"Cold Hope"

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The earrings dangling from Maria's ears were a gift from James, as was her dress, beautiful and expensive. Fiery red, it skimmed her hips and fell straight to the floor, creating a structured, statuesque look. The wide neckline extended to the edges of her shoulders, framing her face and collarbone while showing an acceptable amount of her breasts.

"Do I have something on my face?"


Her cheeks took a darker colour. She adjusted her breasts in the dress and stroked her hair. Her hands fell to her side as she looked at me and asked, "are you ready to leave?"

Walter had declined a seat down with James because of the rumour of the ongoing investigation. Angry, James decided to throw a party at the manor in an attempt to deal with the humiliation. Although I had been sure of introducing him to Maria, the idea no longer appealed to me. On his territory, I had no control over the situation. But I had no choice.

The clock struck 6:00 p.m. just as we left. The late evening was beautiful. The vast, seemingly empty, sky stretched out, a smattering of low-level flat clouds spreading to the horizon.

The car moved over the highway, lights on full beam – distracting me. The tires of her made their monotonous hiss over the slippery highway. In that instant, I took the opportunity to evade a broken-down car.

"Why did you agree to let me meet your family?"

"It's what you wanted; to understand me."

"Yes, but you were against it. What changed?"

"We're stuck in a cycle and I'm sick and tired of cycles. So, I'm trying something new, giving you room to make decisions for yourself which is something very important to you."

She was silent for a while, then asked, "what's your uncle like?"

"He's theatrical. He prefers to think he's the only one clever enough in a room full of people."

"He's the one who raised you?"

"He was my mother's older brother. When she died, he took me in. I must have been around ten or younger. He taught me everything I know."

I looked at her. A puff of wind swept through her hair before it slipped away to rustle leaves.

"He sounds like a good man."

"Some people consider him to be one."

"But you don't?"

Indignation crawled up my neck and face like hot steel-plate. "It's complicated. My uncle has a narcissistic love for his dangerous ability. He likes to play games. Whatever doesn't benefit him doesn't make sense to him. It's hard to grow up with someone like that."

The drive to the manor was accomplished well under an hour, despite the Friday chaos which always caused delays. Cars lined outside the gate, pouring into the compound. We parked five minutes away and Maria struggled to walk through the wet grass in her sandals.

Beautiful women casually strolled around in short dresses. Eager men were in groups with their friends talking and laughing around copious amounts of alcoholic drinks.

"Wow!" Maria mouthed. "And I thought your house was massive."

In the backyard, trees loomed. The DJ booth, set up on the balcony of the first floor, played loud, enjoyable music. Just then, James popped up next to the DJ with a cigar dangling from his mouth. The music stopped. The crowd went quiet. He took a moment to observe everyone then raised his glass into the air. It was all quiet one second and then deafening the next, the cheers rising to a crescendo and then falling to a trickle before the same nervous tension commanded silence once more. Then the music blared again.

"Is this what it feels like to live on top of the rainbow?"

"Which do you think is better; the dream or the reality?"

All her facial muscles twitched in sync. Funny. But not pretty. "Reality."

"Come." I took her hand. "Let me introduce you to James."

We manoeuvred our way through the crowd inside the house. With drinks on our hands, we stood by the windows and waited for James to come down. I watched my reflection in the darkening gleam of the windowpane. I wanted to be as nonchalant on the outside as I was on the inside. However, I was only taught how to put on a mask of calm.

James descended the stairs with Valentine dangling from his arm in a lengthy green dress. My grip on Maria tightened involuntarily. She glanced at me uncertainly, searching for something in my eyes, then dismissed it as mere imaginings.

James said nothing for a moment then he said, "you're the beautiful young woman who I keep hearing about."

She smiled at him nervously. "It's a pleasure to meet you, James. I am Maria."

"The pleasure is all mine." Unnoticed, he pushed Valentine's hand away and took Maria's instead. They pressed against each other and continued outside. "You're more beautiful than what I was lead to believe."

"I don't know if I should be offended or flattered. Thank you."

James laughed.

"Your home..." Maria pointed around the compound. "It's gorgeous."

"I'm glad you like it. Some people are fortunate enough to be born into the right family while others have to find their way."

Valentine and I followed slowly behind them. It felt strange watching them laugh, but I wasn't worried James would poison her as he did every other person he crossed paths with. It was clear that Maria knew how to play her part well, but she would never compromise her morals. She was shrewd and principled. Her mother's structures on integrity had taken deep root inside her.

They stopped next to a server who offered James a glass of whiskey. I watched them as if I was watching an imminent disaster from far away.

Valentine stood beside me, stock still. Staring. I was able to smile still and I was astonished by my calm. "I was beginning to think that you had left the country. I've been trying to reach you but it's like playing a game of cat and mouse."

She scoffed. Valentine's temper was of the slow-boil variety, but once the flame was lit it rarely went out before a hundred degrees centigrade. I wanted her to forgive me, but I did not know how to ask for forgiveness.

"The last time we met, I said things that I shouldn't have said to you. I didn't mean any of those things. I was angry and I took it out on you, and you didn't deserve any of that. I'm sorry."

"Don't mock me." Her beautiful eyes blazed with contempt and confusion as she glared back at me. "You weren't sorry then."

"I am now."

"I don't need your sorry. I'm used to having people grovel to my face and snigger behind my back, Edward. It doesn't bother me anymore. Do you know why? Because people have been swinging at me for years, but they always seem to miss," she said carefully.

"Not me."

Slowly, she took steps closer to me and stood a foot away. The stench of brandy reeked from her person. It surprised me that I didn't take a step back from how strong it was. "Especially you. You're still punishing me for our past. Sometimes I understand it, but most of the time it's a burden that I don't have the strength to carry."

I sighed speechlessly and we started walking after James and Maria again. I felt so aimless, like a tennis ball bouncing.

"You look like you're in agony," she said. "Are you frightened that you can't protect her from him too?"


"You should be," she said.

"What's he been like?" I asked. "How's he dealing with this whole situation with the police."

"He's very paranoid. You know how he is when he gets like that."

"Are you safe?"

For a moment, we simply stared at each other. Hurt drifted in and out of her expression. "Do you care?"

I loved Valentine as much as ever, but I still didn't know how much that was. Pulling her to me, I held her very close with great confusion. She fitted in my arms. She always had. She smelled of the wind and the sea and of space which was something I didn't know I had missed. Warm, soft, tender.

"I haven't been very nice to you, have I?"

For a moment, everything felt perfectly still. Even the music seemed to have faded into the background. Her smile was at once bright and melancholy. Behind us, I could hear the murmur of Maria's voice.

"Of course, I care. I don't want to see you hurt. I've always wanted the best for you, V. To see you happy and free."

"You're very dreamy, Edward, but you're not my sun." Her voice was thick with furry and unshed tears. "Only the truly mad think they are in charge of their lives. I know that I am more neatly trapped than ever."

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