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Name: Maki

Age: 23

Speices: Rikan/Human/Titan/Kaiju/Ghidora/Demon Queen hybrid.

Gender: Female

Hair color: Golden

Eye color: yellow

Personality: Mature, motherly, helpful, confident, yandere (To Azuil) Sadsitic, teasing (her lover and her sibling) To her enemies: Brutal, sadistic, torture, rageful and much more.


After metamorphosis

Strength: Lift a lots of tons

Speed: He can go beyond speed of light or beyond since his speed can rival the speedster of then DC Universe

Omniversal Hop: Can teleport to any Alternate Universe and Mulitverses

Elementals: Can use any elements in the world and shapeshift into weapons

Gaster Blaster: Can summon a skull like dragon and fire beam out of its mouth

Knife Summoning: Can summon infinite number of knives and merged to large one and use as weapon

Rune Magic: Can use any type of Rune Magic

Curse Magic: It made of demonic energy made by Eitherous demon and E.N.D, yet their flames are so powerful it transforms their claw into any weapons. And It made a demon style call: Curse Style

Amaterasu: Type of black flames can burn fire itself include Dragon Fire, Hell Fire, Heavenly Fire, God Fire, Celestial Fire, Dark Fire and more

Devil Slayer Magic: Can use power of devil slayer making him to use his own specific element. And it can kill any devil or demon with ease.

The Chaos Force: Chaos Force is the embodiment of all Chaos energy and Chaos the mystical and dangerous power wielded by many inhabitants in the Multiverse. It can be accessed through two known methods: by a natural link to the Chaos Force itself or by drawing upon a magical object that has such a link, such as a Chaos Emeralds and Chaos Magic.

Ki control: Ki is also known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," which directly translates as "life force." This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body. Ki can be used for many different techniques.

God Slayer Magic: Since Rikans Are God-Killer race they made their own slaying magic to kill Gods and High class gods.

Omni Slayer Magic: Another slaying what Rikans created like God Slayer but now its Omni Magic, it can kill Omnipotent Beings, Deities and creatures.

Experience Increase: For each battle he/she wins, loses, draw and more. He become more powerful everytime. Even in near death moments, He/she'll become more strongers.

Niko Style: The Niko Style (二に虎こ流りゅう, Niko-ryū; lit. "Two Tigers Style") is a style created by Gaoh Mukaku and passed on to the many "Tokita Niko's" he fosterer. The Niko Style has a Four Kata which are Admantine Flame, Redirection and Water. Each Kata has Ultimate technique which are not necessarily the most powerful technique but are rather aces in the hole.

The Gaoh Style (臥が王おう流りゅう, Gaō-ryū; lit. "Prostrating King Style") is an older form of classical jiu-jitsu.[1] Gaoh Mukaku was thought to be its last master until his grandson, Gaoh Ryuki, was found to still utilize the martial art.The Gaoh Style was passed down among "cowards"; the essence of its style lies in "surprise attacks".[2] Because of this, it is unsuited for those aware of its techniques. The style is not meant for sport or fair fights, but rather for survival in incredibly dangerous situations and times. It is believed that it is the Gaoh Style's "surprise attack" nature that caused Gaoh Mukaku to modernize it into the Niko Style

Gojira Style:
Healing Factor
Muscle Reading

Healing Factor
Muscle Reading
Atomic Breath
Atomic Blast
Atomic Pulse
Neon Blast
Atomic Breaker: Revolution
Flashing Atomic: Destroyer
Flashing AtomicBreaker: Freedom
Flashing Atomic: Smash
Flashing Atomic: Blast
Flashing Atomic: Pierce
Nuclear pulse (when dorsal plates are shattered)
Atomic Punch
Atomic Kick
Atomic Fangs
Atomic Claws
Gojira Strike
The Blue Will-O'-The-Wisp
Atomic IronBreaker
Flash Atomic
Raging Atomic
Mountain Destroyer
Cyclone Attack
Mountain Quaker
Atomic Sonic Blast
Atomic Core Blast
Atomic Crush
Atomic Windcutter
Atomic Cyclone
Bind of Pisces
Water Dragon's Vein
Jellyfish Clutch
Screw Cutter Jizo
Seagrass Hold
Sea Dragon's Roar

