15* Real Cultism I

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Don't Y'all love my new cover 😩😩😩❤❤❤ Stardust_Wendy made it 💜💜💜

Why did y'all want to kill Wale in the last update?

And y'all be wilding with your conspiracy theories 😂😂😂😂

This keeps escaping my mind but y'all should check out vickyraee's book, Tints And Shadows! It's a great book and Vicky is really doing a good job with it.

And, a little, just a tiny-winy bit of triggering content ahead 👉


I couldn't even count the number of times I've read and reread the final draft of the article I was going to post first thing on Monday morning.

It was perfect and captivating and it was probably the best non-investigative article I've ever written. The article was the groundwork, it was just laying the foundation for when I was finally going to hit the nail on the head.

And this? It was just going to make people come out with their stories and all.

A girlish giggle interrupted my thoughts and I whirled sideways to see Tania lying on her bed with her phone as her sole focus and from her expression, I needed no soothsayer to tell me that she was chatting with Seyi.

Such hopelessness.

We were in her room, which was a first because we were always in my room but my roommate was around and she was busy turning the whole room upside down in search of God knows what so I left the room for her because I needed absolute peace to put finishing touches to my article.

Tania's room, just like mine and every other room in Moremi Hall was very big and spacious that it could accommodate even six students conveniently. The rooms were painted in a light shade of blue color with the two beds in the room placed against the wall and opposite each other. It was more than a division-kind of thing, whoever takes the right side has their bed, wardrobe, study desk there, and vice versa.

It was the first time I'd be coming to the room since Dunni moved in and I was in awe of how fastidiously neat her side of the room was and almost all her stuff was in beige; her shoe rack, her bedsheet, the wallpapers on her wall. And there were a thousand and one pillows and teddy bears on her bed and it made me wonder how and where she'll even sit on the bed, not to talk of even lying down.

And my best friend's bed on the other hand was just a mixture of all colors. It was a typical example of let me just use anything I see.

"Tania," I called out to her but I doubted she heard me at all because she was busy staring and smiling and giggling at her phone.

God! I shook my head at her expression, then silently prayed against whatever forces would make me look like that.

"Tania," I called out again and this time around, she muttered a very quiet hmmm with her eyes still slowly focused on her phone and that smile not leaving her eyes and lips for even the tiniest seconds.

Only Allah knows what he's always saying to her that she was always smiling whenever they were chatting or even whenever she was talking or thinking about him.

"Tania," My answer this time around was that she spared me a glance, the tiniest glance before she went back to her phone and I couldn't help the low hiss that escaped from my mouth.

Physically, my best friend was with me but her soul and spirit and every other thing were with that boy called Seyi.

"Tania, I'm calling you," I tried not to shout but my voice was higher this time around and that made Tania's head jerk up for a few seconds and she looked at me with her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as if she didn't understand why I was shouting her name and guess what she did afterward?

She went back to her phone!

My best friend just glanced at me briefly before she went back to chatting with Seyi.

Okay! Good! Guess I was done here.

"Oops, he has gone offline," Her voice sounded meek, a little bit pained before it took on a more excited one when she said, "Nadia Bear, what were you saying?"

God forbid.

I couldn't possibly be only worthy of her attention only when Seyi was offline. I wasn't going to reply to her at all so I just turned back to do whatever on my laptop.

"Nadia Bear Bear, hope you're not angry with me?" I heard her meek voice from behind but I simply pretend that I didn't hear her. If she could have ignored me that much because she was talking to her boyfriend, then it was fair enough for me to ignore her too since I was busy with my love.

"Oya, mabinu, Oko mi," Don't be angry, my love. I didn't reply as I continued to read the article on my laptop and I started hearing scruffles of sheets as if she was trying to get out of the bed and the next thing I knew was that she was hugging me from behind and pressing a thousand feathery kisses on my cheeks.

"Okay, I'm very very sorry. I promise you, this will be the last time something like this will happen."

"Like you said the last time and all those times before then."

"I'm serious, I'm serious this time around! Pinky swear?" Then she was leaving my neck and moving to stand beside me and sticking out her right-hand pinky fingers.

