When Your Insecure

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💛Mata Nui💛

Currently you were with Lewa on the island as you both made flower crowns in a flower field in the outskirts of Le-Koro, he wanted to make some flower crowns as gifts for his fellow Toa and Turaga Matau and you decided to tag along with him to hopefully clear your head from school.

You sighed making Lewa look at you in concern, "Are you okay Y/n?" He asked as his elemental creature, The Uxar, was on his shoulder.

You looked up at him briefly before focusing back to the flower crown in your hands which had yellow, blue and white flowers. "Just some words that some of my classmates said of me getting to me." You admitted to him, knowing well he could tell if you hid something from him.

He tilted his head, "Do you think I'm good enough for Mata?" You asked Lewa suddenly, making him blink in confusion. "What they say that makes you think such thing?" He asked, his speech dyslexia getting the better of him as usual but he was still worried nonetheless.

You sighed laying the flower crown in front of you and rested your chin in your hands, "There's so many other girls that are so much better than me, more pretty, make him feel good, and then there's me," You said picking one of the flowers you and Lewa picked and twirling it in your fingers, it was a plain white flower that had petals that resembled a lily mixed with a cherry blossom. "I'm just a basic girl who has a famous brother that makes me his shadow." You said as you gently brushed your fingers against the flowers petals.

Lewa gave you a sad look which went away as he took notice of a certain person was behind you. You saw the familiar gold colored armored fingers of your Great Spirit boyfriend take the flower from your hand, which the flowers petals change to a (f/c) inner part and a soft golden yellow outer tips as he tucked it behind your right ear.

"There's so many things that make you perfect in your own way, and if someone could tell me I could have better. I don't want better, I want you." Mata Nui said as he had a soft smile and kiss your nose from sitting behind you on his knees. Your heart lurched at his words as a small smile painted your lips.

"Thanks Mata." You thanked him, still smiling at him. "Boom!" Lewa suddenly yelled as he placed your finished flower crown-the Wind and Jungle Toa had finished for you-on the Great Spirit's head, a bright and beaming smile that made the sun seemed like a dull lightbulb on his face.

You began to snicker as Mata Nui took off the flower crown and inspected it in his hands, "Thanks for finishing my flower crown for Mata there Lewa." You thanked the said Toa, he smiled happily at you. "No problem momma!" You nearly died at being called momma by the child like Toa as Mata Nui chuckled at it.



You were currently hanging out at the Glatorian's base as you strummed your guitar in your hands, Ackar sitting on the couch also as he let you rest your feet in his lap as he wrote somethings in a journal.

You looked up a few times to the fire Glatorian, but what stood out to Ackar of your mood was that you occasionally ether missed keys of your strumming or strummed the wrong cords, which with you meant something was eating you up since that never happens.

Ackar sighed as he put his pen down while closing the journal he had and placing it down on the floor, "Okay talk." Ackar said as he crossed his arms over his chest at you. You looked up at him with a (h/c) brow raised, "What, how much your a dumbass?" You asked him confused, "No," Ackar said as he facepalmed in frustration, "Somethings eating at you and your not telling me." He said, lowering his hand as he looked back at you.

Your eyes buldged slightly at that, "How did you even notice?" You asked him, nervously picking at the strings of your guitar. Ackar rolled his eyes at that, "You never miss keys noir play the wrong cords when you play your guitar." He said as he took the said guitar from you to put it away, feeling if he was gonna get you to talk he needed to prevent you to have something to break.

You sighed closing your eyes to avoid eye contact with your Fire Glatorian boyfriend. "Am I enough for you?" Ackar was taken' aback by that question. To him and several other's, you were never the person the have second thoughts of yourself.

"Y/n what makes you think that?" Ackar asked you, worry eating at him. "I mean, there's girls who are so much better looking than me, I'm agressive and violent as hell, I have the worst way of flirting, I literally mock and insult you daily." You told him, crossing your arms over your chest making your leather jacket you wore today shuffle a bit of noise.

