Chapter One- How This All Started

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(Note from the author: Okay all the picture that you see is actually of my birds. The cover is of my oldest female who is 3 with her first hatchling. That I have now that's the first baby I ever produced myself. He was the only one that survived out of 7 eggs. He was also from her first clutch of eggs she ever laid. Who is now a healthy fully grown beautiful adult. We named him Sunshine. And is almost 2 months old now. Who happened to have paired up with my two and a half year old female. Ichigo who is the picture for the first chapter. He is the reason why I am writing this. I have four at the moment but only one that I've actually produced myself.and I've been raising them for 5 years and I've had learned so much over these 5 years that I wanted to share it to debunk any false information that you find. And to give you the insight from an actual breeder. And I've had tons of animals and bread tons of animals like. I mainly like small mammals like hamsters and gerbils and stuff but in all my experience even reptiles are easier. Than birds to hand rear there's just. So much more that can go wrong with a bird then there is that can go wrong with a reptile. I've known other people to breed them too but they've had in way more easier time that I have cuz I have found them for five years been trying to breed them for 5 years and I'm just now starting to get it right. And I've read stuff from like experts and s*** in like people that have did early research them and have their information that they give you is completely wrong. So I'm here to correct that and give you the information I've learned from personal experience. And to give you actual real information about them you probably never even knew about and probably other people never even noticed. because budgies known as fancy parakeets. That have been known as one of the most popular pets but yet nobody knows really any real information about them. but I'm also giving that information I have learned from experience from having other animals. As well just in case if it helps somebody else out. Plus I'm a fanatic in North shit ton about animals. So I figured since I'm in quarantine and can't do anything anyways. I might as well teach y'all something. So hopefully you enjoy.)

