wakeing up?

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Gaia's prove

I did'int know what happen,one minute the mask of life was in front of me then the next the hands pulled me throu the screen. 'were am I?' thoughts were runing throue my head then I herd a meow sound,at least I thought it was, I open my eyes and I was meet with blue optics "HAA" I shouted out suprised and scared at the same time.

It looked like a robotic cat it has purple armor and bright blue optics and its tail looked like . . . .a lizerd's tail? It act like a cat tail , when I got a closer look and then I reconise him.

"blackjack?"hopeing it was him,it rubbed his purple helm on my side,that means it was him "what happen to you blacky and more inpornetly, WERE are we?" I looked around it looks like night time then when I looked up, my eyes widen in shock there were two planets!! One green one and one blue one, milions of thoughts were runing in my head

'how did this happen?!?'

'am I on another planet?'

I was broght out of my thoughts when blackjack was tugging my pant, signleing to move"what is it blacky?" then he started to growl and hiss at somthing
"whats wrong" I asked,then when I looked and my guse was that we were in to what sortoff looks like a meteor howl then when I was about to clime out of here,I triped over somthing and fell over,faced first, "ooww" that realy hurt then in the center of the cretare was the mask that brout me here' the mask of life!' quikly I joged over to the center but I was sarounded by BUGS!! ROBOT BUGS!!
they dont look scary they looked at me ciriouse of what I am.

"uumm. . .hello?" then one of the bugs walked over to me,it tillted its head,wondering were I come from.

Then all of a sudden they all crawed away. Than me and blackjack saw the mask started to glow and lifted up in the air

Then it started to form a body and it hade a bit of eletrisity,whith out me or blackjack knowing a little bit of electricity went into me, when the wind died down standing in the mask's place was a 6'3 golden robot that I reconiesed long a go

Mata nui

I then slide down the hill,and hide behinde a rock so that he dosent see me. I peek from behinde the rock and saw that he was haveing trubble to walk,I giggled a little,when he got to walk two steps properly, he almost stept on what apears to be some sortoff beatil ' wait,I know that bug,thats click'

"sorry,little one" mata nui said to click "you may have notice,I'am not steddy on my feet yet" as he said that click look behinde he and he started to click very fast,trying to tell mata nui that he is not alone"I have a feeling your trying to tell me somthing" I alomst face pulm that.

He lowerd his hand to the ground "easy,I will not hert you" he spoke kindly,klick climed on his hand and as mata nui was standing up,klick crawed from his arm to his shoulder,befor mata nui can continue to talk,klick. . . .well,klicked to him try to say that he was not alone.

Mata nui somehow got the massege and turn around,I hided quikly "who's there?" he asked 'uuhh oohh' I thought to myself
'now what?' I peek from the rock and quikly duck back "dont be afriad,I wont harm you" he said. Slowly I peeked out of the rock "its alright,you can come out" he said calmly and I come out of the rock.

Oh boy,well,here go's

Mata nui's prove

Slowly, this creatur came out of the rock, to my suprise, it looked organic and to what suprise me more,it looked female,she hade green eyes and brown hair, but i coude'ent get a clear few of 'her' face,becouse the scarf was covering her mouth and aroud her neck was a blue krystale with gold on it 'were have I seen it before' my thought were interupted by a growl, it came frome a smoll creater and it looked ready to pounce "blackjack,stop!" she shouted,her voice was gentel but strong,she petted on the head to calm it down "sorry mata nui,he's just over proctectev" she oplagized to me,but wait?, how does she know my name? What is she? Were did she come from? Millions of questions filled my head.
But I am going to find out soon

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