Anti Depressants

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Well after Wally showed me the bottle he took it back and put it in a locked cabinet so that he could give it to me when I needed them but not to overdose on them. Or use them as a weapon against him. At least that was my interpretation.

But that's one more cabinet to possibly pick to try and escape. But I still can't see the kids that Wally kidnapped and called our children. He says they're away at boarding school. Whatever that means. And claims I have empty nest syndrome but not to worry cause as soon as the school year is over the kids are moving back in with us. I'm guessing he sent them to someone to break them and he'll bring them back when they're obedient like I am.

I have spent a lot of time in bed with Wally lately. It's summer break now so he only needs to leave 4 hours a day in order to go to his internship. But he hasn't tried to sleep with me at all lately so I just deal with it.

He's gotten so sweet these last few weeks. I don't know why. But he really has become a real treat to have around. Don't get me wrong I would much rather be free. But being here isn't that bad anymore. I get to wear cute clothes and cuddle with a guy I had a crush on at school. Sure he turned out to be way different than I thought but at least he cares about me enough to give me this nice place to stay instead of locking me in a grungy old warehouse like he could have if he was truly evil.

He might be a little crazy but I still love him. As crazy as that sounds. But I still want my freedom as much as leaving Wally would hurt me.

Wally "Dear how are you feeling today?" I sigh and cuddle him.

"I miss our kids... I'm worried about them at boarding school. You never told me where they are going." I sigh and cuddle him.

"Oh baby it's okay they're in good hands. So are you. I'll have you all better for when they get back you'll see. Oh, and it's time for your pill." He goes to the cabinet in the other room puts in the passkey and opens the door coming back with my pill.

"Open up" I open my mouth and he puts it in and he covers my mouth till I swallow to make sure I'm not hiding my meds. Like I would do that. I feel so much better since I've been on them. And Wally has been getting sweeter and sweeter and I'm falling more and more in love with him every day.

I guess not being depressed means being okay with your situation and this is my situation for now. 

And to be okay I need to love Wally.

And I do

So much!

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