Ackar sighed while he shook his head as he took your hands in his making you look as he pulled you into his lap as he kept a hand on your waist to keep you close to him.

"Y/n you honestly think I care for looks?" Ackar asked as he began his statement, "To me your the most gorgeous and hot woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, I honestly question how I got so lucky to have you in my life." He continued as he carefully held the side of your face, stroking your cheek making you slightly lean into his touch. "If anything of the insults and mocks it shows me you really care for me, and it gives me the strength to improve myself." He continued as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear then tilted your head up with your chin as he had his index, middle and thumb hooked to your chin. "Your perfect to me in so many ways I could list if time was in the cards." He finished making your heart lurch at his words as you fought against your tears.

You smoked softly, "Thanks Ackar, I really needed to hear that." You thanked him as you leaned into his touch. He gave your a gentle forehead kiss as he smiled, "Anything to make sure your happy Kitten." He told you making you smile a bit more.



You were on Bara Magna as you were in the garden of Gresh's grandparents home where his grandmother and two of his four sister's Luna and Rosemary as you helped them with the garden.

You were quiet the whole time which made them worried, "Girls go see what's wrong with miss Y/n." Gresh's grandmother told Luna and Rosemary making the two nod as they ran up to you. You looked up from the planet you were tending to at their running and smiled at the two, "What's up you two?" You asked them as they stopped next to you. "Are you okay miss Y/n?" Luna asked you as her sister stood quietly next to her since she didn't talk often.

You sighed as you went back to the plant you were tending to. You heard a more grown voice sigh making you look up at more footsteps seeing Gresh's grandmother walking up to you. "Something is eating at you dear, tell me. It's not healthy to keep it bottled up for so long." She told you making you sigh as you put your tool down.

She looked at Luna and Rosemary who knew what to do as they took over the gardening process and lead you to a small stone bench to sit on. "You have nothing to be judged for dear." She told you as she saw you nervously fidget your hands and fingers. "Do you think I'm good enough for Gresh?" You asked her quietly, knowing since she practically raised Gresh she would know him the best.

Her blue eyes widened slightly at that as she relaxed, "I think your perfect for him, what makes you think otherwise dear?" She reassured then asked you. "I'm just always a damsel in distress that needs to be saved, I'm far from pretty to others, I'm lacking so much that would make him happy." You told her as you held your arms.

She only smiled at you as she rested a hand on your leg making you look at her. "Dear you are more than perfect than him, and from I can see daily you make him the happiest I've ever seen him." She reassured you, seemingly to smile more at the sight behind you.

You felt someone hug you as you noticed the familiar green armored arms of your Wind Glatorian boyfriend as he rested his head against the top of your head. "Your more than perfect to me Y/n in so many ways." Gresh told you making you smile as you hugged his arms. "Thanks Love." You thanked him as he gave your forehead a soft kiss with a smile on his face. "Anything to see you happy and let you know how much you mean to me Darling." He told you as he continued to hug you.


Hey I finally finished this!

Honestly I didn't want to announce I finally had ideas to finish this bc I was honestly worried I was gonna jinx it and loose them and put this off even more than before

But here ya' go!

I'm glad how this turned out tbh and I'm trying to figure to plan out the next one in my head
And no I am not giving the readers of this Toa powers/elements bc I've seen that on almost all Ninjago BF Scenarios so I honestly don't want them to be here for our two Glatorian and dork of a Great Spirit

If ya' have suggestions for scenarios feel free to suggest them!
Honestly I'm curious of what ideas you guys have for me! Given I need more holiday ones since I only have Easter so much and I also need to edit some of the previous ones bc I lost track and went the opposite way I had for them plus my writing is so much better now than it was back then

So yeah! Keep an eye out for those to have update notifications since yeah of editing, plus I need to fix spelling and grammar errors that make me wince at how bad they are

Anyways catch y'all later!

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