I looked at her tiny frame and the finger she was sticking out and I couldn't help but roll her eyes at her childishness and the fact that she was putting on a Hannah Montana blue nightgown wasn't helping matters at all.

She just looked and behaved like a child.

"I'm not angry at you, just go and sit down," I told her and she lunged at me, hugging me and nearly throwing me off the chair.


"Thank you so much for forgiving me!" She beamed when she finally pulled away from me and I found myself veering back because what? Tania was this excited because I told her I'd forgiven her for something like that?

My friend wouldn't stop smiling as she settled herself on the floor with her tucked underneath her in that typical madrasa posture and she kept looking up at me eagerly as if waiting for me to tell her whatever I wanted to tell her.

Well, it wasn't like I had an option in the first place. She was the only person I could discuss it with so I turned on the chair so I'd be able to see her fully.

"So, remember I told Ayo's girlfriend came to my room a couple of days ago?"

"Yes," she replied eagerly.

"So, I've been thinking," I started, then trailed off to find a better way to word my thoughts, "About everything she told me that day, the drugs and supplier and all that."

Tania didn't say anything for a while and she just kept staring at me with a thoughtful expression on her face only for her to end up asking, "Are you obsessed?"


"I think you're obsessed, Nadia, my bear," She continued and I tried to ignore the fact that she just coined another nickname for me but I couldn't because a short chuckle escaped my lips, "I think you're obsessed with this thing and I don't think it's a good idea... I mean, AY got expelled and lots of students hate you for that... You remember the outrage. Fine, Jay and Sameera's relationship distracted them and changed the whole thing but that doesn't mean some students are still not out for you... For blood so, bear, I think it's just better for you to lock up."

And not get to the bottom of this matter? No!

"For starters, I don't even think a cult that deals in something like drugs can exist in CSA and even if they do, It really can't be as dangerous as you guys are thinking, I mean, this is Coven School of Arts and not all those rash polytechnics and federal universities where cult members are the order of the day and they have uniforms and color codes and they commit all sort of atrocities so really, it's nothing."

Her reply was to heave a very deep and loud sigh.

"Nadia, because they don't commit atrocities like burning buildings and cars doesn't mean that they don't exist in CSA. The deadliest of them all are the silent ones, the ones that don't draw attention to themselves, they're the ones with gentle smiles and big hearts, the ones who pretend to be meek and dumb but in reality, they'd get rid of you with just a snap of their fingers. That's real cultism, my dear."

Real cultism...

Get rid of you with a snap of their fingers...

They were all too far-fetched and I'm pretty sure that whoever had sold the drugs to AY were just a bunch of misguided new adults and to think I thought Tania would have something sensible to say.

My bad.

"And besides, don't you find it fishy?" She asked me and my forehead creased in confusion.

"What's that?"

"AY's girlfriend!" She announced and my frown deepened even more because I simply didn't understand what she was hitting at all.

"I mean," She sat up straighter, "I know AY, you know AY, everyone in CSA knows AY. He's a chronic playboy, he changes girls like boxers. He has sex partners and fuck buddies, not girlfriends..."

I just kept staring at her in confusion because I didn't grab her point at all and she must have seen my confusion because she sat up even straighter and she sort of threw her hands up as if to buttress her point.

"I'm saying AY isn't the type to have a girlfriend and even if he has a girlfriend, which is highly unlikely, the whole school would know. But well, AY got expelled, he's now unconscious somewhere in the world and a mystery girl comes out to say she's his girlfriend when there's a video of AY actively kissing two girls together at a party just before your article came out last semester."

My frown deepened even more as I allowed my brain to slowly start to decipher the meaning of what Tania just said. I remembered the video she was talking about. It was a video of AY in an active threesome make-out session or something like that.

That was a couple of weeks before we went on a break and probably a week before the article was published but with the way his girlfriend had talked to me, they've been dating for months before then. So was it possible for him to be fooling around that much when he has a serious girlfriend?

It was messed up.

"So, what are you hinting at?" I just had to ask.

"That she probably wasn't even his girlfriend." She deadpanned nonchalantly leaving me speechless because that wasn't possible.

