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Name: Shinzuka

Title: The Empress Of Skull Island. Goddess of Kongs

Hair; brown

Eyes color; brown

Age: 14,000,000,000

Gender; Female

Species: Titanus Kong

Likes: Her people, skull island, Shaiver, (Lover) Kelia/Kiriko, training, his kind, his clan, Rikan Clan. Kaiju/titans.

Dislikes: Some Gods, someone or something hurt his kind, human (not all of them). Union academy, Malos fiction, Destoroyah, evil kaiju, evil titans, Skullcrawler


Power and abilities.

Ape Titan Physiology: As a Titan in resemblance to an ape, Kong is incredibly powerful as he possesses several physical attributes that surpasses that of most other Titans. Kong is also the second most powerful Titan in existence, second only to and the late .

Superhuman Strength: Kong's primary power is his enormous physical strength due to his humongous size and has enormously powerful arms. This makes him far greater than that of his kind, thus, he is the second strongest Titan in existence, second only to Godzilla. As an adolescent, Kong's strength allows him to throw a boulder around half his own size, uproot large trees and throw them a great distance at flying targets with accuracy, fight off a Mire Squid and kill it using his own muscles and also able to rip off Skull Devil's powerful tongue when it latched onto him, killing the alpha Skullcrawler. His punches can smash helicopters as well as incapacitate Skullcrawlers and can wrestle and pin the alpha to the ground by using sheer force. He was also capable of casually lifting a crashed helicopter off of a trapped Sker Buffalo with just one hand. Kong was even strong enough to break free from the anchor chains of a wrecked ship. After reaching adulthood in 2024, Kong possesses the strength to almost overpower Godzilla. He was able to grab hold both of the alpha Titan's arms and keep him still before unleashing a devastating headbutt that knocks Godzilla back, despite Godzilla's attempts to claw and bite his face. Kong's punches were shown to make Godzilla stagger and even fall to the ground, but while his strength can stun and make Godzilla stagger, it did little to slow him down at all. Kong was also able to subdue Godzilla several times, even managing to use his momentum to toss Godzilla away and have distance from one another. Kong even made Godzilla roar in pain after he punched the latter's wounded thigh. Kong could also throw a Warbat with ease before smashing it against another and ripping it's head clean off, without its spine intact. Furthermore, Kong was also able to pull and drag a damaged aircraft carrier with his chains as well as crush a Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicle containing Maia Simmons and her guards inside with just one hand. During the final fight with Mechagodzilla, after Godzilla charged Kong's axe, Kong pushed back Mechagodzilla's tail before cutting it off, then stopped the mecha's punch using his left arm with ease, when beforehand he was struggling to hold Mechagodzilla's tail back. Later, he was able to rip the robot's head off, pulling the spinal cord out with it.

Superhuman Leaping: Kong's incredible strength extends to his legs, allowing him to leap great heights and distances. He was able to leap from a cargo ship onto a nearby destroyer and then an aircraft carrier in only two bounds in his first fight with Godzilla and can even leap from building to building during their second battle in Hong Kong.

Superhuman Durability: Kong appears to be extremely tough and resilient as he is capable of withstanding great physical damage, partly because of his titanic size. However, Titans of similar strength like Godzilla can harm him and, potentially, kill him. As an adolescent, he is capable of withstanding bullets from military helicopters, bites from the Skullcrawlers and even withstand getting set ablaze in a lake filled with napalm caused by Packard, despite being temporarily knocked out from oxygen depletion. During his battle with Godzilla in Hong Kong, despite being bitten, clawed, and tail whipped by the latter, Kong was able to withstand the majority of these attacks and the only things that actually affected him were his dislocated left arm and his heart slowing down from Godzilla stomping on his chest very hard which unluckily caused commotio cordis. Kong has also survived Godzilla's atomic breath, though he was visibly hurt by it. Kong can also survive Gravitational Inversion, a planet's owrth of gravity reversed in a split second.

Superhuman Dexterity: Like all apes, Kong has five fully opposable digits on each of his hands and feet, allowing him to grab objects and opponents firmly with ease.

Superhuman Speed: Regardless of his size, Kong's strong legs allow him to run incredibly fast. At one point, he is also shown to knuckle-walk and run on fours in an almost ape-like fashion when entering the Hollow Earth.

Superhuman Agility: Despite his massive size, Kong is extremely agile as his muscles and skeleton are extraordinarily flexible, enabling him to quickly dodge bullets from military helicopters and the Skullcrawlers that attack him from behind. He also can swing his long arms to make effective combat strikes. After the fleet was decimated by Godzilla and Kong was transported to Antarctica, he swung on the pipes inside of the entrance to the Hollow Earth with considerable speed. In their second fight in Hong Kong, Kong showcased his agility by climbing and swinging around buildings with ease despite his large size. With his agility, he was able to avoid Godzilla's atomic breath for a time, only being hit once in both of their fights.

