove that can Destroy all type of magic and other stuff it can change into a massive blade or it change to any form depens on the User will and imaginer 

Other powers:

Omni-Customization[9:49 PM]User can redefine the properties of anything/everything, including items/objects/tools, people, locations, environments, energies, phenomena, concepts, information, powers, etc. Allowing them to alter/remake physical features, reshape and reconstruct them, customize their various properties and upgrade them and their capabilities, and/or even transforming them into something entirely new and different. This can cause the target to acquire new traits, redefine existing ones, change status, and more. You could remake an individual into something new and then do the same thing to their weapons/tools and clothing, and even reshape their surroundings into an environment more conductive to their new skills.

imagine energy

The user can bring anything from their imagination into reality; from structures, objects, weapons, creatures, elements, or any fictional or non-fictional material that the user can think. The ability can be activated at will but can also be activated through intense concentration, focus, and visualization, to strong emotions that breach the mental plane and the physical plane, constructing "quasi-physical gateways" that bring anything from the other side to the other. Due to its potency, the user can imagine anything that can be real, from changing current events (war, genocides, protests, presidential elections, families, discoveries of riches or artifacts, etc.) into something else, materializing one's imaginative friend into actuality with a composed physical body, or fictional elements that bend the laws of physics.Creation/Omnificence: To create anything with your imagination.Divine Weaponry: Create and summon weapon with the infinite powers of gods from their own imagination.Illogical Construct Creation: Create objects that can do basically anything, defying the rules of logic.Imaginative Armor: User can create any kind of armor as they imagine it.Imaginative Technomagic: Create technology combined with magic from their own imagination.Infinite Supply: Create an unlimited number of Items.Life/Absolute Life Creation: Create any and all kinds of life from one's own imagination no matter how complex.Mental Projection: Project objects from their imagination.Omni-Element Manipulation: Can utilize their imagination to generate and manipulate all known and unknown elements from every reality.Meta Matter Manipulation: User can use their imagination to create and control all forms of matter from every reality.Omni-Energy Manipulation: Can utilize their imagination to generate and manipulate all types of energy from every reality.Reality Warping: The ability to warp reality with their imagination.Subjective Reality: The ability manipulates boundaries between fiction and non-fictionWeapon Arsenal: Imagines themselves withholding an infinite arsenal of weaponry.Word Manifestation: The ability to transform spoken words into an actual object/thing.Flawless Restoration: Able to restore anything and everything to its original state as long as they can imagine it.Imagination Solidification: User can solidify imagination.Imaginary Attacks: the user can use attacks from their imagination.Imaginary Constructs: the user can create objects from their imagination.Imaginative Condition: User's whole condition is influenced by their imagination.Absolute Condition: Possess limitless physical and mental capabilities.Imagination-Based Powers: Obtain any skill or power they can imagine.Meta Magic: Possess and utilize magic limited only by the user's imagination.Nigh-Complete Arsenal: Possess every power and supernatural ability they can imagine (users cannot possess powers and abilities they cannot comprehend or imagine).Meta Regeneration: User can imagine him/herself as healed from absolutely every injury, whether it's physical, mental, spiritual and conceptual.

(thanks to @Hollowvessel669 for these new powers :) )

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