I had snakes which were very sweet honestly with reptiles as long as you hold them in an hour a day even a snapping turtle they normally turn out very friendly yes I've had a snapping turtle before and he was almost 20 pounds and almost 4 years old. When I got rid of him. not going to lie I was younger at the time and I didn't know it was illegal for you to take a snapper out of the wild but I had a friend give it to me as a baby right out of lake and I took it home with me yeah don't do that that's actually very illegal. Didn't know it at the time I was only like 12. But by the time I actually figured out that. It was I immediately got rid of him actually. The only way you're actually allowed to own an animal like. That that's dangerous or could become dangerous is with. A license in some states it's legal but in my mind. I believe it is not. I didn't look that part up. I just seen that most most States it's actually illegal unless it's in season like in hunting season. When you're allowed to hunt them because by then none of them are actually babies. Plus as a kid they don't tell you. How much bacteria and diseases baby turtles. Can have there's a reason. Why you're not allowed to have baby turtles they made. It illegal because they spread salmonella. Plus most of them don't live to adulthood. If they're raised in captivity. Because most people don't know what. They actually need for a healthy full life. I did research that's how I learned. I took mine out everyday for an hour and would rub her chin and hold him on my lap. He just loved it you would actually. Lift his neck up even as an adult and let me rub his chin never once acted aggressive never once. Tried to bite me and I have had other friends. That have raised them from babies and I even have a friend that has an alligator snapper from a baby and it's still tries to bite them like they had had thing a hatchling. It is also illegal to take any tortoises out of the wild. Like box tortoises. I didn't know that either till later on after it was already to late. Because their territorial if you keep them in captivity so once you take them out of the wild. You have to keep them other wise they wouldn't know where they are can get lost unable to find food on their own and stare to death. But I didn't know that till after I gave it my friend after I had them for a year and she took. It to a pet store and ask them what it ate. And they told her informed her everything I just wrote. And she informed me. I even looked it up and it is right. So remember if you have a little one like whenever. I was younger that wanted. To bring in everything and anything out. Of the wild into your house especially reptiles read up. Please you could be bringing something illegal home. That could actually get you in a lot of trouble. Cuz I could have gotten in a lot of trouble for having that snapper. Which I had for 3 years. Before giving somebody that I actually had the proper paperwork. Now as an adult I realize that wild animals need to stay in the wild. In my state they're illegal to own as pets unless you get them from a pet store. Mine was straight out of lake. That's why I could have gotten in trouble. Because like I said before if you own a hatchling you can get in huge trouble. The fact that they carry so many diseases especially if it is not ever certain centimeter. Especially in Texas or Florida. But I was in West Virginia but it's still not okay to own one over a certain centimeter. Brcause they can carry more diseases than an adult can as an adult. They actually loss all that bacteria. That they're carrying from like growth and shedding. When they grow they shed their skin which carries all that bacteria. So remember if you ever have a baby turtle do your research. They have to be over certain centimeter otherwise they're carrying a lot of bacteria that can kill you or make you very sick. If you do not wash your hands and clean it properly. That goes for snakes to always any type of reptile that sheds always wash your hands. They carry salmonella they can carry all kinds of other bacteria on that dead skin. That can make you sick especially. If it is not a domesticate if we bred and raised. I always get my pets from pet stores now. I refuse to take an animal out of the wild now that I know the consequences. Wild animals carry a lot more bacterial diseases and all kinds of stuff that can make you sick. Than a domesticated animal see a domesticated animal. They've breed that out of out of their bloodline. They've been domestically bred for so long they no longer need to hunt need to scavenge. So they no longer build up that bacteria. Most of the bacteria they build up from just being outside just things that. They've ate and that are wild counter parts of carnivorous animal like a snake or like. I was there some lizards scavenge like monitors and since they scavenge they build up a lot of bacteria. That if they bite you it can actually cause a very bad infection and can actually kill you. Where a domesticated one does not have that bacteria. Same thing with mammals birds. See my birds since they're all domesticately bred and raised. None of them carry the same type of diseases and bacteria. That a wild bird would carry. Everybody knows wild birds carry. A hell lot of bacteria that can cause like bird flu and can make you very very sick. So never take a bird out. Of the wild I don't care how cute it is even Robbins can give you freaking rabies if they wanted to my point is is that don't ever touch a wild bird unless. It is checked by a vet because they care a hell of a lot of bacteria. Hell the first budgie I bought from the pet store whenever this all first started whenever my niece was younger after I got rid of my snakes. My other animals were perfectly acclimated with my birds. From my other pets that I've had over the years. I have a cat that's 8 years old and that same exact cat would let a snake wrapped around his tail and would start purring he's been around literally every single animal from turtles, red sliders painted and even a snapper. Which you would actually play with him. Like when I let him walk around my room or living. Since we didn't have other cat back then. To water dragons, to bearded dragons. PS while we're on that note water dragons are literally the hardest lizard to keep healthy because you need a humidifier you need water you need a rainforest like habitat which means it literally needs to be hot as the rainforest all the time are you one hint of cold draft and they wither up and die. Or in my case which is very common they have a calcium deficiency even though I was feeding him calcium crickets even drenched in calcium even though they already had calcium put in the abdomen yes I'm talking about freeze-dried which means I already did but they put calcium in their abdomen. So it helps a lizard with digestion sense. If you give them life crickets. They don't have all that calcium in them which. I never fed him those. I fed him the calcium the old ones and he still got sick even though. I even powdered them with it he's still got sick.and I had made my own humidifier made sure to spray down his cage every single day with spreads which is also another thing to do if you have in any type of lizards Spritz them with water it helps keep them hydrated we do that with the bearded dragon that I had that I gave to my sister-in-law for some odd reason whenever we changed his room around he got aggressive. But wouldn't get aggressive towards my sister-in-law. So I gave her to him. Plus she's had a bearded dragon. Before she knew how to take care of him and she doesn't want some job. She's had him for 5 years now he's seven I had him for two years she had him for 5. And what I've learned from having him is that if they're shedding make sure you rip off all the shed because if you leave it there it will actually cut off circulation and actually cause them. To lose toes and part of their tail which I learned with mine because. When I had him he actually lost the tip of his tail and I didn't know. Why so I looked it up and found that out plus it can also cause them to become blind. If they're eippert is not removed because the bacteria that develops on the dead skin. So the dead skin is not only bad for humans it's bad for them themselves same thing with snakes if you don't get. The Dead part of the tail off it will make them loose a little bit of their tail. That is with any reptile so if anybody owns one always keep that in mind. turtles even though they said they there's really doesn't bother them as bad as like a lizard does because there's comes off in the water obviously and once it's a tortoise then it's just they don't shed break a water turtle does okay now when you own water turtles make sure to always been the basking area because even though their water turtles they do need to go on land most of the time unless it's like a mata mata because my tomatoes and soft shells do stay in water all the time because they don't need the calcium from the sun to hurt in their shell see because if you don't leave a turtle with a basking area like a red-eared slider or something their shells will actually become soft and can become shell rot. Which will kill them because it means that their bones aren't getting enough calcium so their bones aren't developing the way they're supposed to. Which will cause them to have a very slow and painful death. Which soft shell turtles do not get. I'm sharing this information so you know why their shells get soft if you don't have the right UVB light or whatever you call it the right type of calcium late and why it's so important for reptiles to get calcium cuz they don't reproduce it naturally themselves and they need it to keep their bones growing correctly and to keep them from becoming brittle and fragile because even lizards if they don't have the right to the calcium their bones will become brittle and fragile will actually break or just become so weak they can no longer work properly another words the animal can't walk or move on it's own properly.and just so you know snakes don't have this problem but lizards do so just because an animal looks similar does not mean they have the same health problems because snakes and lizards even though they're both reptiles and in the same category except one has legs and one doesn't they have very different health problems.Like even though an alligator is considered a type of lizard like animal they actually do not have the calcium problem due to their diet and because they're built. A lot more stronger and sturdier than a lot of other reptiles.probably also because they have evolved over thousands and thousands of years to the point where if you drop one's leg off it doesn't get infected like it would any other animal break they don't need medical attention at will just immediately claut up which stops them from bleeding out and they are immune to most diseases and their immune to most almost as in other words and alligator does not get sick like we do a crocodile does not get sick like we do cuz alligators and crocodiles are very similar. In fact will even grow back their teeth if they lose all them. Silver crocodile loses all of its teeth they will grow back if it was any other reptile they don't grow back which would cause the animal to die but also alligators and crocodiles. Can last a lot longer without any food. Then a lot of other reptiles can because of the fact that they. Are able to live over a year without eating at a time. Because I know personally a snake can live several months without food.

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