He Asks You Out

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💛Mata Nui💛

You ran outside to the Park where Mata Nui said from a note he would meet you at as his human form. You made it to the park finding Mata Nui sitting on a park bench as he was talking to Click who was on his left shoulder like always.

"Hey." You greeted the two as you slid onto the park bench next to Mata Nui which the said Great Spirit gave a chuckle as he looked at you, "Why hello Y/n." He greeted you. "So, what did you want to meet me here for?" You asked him getting straight to the point.

He suddenly looked away a bit to avoid eye contact with you. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" He suddenly asked you but it was hard to understand entirely with how fast he spoke. You tilted your head as you tried to process what he said in your head.

Then you figured it out which you blushed a shade of a soft pink at that as you rubbed the back of your neck. "I-I mean... Are you sure?" You asked him as you internally scolded yourself for stuttering.

Mata Nui sighed as he looked at Click who was still on his shoulder, "Did I not tell you that she was gonna say no, my friend." He asked Click in an 'I-Told-You-So' manner making you laughed at the two.

"I'm not saying no dummy." You told him making him and Click look at you, "So, is it a yes?" He asked almost hesitant to ask from how nervous he sounded.

You smiled with a nod of a yes, Mata Nui sighed in what sounded like relief at that which you laughed at that. "Don't be so hard on yourself dude. I would've said yes any other way." You reassured him, patting his arm. "That is very good to hear." He said making you laugh again at that.



You laid on your bed upside down as you watch a WWE fight on your tv, tossing a bouncy ball in the air as you caught it in your hands, repeating the actions.

You sighed tossing the bouncy ball in the air. It had been a boring week without Ackar around and you understood why he wasn't around often because of his role as a Toa-Glatorian but he didn't even bother to drop by to say even hi or to see how you were doing.

You heard a tapping on your window making you look as you tossed the bouncy ball still and the sight of Ackar at the otherside of the window made you shocked. "Ackar-ACK!" You fell off your bed while the bouncy ball landed on your forehead.

For Ackar's luck your window was unlocked as he opened it while letting himself inside and went to help you up back on your feet. "Thanks..." You quietly thanked him as you rubbed the sore spots on your head. "No problem." He replied as avoided eye contact with you.

"Okay," You began as you rested your hands on your hips. "What's up? Your obviously hiding something from me." You asked or rather demanded him as you kept your hands on your hips.

Ackar kept avoiding eye contact, "W-Well, I was thinking about this for a while now, and u-uh...." He trailed off as he began to twiddle with his thumbs in clear anxiety which you never saw from him.

"What, you asking me out on a date or something?" You asked him sarcasticlly obviously joking. Ackar sighed as he looked back at you from his hands, your eyes widened at that as a soft pink blush made it's appearance on your face knowing you just unintentionally hit the nail on the head there with saying that.

"Well, shit man...." You muttered as you looked away to hide your blush as you swore you saw Ackar blushing under his helmet. "Is that a yes?" Ackar asked sounding like a nervous wreck which was new to you from him.

You sighed as you looked back at him, "Alright alright, it's a Yes." You told him making him sigh in what sounded like relief. "You better damn not jump off on it noir go waisting my time." You warned him as you accent slipped in a bit which was thankful unnoticeable.

Ackar placed his hand on you shoulder, "I won't trust me, Glatorian's honor." He swore and reassured you making you sigh, "Whatever you say." You muttered quietly to yourself.



You stood on your balcony of your bedroom in your pajamas with a thick blanket around you shoulders as you held it close to your person. It was a bit chilly but you could care less as you patiently waited for Gresh.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Gresh yell your name, you looked up to your roof behind you seeing him on there as he waved to you as he then jumped down while landing in almost a squat on your railing while he then sat down on it while holding up his left leg with his left arm draping over his knee.

"H-Hey Y/n, can I a-ask you something?" Gresh asked as he stuttered a bit, "Yeah, what's up?" You asked him brushing some of your hair out of your face. "I-I was wondering if you w-wanted to go on a d-date with m-me?" He asked, his stutter worsening near the end.

You felt a blush appear on your face as you hid it with your blanket. "A-Are you sure? I-I mean, I h-honestly think there's so many better options t-than me." You asked him. "I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't." Gresh said making your blush darken which made you shift your blanket more to hide it.

"O-Okay, sure! I'll go on a date with you." You told him making him hear as if he was told his parents were alive, overjoyed. "G-Great!" He said, practically estatic.


"SHE SAID YES!" "Gresh calm down before you make your powers go all wack!"


This is a sweet redo for Gresh's part especially since Kiina(yes that's Kiina) is trying to help calm him down of dialing down his hyperness of his joy so his Toa powers don't act out
Look honestly the two are close in the movie by how they act to ether be siblings or like almost childhood sweethearts, despite I headcannon Kiina is around Ackar's age group. Don't ask long story on my end

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