You Meet Their Parents (+Siblings for Mata Nui & Gresh)

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💛Mata Nui💛

You and Mata Nui arrived-with the currtisy of his Toa powers-on the island. "So this island is named after you with you being their God?" You asked Mata Nui, the Great Spirit nodded, "Correct." He told you, being adored by how your eyes sparkled at every little thing of the life on the island.

"Woah, and you helped making the island like this?" You asked him as you two walked to the village that was nearby. "Before my own powers did so, it was my parents." He explained, his smile was gentle at how you looked at everything around the two of you with a sparkle in your eyes.

You looked up at him(He's cannonly 7'" here y'all), finally seeing his smile on his face at you. "What's got you smiling like that?" You asked him curious. "A few things, I am quite eager for you to meet my parents and brother's," you nearly double taked that Mata Nui had brother's. "And also, your eyes sparkle when your happy." He said making a small pink blush dust your face.

"I didn't know you had brother's." You said, changing the topic to help your flustered nature, practically hearing Click laugh from on Mata Nui's shoulder at that. "Indeed I do, I am the oldest of us three so they do tend to act childish at times, but not as often as my own father." Mata Nui told you, the both of you walking into the village.

"Speaking of that kind of topic, you told me you created the first six Toa yourself." You said, gaining Mata Nui's glance for a quick second before he focused back on leading you to the temple. "Correct, is there a reason how that's a part of a family topic?" He asked you, "Does that make the Toa your kids and you their father?" Mata Nui stumbled in his steps at that question making Click laugh at that again.

"N-No, though Toa Lewa does often think that and calls me father or papa at times." Mata Nui admitted, a small blush appearing under the Mask of Life. "Guess that means one day Lewa will end up calling me mom then." You mused aloud as you two made it to the temple in the village.

"Damn, I know you and your family are practically gods and all, but Jesus, do you guys need to live in a temple with so many stairs just to get to one floor?" You asked him as you two walked up the stairs to the temple. "It's something I am used to from times being here, Bara Magna and your planet." He told you, "And don't worry, were almost there." He said as you both neared the top of the steps.

You were lucky that running tracks in gym class helped you keep fit or you would've been out of breath halfway up the steps.

Mata Nui moved a beaded curtain from the entryway. Mata Nui opened his mouth to speak when two people-specifically males-began to yell.

"MAKUTA! I TOLD YOU NOT TO BOTHER ME WHEN I'M WORKING!" "BROTHER I'M SORRY!" Running out from another room came two figures, one resembled Mata Nui's own armor colors and slightly was taller than another one which seemed to oppose Mata Nui's god like armor to a more demon opposer of him.

(Art of images not mine, there were made by someone in DeviantArt)

You would've been scared if the more lighter one-who seemed to balance between Mata Nui and the darker bot-wasn't hitting the other with his large hammer weapon he hand in hand with fury in his glowing yellow eyes.

"Should you-" "Already on that." Mata Nui told you, cutting you off as he faced back to the two bots. "Brother's." Mata Nui said getting the two to stop as they looked at Mata Nui.

"Oh hey Mata Nui! What are you doing here? I didn't think there was anything important to-" the gold and blue bot cut himself off upon seeing you which you waved shyly at the two bots.

"In the name of our own masks..." The gold and blue bot said in disbelief. "BROTHER HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" The purple, black and gold one practically yelled. Mata Nui chuckled at the two, "Brother's, I'd like you to meet (y/n)," Mata Nui said motioning you to the two bots.

"(Y/n), I would like to introduce you to my brother's, Emiku is the gold and blue as Makuta is the youngest of us with purple and black." Mata Nui introduced you to his brother's.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both Emiku and Makuta." You told the two brother's of Mata Nui, smiling softly at the two. Emiku placed his giant hammer on his back as Makuta was already in front of you, inspecting you.

"Makuta, I believe your making her uncomfortable brother." Mata Nui said as he edged his brother back from you some. "Sorry, she's very beautiful though!" Makuta apologized then said, making your blush from earlier return at that compliment. "Awe, thank you." You thanked him.

"Where are mother and father may I ask?" Mata Nui asked his brother's. "Well-" Emiku was cut off by the sound of an explosion making you jump and draw closer to Mata Nui. "That's not my creations, I stopped them from doing all that." Makuta clarified for his brother's.

"Damnit!" "Chaosis, you aren't supposed to add that into the forge!" "Emiku needs to write that near the forge next time then Hyria!" Out of another room with some smoke coming out of the entry way were two more bots.