I know a liar when I see one but that girl that came to me? She was no liar. I had felt her sadness and despair. I could feel her drowning in sorrow because of everything that had happened with AY so this ridiculous theory about her not being his girlfriend was just utter and plain bullshit.

But still, I wanted to know why Tania made that conclusion so I asked, "So, let's assume she's not his girlfriend, why'd she come to me then? It's not adding up, it makes no sense."

Tania kissed her teeth loudly, "You said she told you not to try to find out who the dealers are, right?"

I nodded.

"Then, they probably sent her to warn you."

"Who?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

"The dealers, the cult people, or whoever you choose to call them." She announced and I couldn't help the loud hiss that escaped from my mouth.

To think that I thought Tania would make sense.

"You think my theory is ridiculous?"

"I know your theory is ridiculous," I replied her, completely dismissing her and her theories, "This is real life, Tania, not those fictional Wattpad worlds that you guys are creating. Don't be ridiculous."

I didn't even wait for her reply again before I started to turn back to my laptop.

"Real life or not, most people come with the least expected plot twists. You can never say never."

She replied to me with a note of finality and absoluteness in her voice and I barely nodded at her words because what was I even expecting from Tania? She was the queen of ridiculous scenarios.

The door creaked open at that point and we both turned towards it to see Dunni making her way in. She seemed a little bit lost and disoriented as she made her way in a very skimpy beige-colored short that left the whole of her legs bare with an off-white crop top that was exposing her left shoulder and chest because of how the sleeve was.

She was dressed in a way that'd make any hot-bloodied man go crazy with just looking at her.

"Good evening Tania," She greeted monotonously without even sparing a glance in our direction and she walked closer to her wardrobe, took off her clothes, wrapped a pink towel around her body, started to make her way to the bathroom, only to stop short when she saw me.

"Oh, Nadia," She chirped, her facial features lighting up in what looked like exaggerated happiness as she looked at me as if I was her favorite person in the whole world, "I didn't know you were here,"

She told me and while I was still trying to wrap my head around why she was talking to me as if we were best of friends, she moved closer, bent to my level and she kissed me on both cheeks.

Dunni actually kissed me on both cheeks.

What in...

"I'll be back, I need to have my beauty shower."

She told me as if we were more than mere partners for our project and I just kept staring at her, at her slightly curvy frame with the towel wrapped around her body and her hair neatly packed into a nude shower cap.

I turned to Tania who my now, had her phone on her lap and was busy glancing at it from time to time.

She was waiting for her boyfriend to come back online.

I looked away from her, left her to wallow in her loneliness and I started to read the article all over again while telling myself mentally that that'd be the last time I'd reread it.

"So, have you guys heard about Jay's Pool Party that's holding next Friday?" Tania asked a couple of minutes later after Dunni was long done with her beauty shower and she was now lying on her bed with the teddy bears and pillows covering her entire frame.

It was even hard to tell that she was on the bed because her whole body was entirely covered with the bears and pillows.

"Of course, yes," That was Dunni, her voice sounding muffled from having too many pillows and teddies covering her face, "We're actually the first ones to hear," She continued, "Benefits of being in the same group with him."

"Gawd! I'm so envious, are you guys not looking for an assistant group member?" Tania's voice sounded like a sob and I chuckled at childishness.

"I really can't wait for the party," She cooed, her voice so eager and excited, "So many shirtless guys to see. Oh my God!" She screamed and that earned a frown from me, "I live for free abs and ripped muscles!"

It was Dunni's turn to chuckle while I could only shake my head because at this point, I guessed it was really safe to say Tania would never grow again.

"Nadia, we're going together oo, so make yourself available from 3 pm on Friday."

"No way! So you'll go and abandon me in the middle of people I don't even know? Thank you but I'll pass."

"Aahnn aahnn, come on na, I already apologized and I've already assured you that it'd never happen again."

"Something that still happened like 40 minutes ago? Just count me out, please."

She started to say something else but I was quick to cut her short, "I'll leave for class soon though."

"Ohhh, You're doing TDB, right?" She asked me nonchalantly and my heart actually dropped at the thought of what I had to read overnight.