In Burning State:
Burning Pulse
Wrathful Punch
Inferno Burst
Mountain Rage
Inferno Breaker
Raging Inferno
Crimson Godzilla

Chaos Shinka Mode: Like the Kaioken and Advance but more its another boosting techniques, pushing its body to the limits, to increase the strength and speed and durability. Make the user having crimson aura surrounds them, and their eyes glowing. Everytime user gets hit, the more damage it took, the more powerful he becomes. User body can evolved more. Reaching to its fully potential. Like a 30X multplier. Drawback can drain user power slowly

Dragon Force: Tapping into his dragon heritage, gaining a power boost of 10,000x this would give a sharp and aggressive look.

Dragon Pride: Meaning user to have different types of dragon power and magic, including dragon gods, primordial, celestial, Omni and more.

Matter manipulation: s able to manipulate matter, both living and non-living by changing its atom structure, turning air into a wall of water or turning a stone column into a large uprising spike. This ability has no possible limits, but Drake uses it only when he fights seriously.

Atomic Breath : A powerful laser of Cosmic energy and radiation that can kill anything it touches or deal tremendous damages to them. It can burn ; explode or infect the enemy with Radiation of any type. There are multiple variants of it.

Spiral Heat Ray : An even more powerful version of the Atomic Breath that can erase anything from existence, even immortal beings. There are multiple variants of it.

Nuclear Pulse : A pulse of energy that pushes anything away or destroys them over a great range of effect. This pulse can also heal allies in the range

-Law and Reality Wrap manipulation

Soul Fire Breath/Hellfire: A stream of fire that can take the face of a monster, it attacks both the body and the soul and can spread at a high speed. The stronger the opponent's soul is, the more powerful the Soul Fire Breath/Hellfire must be to completely destroy it.

-Time and Space Manipulation : Can slow/accelerate/stop Time completely as long as he wants, even counterring others' Time Manipulation and manipulating their own time

-Fate Manipulation: due exposed amount of Chaos and Power. He become the embodiment of Chaos, Domination and Hope

Power Nullification : He can't be cursed/sealed or be affected by any magic attacks

-Cosmic Awareness

Shapeshift : Kuramira can change his appearance at will

Size manipulation : Kuramira can change his size at will.

Glitch : Like teleportation, but it also manipulate time and reality

Black hole creation

Atomic slashes/punches : theses attacks ignore the distance between the target

Dimension trapping : Kurama can create small pocket dimensions to imprison opponents, and can also select if a new "inmate" should join another one or have its own pocket dimension prison

-Can weaponize souls into weapons or artifacts

Absolute tail : Kuramira tail can stretch for miles long and he can use it to whip or grab his opponent.

Limit X Break: Power breaks the user limits desperate moments. Giving different aura. This power will increase everything they have times. By their own will they can increase everything they have by 100 X however more moment the more power increase they gains. Which means its possible they could get a power increase of 1,000X or even 10.000X or greater than that. If they have power increase more, their hair and eyes become their own color.

Sharingan and Rinnegan Abilities


Spartan Rage: Rage that he surround by red aura with lighting that his strength speed and durability will increased and beat the crap out their opponent

Power of Hope: Hope (Hope is what makes us strong. It is why we are here. It is what we fight with when all else is lost) a blessed power and the "most powerful weapon in the world" according to Athena, powerful enough to kill any god, even Zeus himself. It was originally possessed by Athena before she placed it into Pandora's Box to counteract the Evils, but later went to Kratos and then was freed to mankind by his sacrifice. Every Mafien & Rikan can use this power but it is locked within them and the only way to unlock it is to train hard and become stronger

The Tertiary Secret Technique: Divine Devil (第だお参さん奥いう義ぎ神しん魔ま, Dai-san Ōgi: Shinma) is a technique that only Fei Wangfang is capable of using, which surpasses the Possessing Spirit in sheer power. A combination of Possessing Spirit and Fallen Demon, Divine Devil utilizes both techniques at an even higher level than a normal user would be capable of. Wangfang's heartbeat is so rapid only those close to the user can hear it clearly. Said acceleration can also be used to fling the user's blood at an opponent at high speeds with mild piercing force, which Wangfang uses to disrupt Takeshi's use of Blast Core. Takeshi notes that Wangfang also lacks any signs of the drawbacks that Possessing Spirit has.