One was a beautiful of a femine body physic, her armor resembled a medieval knightress armor with a slight soft blue cloths underneath the gold colored armor, her mask was a mixture of both gold and a silver with gems that made a headdress crown as her eyes were like Mata Nui's and Emiku's of Hetorochromia.

The other was of a male who seemed to be taller than Mata Nui a bit, his armor was a medieval knights as well, but his armor was silver and gold with purple and red cloths, his mask was a dark silver and a few gold metal with rubies and onyxs embellished in the mask with some carvings you recognized as Matoran language while his eyes were like Makuta's, purple with some red hints in them.

"What did you two do with the forge?!" Emiku asked in alarm. "Your father added something we weren't supposed to add." The female told Emiku as she shot her husband a side glance, before she noticed Mata Nui.

"Mata Nui, welcome home, not that it's a problem, but is there a reason why your here unannounced?" The female one asked Mata Nui. "BROTHER HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Makuta shouted happily to his mother.

The female bot looked shocked at that as you stood normally next to Mata Nui after gathering yourself from the explosion, making the two new bots notice you finally. "Oh my stars, she's so beautiful!" The female said as she was now in front of you with your hands in her's in almost a blink of an eye.

"I'm Hyria, I'm Mata Nui's mother and the other man is my husband and the boy's father Chaosis." The bot-now identified as Hyria-introduced herself and her husband.

"I'm (y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you both Hyria and Chaosis." You introduced yourself to them.

"Is it just me, or did mother and father just switch personalities by the fact Mata Nui has a girlfriend." Makuta asked Emiku, "It seems like it brother." Emiku said as his bird landed on his shoulder.



(A/n: Prepare for some feels, because yeah)

You and Ackar were on Bara Magna(Mata Nui being able to get relics for the Glatorian to visit their planet, the island and earth back and forth), as currently you two road a Sand Stalker into the terrain. It was hard to believe that before Mata Nui used almost all of the power of the Mask of Life to bring life back to this once barren desert planet.

Riding a Sand Stalker was similar to riding a horse, except the fact it stood on two legs-its seemingly hind ones at that-and was covered in metal that hid any evidence of it originally being organic.

You had your head snuggled in the crook of Ackar's shoulder to where it lead to his neck as you enjoyed the wind that blew against your skin of the tank top you wore.

Ackar brought the Sand Stalker to a stop making you open your eyes seeing you both were in a ruined village of sorts. "Where are we?" You asked him as he got off the Sand Stalker, "My old village of Old Volcanous, or what's left of it." He told you, helping you off the beast.

'Why would anyone live here? It looks so unable for anything but some Scarabax Beetles like Click could live here.' you wondered mentally, though didn't voice your concerns. Ackar neared an old ruined house when you finally decided to speak.

"Is there a reason why we're here Ackar?" You asked him, concerned. Ackar sighed shakily as he brought out a relic that was different than the one he used to get the both of you to Bara Magna from his bag. "My father died in the War of The Core years ago, my mother couldn't take the heartbreak and died from an illness a few years later, they were buried here and with this relic I'm able to talk to their spirits, so I wanted you to meet them." He told you, some tears glossing his glowing aqua eyes.

Your heart felt like it had been stabbed with a syringe at that. Granted dead parents aren't something of an easy topic for someone, but Ackar of people you didn't think would do something like this just so he can talk to them again.

You hugged him from behind making him snap back to reality from his clouded thoughts and look down at you, "Easy dumbass, your ruining your coolness . Granted it seems like playing god with the dead to talk to them again, I think it's nice that you want me to meet them even if their dead." You told him, trying to your best to comfort the fire Glatorian.

He smiled softly at that as he kissed the top of your head, "Thanks Love, I needed that." He thanked you as he went back to leading you to the area his parents were at.

You two made it inside the old ruined home and in an area where it would be an incave 'backyard' where there was two old but still beautiful headstones laid.

Ackar took the relic and placed it at the front of the two graves. The relic glowed a beautiful gold and white light making you bury your face into Ackar's arm as your eyes were shut tight at the bright light.

Once the light disappeared. "Whoooh! It feels good to be a spirit again!" A male's voice said happily. "Yes I agree on that, the afterlife does get stuffy at times." A female's voice agreed with the male.

You opened your eyes as you lifted your head from Ackar's arm seeing two spirits of bot's like Ackar.

One was masculine, his body physic matched Ackar's along with his armor, while his eyes though we're a striking yellow in color. The other was femine, her body figure was more curvy as her attire matched sleep clothes of what she died in, while her eyes were the same as Ackar's.