TDB, an acronym of Till Day Break was popular slang for reading overnight among the students of CSA. It's when students leave the hostels or houses to read in classes or libraries throughout the night but it's no news that some students go to class areas under the guise of doing TDB, only to make out and probably even sleep with their partners in the dark and excluded places.

"Not exactly, I have a class around 2 am and..."

Tania sat up from her lying position with a start that I almost veered back with her sudden body movement, "You have a class around 2 am or what did you just say?" She asked, her tone completely incredulous.

"Yes," I replied her carefully because I didn't understand what must have warranted that kind of reaction from her, "I have a fixed-class by 2 am."

"2 am in the middle of the night?" She asked again as if to reconfirm what I said and I nodded, still not understanding what she was going on about and her mouth dropped open.

"2 am when you're supposed to be sleeping or cuddling with the love of your life. What kind of demented lecturer will fix a class for that time?" She lamented, her voice rising higher than normal, "Is he a wizard abi witch ni?"

Dunni chuckled from where she was while I just shook my head at Tania's words.

"It's not a fixed class per day, it's more like a tutorial class but an assistant professor will be teaching us."

"Even then!" She exclaimed as if we were talking about a deeper issue than this, "God knows I can never attend a class or tutorial like that. At the expense of my sleep? God forbid! My sleep is more important."

"Even at the expense of a 6 units course test first thing on Monday morning?

" It's only you law students that can relate to 6 units courses or whatever, some of us just want to sleep and eat."

I chuckled at that. It was so typical of Tania. This was her fourth year in CSA and I've never seen her do any TDB ever. Even doing exams when even the most unserious students would start packing their books to do TDB, she was always sleeping in.

"But this is barely 11 pm," Tania continued again, "Why don't you just chill a little and leave the hostel by 1?"

"No please, I have a lot of things to read before it's time for his class."

"His class?" Tania muttered, the suggestive tone in her voice as clear as day and it made me cringe in advance of what I was sure she would say next.

"You should have just said that first," She continued while hugging her pink teddy bear, the one she calls Pinkie to her chest passionately, "I mean, it makes absolutely no sense why you'd be attending a class by 2 am except a very hot and handsome lecturer is taking the class. That'd make it worth it."

Again, Dunni chuckled at Tania's word while I just kept staring at the human being that was my only friend in school.

"Tania, why is it that hot and handsome is the first thing that comes to your mind whenever we're talking about men?"

"Because that's what matters most!" She replied, her voice sounding a little like a retort, "Dunni, isn't it?"

"Of course," Her roommate replied, her voice sounding a bit muffled, "Being handsome is high on the list of what I love in the opposite gender. It's the number one thing actually."

"Hear that!?" Tania screamed and I couldn't help but scoff.

I wasn't that versed when it comes to love or romantic relationship but I was sure physicality wouldn't even take up 5%.

"What happened to smartness?" I had to ask both of them, "I can't imagine being with someone..." I trailed off because the sudden thought of being with someone like that was making me cringe so hard. I just wasn't made for stuff like that.

Thinking about it was almost making my skin crawl.

"But I'm obsessed with smart people," I forced myself to continue, "So that'd be the number one thing for me."

Dunni sat up so fast that some of her teddies and pillows fell to the floor, "Really? What do you think of Wale then?"

"Who's Wale?"

"Eeeehh," She cooed, hugging three teddies to herself and her eyes lighting up as if she just came up with the most interesting thing in the world, "You know na, Wale Kukoyi, he's one of the smartest people I've ever met."

God forbid.

"He's an asshole," I told her, my voice sounding as dismissive as possible, "And I can hardly tolerate him."

"Things like this always make the best love stories," Tania just had to interject from where she was sitting.

"Even though," She continued, "My relationship with Seyi did not start that way but it's still the best nonetheless."

What was I even expecting? Tania would always find ways to include Seyi in any conversation. That boy takes more than 80% of her brain, 10% was for eating, 7% for sleeping, and the remaining 3% for every other thing.