Rikan Element: Kurama element is Chaos, Inferno, Ice, Fire, Earth Electricity, Light, Shadow, Beast, Wrath, Anger, Honkai and Herrschers, Healing, Beast and many more

-Extreme Regeneration: Kurama master his power that he can regenerate missing body parts.

Chaos Clan: Chaos Claw: The user's arms gets surrounded by a dark crimson aura and the aura will turn into demonic like claws

Chaos Fangs: The user will be able to bite through any strong material of their opponents' armour.

Destruction Fist: The user has to transfer their power into their fist in order to land a strong blow against their opponents

Chaos Destroyer Crimson Chaos: The user will be surrounded by a dark blood crimson aura and their powers will increase but this can only work if the user endures powerful attacks and if they are near death they will become more stronger and their hair and eyes will turn red.

Chaos Boost Destruction Lunge: The user's speed will increase and they will become fast enough for their opponents to dodge.

Claws of Destruction: The user's arms gets surrounded by a red aura and the aura will turn into demonic/animal like claws.

Destroyer Kick: If the user transfer their power to their leg and they will be able to land a devastating kick on their opponents

.Chaos Barrage: The user can unleash powerful blows of punches against their opponents.

Destroyer Wave: The user will unleash a wave of crimson flames destroying everything around them.

Chaos Sword: Is able to create a sword out of dark crimson blood energy in battle and can even transfer into the user swords making the blade surrounded with a dark crimson blood. Chaos Weapons: Chaos Sword: Is able to create a sword out of dark crimson blood energy in battle. Chaos Mode:

Ultimate Technique: Eternal Chaos of Destruction: This technique is a formless attack that is a combination of all the other Chaos techniques. This technique is able to harm, destroy and kill any being or tough material in existence

Chaos' Rage: Unlike Inferno or Spartan Rage. The user will become more brutal, chaotic, berserk and merciless in Chaos' Rage mode. They can transform their arms and body into anything they wishes. But if the users gets livid to the point they burst like a volcano they lose control of themselves and kill their enemies in a brutal way. The need to train all day and hard to master this power

. Chaos' Vengeance: This power is the Forbidden Technique in the whole Mafien Clan. Unlike Chaos' Rage they will become more and more brutal, chaotic, berserk and merciless in Chaos' Vengeance. This can get triggered if they sees the one of the people he loves deeply hurt or die. Many Mafiens and Rikans with this power have died by it and it's rage. The only way they needs to master this power if they gives up Rhein humanity to it.

Chaos Dragon Fist: If the user dodges their attack the user will be able to land a powerful cross counter punch on their opponents

Chaos Smash: The User will be able to land a powerful blow on their opponents or anything and this technique can give the user enough power to shatter any strong material in the Omniverse.

Chaos Claws: The user will be able to claw or scratch through any strong material with their fingers.

Chaos Dragon Axe Kick: If the user is in mid air they will land a powerful axe kick on their opponents' head damaging their skull and brain.

Destruction Breaker: Unlike IronBreaker the User can punch through any stronger material in existence and if they use it against their opponents' they will be able to break all their bones in one hit and if the user punches their heart the opponents& heart will stop working for 5 seconds

Extinction Kick: If the user lands a powerful kick on their opponent their body will feel paralysis and parts of their bones will be broken.

Chaotic Adamantine: If the user is filled with so much rage they focus that rage into their arms and legs and the user will unleash a fury of punches to their opponents in unthinkable speed that the opponent can't catch up too

Eternal Petrification: If the user hits their opponent's nerve signal of the muscles then the opponent will be paralysed for a few hours but it can be permanent if the user adds enough power.