The two looked at you and Ackar. "Ah Ackar, it's been a while my boy. Who's this fine lady you brought with you?" The male spirit asked Ackar. Ackar chuckled softly at them, "Mom, Dad, this is (y/n), my girlfriend." Ackar introduced you to them, their expressions brightening at you being Ackar's girlfriend.

"(Y/n), these are my parents, Mathew my dad and Ember my mom." Ackar introduced you to his parents, "It's nice to meet you two." You told the two, keeping manners up knowing not to anger spirits unlike your brother David in Phasmaphobia.

"Awe, aren't you just a cutie!" Ember said as she held your face in her hand, they were freezing like a dead body would be.

Ackar and his father laughed lightly at this.



You and Gresh were in the twin villages of Tesara area of the villages on Bara Magna. He had the idea to introduce you to his grandparents-who raised Gresh and his siblings after their parents death's from Bone Hunter's-and siblings which you were more than happy to.

"Okay, one warning of my family (y/n)," Gresh said as you two stood outside the door of a stone house in the village. "It's pretty big." He warned you as he brought his hand to the doorknob, leaving you confused on his words but headed them nonetheless.

He opened the door, "I'm home!" Gresh yelled into the room, "BIG BROTHER!" Immediately, about five younger bots, three boys and two girls had tackled Gresh off his feet and onto the floor in a pileup hug.

You were alarmed at that which calmed down hearing Gresh laugh at the pileup from his younger siblings. "Okay you guys, give our brother a break." You all heard a preteen girl say making you look to see a older female bot who was still younger than Gresh who held a toddler size bot in her arm that chewed on a plush, two semi older bots were behind her who wrestled.

"Hey Gaia, where grandma and grandpa?" Gresh asked the female bot as the five little ones got off of the said wind Glatorian. "Grandma is in the garden right now while grandpa should be back soon, who's the organic you brought with you?" The girl-identified as Gaia-said then asked Gresh motioning to you.

"This is (y/n), my girlfriend." Gresh introduced you to his siblings. "(Y/n) these are my siblings, Tertax and Solar are the two twins and are close to my age group, Gaia is the next one, then there's the quints around me are Luna, Rosemary, Arthur, Rowan and Oak, and the youngest being held by Gaia is Flora." Gresh introduced to his siblings.

"Hah! Tertax, Solar! You both own me a bag of candy! Told you two Gresh would get a girlfriend before you two." Gaia said making the two twins groan in annoyance at that. "Though I thought it would be that Kiina from Tajun then another person from another planet like that Mata Nui." Gaia said, adjusting the toddler in her arms.

"Haha, Kiina is more of (y/n)'s best friend, Kiina and I act more of siblings-" Gresh said, "And I think she would rather date girls the guys." You added, cutting Gresh off. "I KNEW SHE WAS A LESBIAN!" Solar yelled as Tertax laughed at his twin.

You giggled at the two for that. "Let's wait for my grandparents to get back so I can introduce you to them." Gresh told you, making you nod in agreement. "I like your family so far Gresh, it's large but they seem to love each other nonetheless." You told him, he smiled at that. "Yeah, we all do." He said still smiling.


Omg, this took about 2 days irl time to do this scenario and my god I'm happy with how it is now!

Also yes, headcannons galore for this

1: Hyria and Chaosis along with Emiku and Makuta being Mata Nui's biological family + Hyria and Chaosis being the three's parents is a concept I mainly use for the Ice Toa AU but thought I would bring it for this

2: Lewa calling Mata Nui Dad or Papa is a joke thing since I low key believe the six Toa are Mata Nui's kids(it may be platonic but I think it's true and it's a headcannon now)

3: The relics I mentioned before are somewhat references to Transformers of the Icaon Relics on Cybertron that the Autobot's and the Decepicons were fighting for-one being the Forge of Solas Prime-in Transformers Prime since I read a fanfic in between doing this that was a TFP Fanfic(Megatron X Male!OC fanfic(yes I obsess over Gay & Yoai! Give me a break I ship Preston Stormer X William Furno here of such the same sexual tension that is between Mister and Misses Grey in the Fifty Shades of Grey series, Sexually Aggressive))so yeah

4: We don't know ANYTHING of the Glatorian's families but that doesn't mean I can't have Headcannons! So that's why I did so of Ackar and Gresh's families

5: Gresh is legit the eldest if ten kids, yes, I said ten. Hate me but I haven't done anything of a character being a part of huge ass family and I love it already

6: Ik they don't have cannon sexualities, but I have two headcannons for Kiina of them, 1) she's full out Lesbian and 2)she's Bisexual(my main one where I ship her with NiGHTS from SEGA's NiGHTS games), the woman legit acts like she had undiagnosed ADHD in the movie what can ya' do?

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this one!

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