"Seyi Anifowose, right?" Dunni cooed and she rearranged her posture on the bed to that typical I'm-ready-for-gist girl's posture, "I used to see him around a lot when I was still dating... When I was still with David."

"Ohhh," Tania muttered, almost distractedly and I could sense the undertone in that single word. It was no news that David and Seyi were not rivals. How could they possibly be rivals when the former had made his position and record unchallengeable?

And even though Tania rarely discuss Seyi with me, I was sure she'd know just how much of a headache David's existence was to her boyfriend.

"So, how did you guys meet?" Dunni inquired, her tone excited as if she really had no idea the kind of relationship Seyi has with David, or better still, she knew and she had just made it none of her business.

"Awwwwwnn," It was Tania's turn to sound overly excited and to sit properly on her bed, "We met in our first month as freshers. One of my friends then..."

I tuned her out when she said that. Tania used to have a lot of friends in 100l but subsequently, she started cutting ties with them because most of them were not really a fan of me.

Safe to say she picked me over all of her other friends for reasons I really didn't understand.

"So, immediately I saw him running on that field, I knew he was the one for me," Her voice jolted me back to the present, "And after the tryouts, I went to meet him in the locker room and I didn't stop disturbing him until he asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Wow, that's so cute and it sounds so similar to how I met David except that I only met him during a football match."

I had no idea why but my interest was more than piqued at her words.

"So you knew Wale first?"

"Yes yes," Her reply to my question was instantaneous, "He was actually my first friend in CSA. We met during all those numerous registrations in 100l and subsequently, he invited me to watch one of their matches and I just happened to sit beside David during the match."

Wale that had never paid attention to any other person, the one that was always walking around with his head held high as if he owned the whole place had liked Dunni enough to invite her to one of his games?

What makes her so different from every other person that he was always treated like trash?

It'd have been understandable if he had taken a liking to her because she was his best friend's girlfriend but the Wale I know taking a liking to a girl just like that, oh come on.

"So you guys were already close before you met David?"

"Yes, of course," She hugged a Mickey mouse teddy bear to herself, "And contrary to how many people seem to see Wale, he never struck me as proud or snobbish, he was all over me when we met and he wouldn't stop treating me like a cute little puppy."

Guys treat the girls they are into like cute little puppies, right?

"So that day," She continued, a little bitter-sweet and almost nostalgic smile tugging at her lips, "Because I've been used to cheerleading in secondary school, I just lost myself and I wouldn't stop cheering and screaming at the top of my voice and the boy beside me wouldn't stop looking at me as if I escaped from YabaLeft or something," She trailed off, the smile on her face deepening and a forlorn look crossed her eyes for the briefest moment.

"I just completely made a fool out of myself and after the game, I went to meet Wale, and guess who was there? That same guy. Wale introduced us and I had no idea why but I just felt the need to correct whatever impression he had of me and I started stalking him, started showing up wherever he was but I always end up embarrassing myself more," She paused to smile again, looking like a lovestruck puppy as she reminisced, "But somewhere along the line, I just fell in love with him and well, the rest is history."

"But why did you guys break up if you love each other that much?"

Her nostalgic smile was instantly replaced by a sad one at Tania's question, "It takes more than love to make a relationship work."

"When I hear stories like this, it just makes me so sad and afraid. I can't think of breaking up with Seyi. God!" Tania visibly shuddered, "I really can't imagine my life without him. I literally have a panic and anxiety attack if I've not spoken to him in like 5 hours."

"I'm sure you guys don't have anything to worry about."

"I hope so," She replied Dunni, her voice sounding like fright and anxiety.

"Don't worry, Tania," I told her as I stood up with my laptop, "I'll personally see to it that nothing happens to your relationship. He'll hear from me if he should try to hurt you at all."

Tania giggled at my words and just when she started to say something, her phone vibrated with a notification.

"Oh, he's back online," She beamed before lying down on her bed and covering her small body with her duvet.

And just like that, we've lost her.


A couple of minutes later, I was inside The Law Library, or better put, The Kukoyi Law Library and inarguably the biggest library in the whole of CSA. The whole building, a three-story massive building, and every single law book, including articles and journals were single-handedly donated by The Kukoyi Law Firm.