Superhuman Stamina: Kong's musculature is considerably efficient. His virtually inexhaustible stamina enables him to exert himself at peak capacity for an undefined period of time without tiring at all, allowing him to fight longer durations against his formidable opponents such as Skullcrawlers, Mire Squids, Skull Devil, giant chameleons, the Kraken, Camazotz, Warbats, Godzilla, and Mechagodzilla lasting several minutes.

Superhuman Endurance: Kong's endurance is shown to be extremely high as he is capable of enduring powerful attacks from Skullcrawlers, Mire Squids, Skull Devil, giant chameleons, the Kraken, Camazotz, Warbats, Godzilla, and Mechagodzilla, able to fight with all his might while ignoring the pain from injuries sustained from combating opponents.

Accelerated Healing Factor: Despite his body's resistance, Kong can sustain physical injury. If injured, his metabolism enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue much faster, depending on how serious his wounds are.

Superhuman Senses: Kong is granted with powerful acute senses, especially his sense of smell and hearing. He is able to sense a Mire Squid lurking near him while drinking from a lake and can also hear the cries of a trapped Sker Buffalo struggling to break free from the wreckage of a helicopter. In Godzilla vs. Kong, Kong was able to sense that he is trapped inside a dome-shaped facility that Monarch had constructed to contain him while out on the ocean, he was able to sense Godzilla approaching before the radar systems could detect him.

High-level Intellect/Master Tactician: Kong is shown to be an intelligent beast as he can differentiate his allies from his enemies while displaying the ability to learn and strategize to solve problems at hand. Most notably, he clearly recognizes Preston Packard and his men as threats but does not attempt to harm any other humans he comes across, even going out of his way to save Mason Weaver from drowning. He also takes advantage of his surroundings while fighting and can use tools as many primates do, which he shows by using boulders, trees, and other objects he can grasp as weapons. Kong's intelligence also allows him to anticipate enemy attacks and formulate strategies to deal them accordingly, which explains how he easily defeated a pair of Warbats and quick to analyze Godzilla's fighting style and power in order to maintain his ground against the veteran Titan. In his fight against the latter, Kong not only keeps preventing him from using it effectively by closing the distance and re-directing his head away from him, but also moves from one building to another so as not to become a sitting duck all while exploiting his battle axe's ability to absorb the latter's atomic breath to either defend himself or turn the alpha Titan's atomic breath against him. This, coupled with quick mastery of his axe that turned out crucial in defeating Mechagodzilla arguably among aspects in Kong that Godzilla admires since they both know brute force alone at times not enough in combating formidable adversaries.

Climbing Skills: Kong is an excellent master of climbing as he is able to scale sheer cliffs and mountain faces with relative ease, mainly due to his size. He is also shown to climb buildings to avoid Godzilla's atomic breath during their battle in Hong Kong, all while carefully placing his own weight over them so as not to topple them by mistake.

Swimming Skills: Kong is known to be a decent swimmer as he is able to swim quite well, although he cannot hold his breath underwater for long periods of time.

Survival Skills: Kong is a master survivor thanks to spending majorities of his life taming the wilderness in Skull Island, learning where to find food or water as well as overcoming dangerous situations.

Improvisation: Kong is able to learn and create something useful out from any object he can find, such as crafting a spear by shearing off a tree's leaves and branches.

Tool Usage: Like all apes and his species, Kong is a tool user as he is capable of wielding any kind of object as a weapon for combat and self-defence, from trees and boulders to his ancestral axe. When combating Skull Devil, he used a stripped tree trunk as a club to swing it against Skull Devil's face, used a ship's propeller attached to a chain as a flail to wound and pull the creature back toward him and even used the propeller as a saw blade to slice Skull Devil's throat open. In Godzilla vs Kong, Kong used a stripped tree as a spear to destroy a biodome Monarch had built to contain him, used a fighter jet as a dart to throw at Godzilla and later used a radio dish as a shield to block the latter's atomic breath during their battle in Hong Kong.

Kong's abilities:
Muscle Reading
Healing factor
Hunter Instincts
Brute Strength
Animal Communication
Superhuman strength
Superhuman durability
Superhuman speed
Superhuman stamina
Superhuman agility
Superhuman reflexes
Superhuman senses
Superhuman hearing
Superhuman endurance
Superhuman leaping
Exceptional high intelligence
Superhuman dexterity
Regenerative healing factor
Skilled combatant
Razor-sharp teeth
Climbing skills
Swimming skills
Advanced longevity
Survival skills
Hand Sign Language

Kong Style:
Weeping Willow
Armour Clad
Soft Strike
Mental Control
Root Cutter
Fanged Beast
Bone Binding
Flowing Edge
Energy Blockage
One Inch Punch

Lover: Gojira Shaiver

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