Chaos Steel: A combination of Raging Chaos and Indestructible, Chaos Steel. It involves charging the opponent at a high speed and delivering a blow with tightened muscles. The momentum and hardness interact to make for a devastating blow; it's best used as a counter, utilizing both the opponent's and the user's momentum to maximize inflicted damage. However, despite its speed, its linearity makes it predictable. Flashing Steel has at least three forms: Blast (爆ばく, Baku), a blow with the elbow, Smash (砕さい, Sai), a punch, and Pierce (穿せん, Sen), a finger stab.

Flickering Chaos: Combining the Chaos and Redirection Katas, Flickering Chaos is a technique that shifts the user's center of gravity when at full sprint, enabling the user to change directions mid-dash immediately and still maintain top speed. The technique puts heavy and painful strain on the legs, however

Chaos Revolution is where the user first throws their opponent to the air and immediately follows up with a revolved Chaosbreaker punch.

Ultimate Technique: Eternal Chaos: This technique is a formless attack that is a combination of all the other Chaos Kata techniques. This technique is able to harm, destroy and kill anyone(minus Omnipotent beings) in existence

Dragon Kata

Dragon Breaker: Like IronBreaker, the user can punch through strong material and it's effective against dragons

Dragon Claw: If the user turns their hand into a dragon claw they are able to cut through their opponent and dragons easily.

Dragon Strike: This technique can give the user enough power to strike their opponents weak spot or any parts of their body giving them a heavy injury.

Dragon Kata, Ultimate Technique, Dragon's Palm: This technique can completely shut down an person body for a whole week or longer if that technique hit the nervous system.

Titan Rage: Similar to Spartan Rage but the user becomes more violent and merciless while they get surrounded by a red blood flaming aura and their power, speed and everything they have increase 300x.

Dress: An incredibly unique fighting style, this method of combat centers around grabbing the opponent by their ankles and/or wrists before spinning the victim around rapidly as if they were a pair of nunchaku. The speed at which they are spun gives the illusion of a cloak being formed around the user, which earned this technique the name "dress".

The victim can be used as a weapon to attack other people or the user can simply damage them by smashing them against obstacles. The technique is easier to perform when the opponent's body is smaller than the user. The only users who know this are Yggdrazium, Ouranos and Dominic.

NEVERDYING BLOOD: Like Zenkai Boost but not only experiencing near death the user can also gain more strength from the blood they spill from their opponents or from themselves as they grow more and more powerful and thirst for more blood.

Energy Drain

Gravity Beams - Ghidorah's signature attack is his ability to spit powerful gravity beams from his three heads. Ghidorah's gravity beams can singe Godzilla's skin and level entire city blocks in one hit. They can even disintegrate most beings if concentrated on them for a long enough time


Durability - King Ghidorah's scales are incredibly thick and cannot be pierced with conventional weaponry. Even Godzilla's atomic breath cannot pierce through the scales, only burn them

Supersonic Flight - King Ghidorah can fly at mach 3 on Earth, and presumably is able to fly at light speed through outer space.

Hurricane Winds - Ghidorah's wings can produce powerful hurricane force winds capable of blowing away buildings with ease or knocking enemies like Godzilla over.

Thunder Spark - King Ghidorah can withhold his gravity beams and release a strong electric surge through his bite.

Energy Shield - Ghidorah can surround himself in a golden energy shield that can absorb projectile attacks and fire them back at their source with increased force.

Light Barrier - King Ghidorah's scales can manipulate light from energy-based attacks and form a protective barrier.

Wing Lightning - King Ghidorah can fire six bolts of powerful lightning from his wings.

Dome - King Ghidorah is able to create a gigantic dome which can pull lifeforms inside of it with tentacles. The dome drains its victims' life force and transfers it to King Ghidorah, making him stronger. The dome is completely impenetrable and has a corrosive effect on anything that tries to escape it.

Meteorite - King Ghidorah is able to encase himself within a meteorite which has magnetic properties and travel to planets while inside of it.  

Lover: Azuil ( goes to Kaito5382084)

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