Or better put, by Wale's family.

It was no news that The Kukoyi Law Firm was one of the best law firms in the country and probably in the whole of West Africa. The law firm or empire was really notable for having a 99% success rate regardless of what case it was. Most of the best lawyers in the country work there and most of the law students also wish to one day work there. They run an internship program for law students at all levels but CSA's students were more favored because they are among the major sponsors of our faculty.

It was also no news that The Law Empire was really popular for defending the 1% of the 1%, in other words, the stinkingly wealthy and influential people in the country but also, ironically, they do a lot of pro-bono cases too.

They were in fact, the only big law firm in the country that take on that amount of pro-bono cases which was really surprising.

"Hey," The voice that could only belong to one person interrupted my reading and I looked up to see him standing over me and looking down at me with his usual blank expression.

My face contorted into a frown that I couldn't help as I stared up at him while waiting for him to say whatever he wanted to say.

"So, I met with Dr. Hanna this afternoon about our project and we came up with how we're going to go about the whole thing." He explained and I kept staring at him with an equally blank expression while waiting for what he just said to make sense.

But it didn't because it held no iota of sense.

But guess who was already removing a notebook from his lululemon backpack and handing it to me?


He didn't even hand it to me. He just dropped it right in front of me on the table.

"So, I've already written out..."

"Excuse me," I just had to cut him short at that point and he stopped, more like he frowned at the sudden interruption, "So you're telling me that you met with our project counselor without me for a project we're to do together?"

The asshole actually had the nerve to frown as he replied, "Yes, is there a problem with that?"

"Is there a problem with..." God! I trailed off, feeling an extreme form of anger taking over my entire body.

It was spreading throughout my entire body, wrecking me and filling me with so much anger and fury that I had to fist my palms together because of the temptation to smack them on something,

Or even someone was suddenly very high.

I wasn't just angry.

I was livid with extreme anger.

"It's a joint project, Scholar," I said through gritted teeth, "A joint project that we're supposed to do together. Going without me on what is supposed to be our first meeting with our supervisor is nothing but a dick move."

Wale did not even look a little bit fazed. He just kept staring at me in his usual blank, is-there-even-anyone standing in front of me look for a little while longer than usual before he tilted his head towards the notebook on the desk.

"I've already written a lot of things out, go through them and lemme know what you think."


"Is that all you have to..." I shrieked, earning a few glares and hisses from the students in the library but as usual, the asshole was already walking away in the middle of my sentence.

I remained rooted to where I sat with my whole body literally shaking with so much anger, too much anger, an extreme state of anger that I've never felt before.

And one thing was certain, no one, absolutely no one had ever riled me up like this before.


I couldn't even concentrate after he left. I couldn't concentrate on anything, couldn't read a single word because I was so angry at him and that made me even angrier because I was wasting so much emotion on someone like Wale Kukoyi at the expense of my test on Monday morning.

But I was just so infuriated.

And I was still infuriated as I walked into the class we were going to use for the tutorial. The class was almost filled to the brim which was a little bit surprising because I've never thought of my classmates as serious enough to show up in this number for a 2 am class.

I was still looking for a suitable seat when I caught sight of Wale and this time around, he did not alienate himself from the rest of the class like he normally does but he was still the only one on the row except if I was to count a leach like Nene.

Nene, dressed scantily like usual even though the night was very chilly wasn't sitting down beside him per se, she was just practically bent over his desk from the table in front Of him with her eyes fixed on his backpack that was on the table as if it was the next best thing in the world.

"Ohhh, a lululemon bag? I've always wanted to have one."

That was what I heard her say to him in her ever sultry and coy voice and I couldn't have felt more ashamed on her behalf knowing fully well that the guy in question was only going to thoroughly ignore her existence.

"So, what do you guys think of rape laws in Nigeria?" Our tutor for the night, a young lecturer who was probably not up to 30 years old and had insisted we call him D'Law asked like a couple of minutes into the class, and as expected, several hands went up.

"I think the laws are fair enough," The first girl that he pointed to said, without proof or any backup and spoken like the true 400l law student that she was.

Yeah, ignore the sarcasm.

"I think there are so many things wrong with the laws," That was another student, Bobby who was known to be very self-opinionated, "For starters, how can it be that only girls can get raped in the criminal code, penal code, and even the criminal laws of Lagos?" He asked the whole class while sounding very dumbfounded, "That just doesn't make any sense to me."

"Well, it makes a lot of sense to me," Someone was quick to reply him and I turned towards the direction to see our self-acclaimed feminist who was actually a very dumb extremist, Feyi, sitting upright on her chair and looking like someone ready for war, "Can guys be raped without an erection? No! So why have an erection if you do not want the sexual intercourse?"

"So because you moaned when someone was raping you, does that mean you want the sexual intercourse?"

Bobby was quick to reply to her and that earned a lot of shock and exaggerated gasps from the whole class and some even went ahead to bang their tables.

"Those two are not the same thing and you..."

"Language guys," D'law interrupted whatever nonsense Feyi was about to say again because the only thing that lives in that girl's head was utter and complete bullshit and the fact that in like three years, someone like her would be actively practicing law and defending people was just one of the saddest things in life.

"When I ask you guys question," D'Law continued, his voice a little bit stern which was a first because he was never stern with us, "I expect you to reply like the elites and educated individuals that you are and not like barbarians. So any other opinion, please?"

I was speaking before I could help myself, "I agree with Bobby and I think the rape laws in Nigeria should be revised to be more inclusive or better still, it'd be appropriate if the whole federation should adopt The Violence Against Person Prohibiting Act. That's still the closest thing to an okay rape law in Nigeria."

"Yes, I agree with Nadia and Bobby and the fact that marital rape isn't a thing in Nigerian law? That's total bullshit."

"That's where I'll have to come in," Another male student interrupted, "Why should Marital rape be a thing? As a lady, the moment you're legally married to someone, you've signed your body to them. Why would you even say no when your husband is demanding for what it rightfully is?"

"If you have the tiny bit of sense, I'd have asked you to listen to what you just said and judge for yourself if it was actually sensible."

"Miss Sulaiman, language please!" D'Law warned sternly but I wasn't even feeling the least bit sorry about what I just said.

And really, there should be other criteria for people who get to study law other than just being academically intelligent.

"Another problem with rape laws in Nigeria is marital rape." Funmbi, an academic scholar and second-best student after Wale picked it right up, "It should honestly be a thing. It just makes no sense that people are free to violate their partners just because they're legally married. And that being said, Nadia was right, The Rape Laws in Nigeria need to be revised.-

-The VAPP is the closest thing to an okay rape law in the country and the whole federation should actively adopt it. I like the idea of the minimum penalty too. Unlike the penal code and criminal code that only makes provision for maximum penalties, I like the idea that under VAPP, once you're found guilty, you'll get nothing less than 12 years which is nowhere near enough for rapists but it's still way better than 2 years or 3 years."

"Bravo!" A male student whose name I couldn't remember hollered, "Spoken like one of our best scholars."

And thinking about scholars, I fleetingly wondered why Wale wasn't saying anything because the Wale I know was a proud and cocky ass who wouldn't waste a single opportunity to show the class how effortlessly good he was.

And he thrives in moments like this and without thinking much of it, I whirled back to look at where he was sitting and yes, he was still there, sitting in his usual relaxed and don't fuck with me posture while staring straight ahead at the D'Law on the podium.

And it made me wonder why he had not said anything since the class started if he was actually not just physically present in the class?


There's actually still so much to say about Rape and Rape Laws in Nigeria. We barely scratched the surface in this chapter and I even had to delete most things in this chapter(the class discussion) because it gave too much away and I was afraid the smart ones would pick it up and now figure out what I don't want them to figure out yet. But don't worry, we'll get to dive deeper into the topic because Rape Laws are part of what Nadia and Wale would have to discuss in their project. If you know, you know.

What do you think was going on with Wale during their class? 👀👀

And excuse me but Wale is so rude, too rude if I may add.

And do you think he did the wrong thing by going to meet their supervisor without Nadia?

See you soon, hopefully.

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