21d* Spin The Bottle

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Omoh, you guys were really angry at David in the last chapter and he might even make you angrier in this chapter but oh well 😪😪

And I wanted to type I hate Peju in the last chapter but I mistakenly typed I hate Dunni. It's a mistake, abeg. I'd never hate Dunni. She's the closest thing to my favorite in this book.


The whole crowd held their breaths as the bottle kept spinning and spinning and it started rolling to a stop with the crowd's eyes intent on it as they all eagerly waited for the next person it was going to land on.

I didn't hold my breath. If anything, I was annoyed because I didn't understand why and what I was doing among these people arranged in a circle with a beer bottle spinning in between us.

But Tania had insisted after she finally remembered that I was also at the party. I wanted us to leave because it was getting quite late and CSA has a strict rule of locking their gates by 11 pm but Tania had insisted that we stay for the last game.

She claimed it was going to be fun and that I was going to have the time of my life just watching them play.

But so far, like 30 minutes into the game, I was still yet to witness anything that seemed like fun. Instead, I've spent the 30 minutes witnessing extremely derogatory and irritating things that I've always thought should be reserved for strip clubs.

I've always known that college parties were always extreme with dirty games and all but I just never thought it could be this extreme.

This derogatory.

"Yaaaaaaahhhh!" The crowd's scream jolted me back to the present and I could see that the bottle had already stopped spinning and it was now directly pointing to a fair girl with a huge circular nose ring that was touching the top of her upper lips.

She screamed, "Finally," when she saw that the bottle was directly pointing at her and she jumped up excitedly before fist building the air.

I shook my head as I took in the appearance of the girl. She was dressed in bikini pants that exposed ample parts of her ass cheeks, a bikini bra that only served the purpose of barely covering her nipples and a very transparent and tight white crop tee that I felt she shouldn't have even worn at all because it served no purpose except sticking to her body and exposing her nudity even more.

I was actually starting to see no difference between here and a strip club.

The last questionee, who was now the questioner and the person who last spun the bottle, a guy who would have been naked if not for the bandana on his head and a very skinny brief that shouldn't even be called a brief, sized the fair girl up, his right palm rubbing non-existent beards as if thinking of a dare-devil task to give her while the crowd, including my best friend, kept chanting yaaah, yaaah, yaaah, like a broken record.

I sighed for the umpteenth time since the game started and I glanced briefly at my wristwatch to see that we had less than an hour to get back to school if we didn't want to have a mid-night picnic outside the school gate.

"Okay, so your task is to..." The bandana guy started, hands still on his chin and he kept bending forward and backward as he observed the girl before he finally clapped his hands together, "So, your task is to take five things off your body, any five things."

The crowd hoots insanely and I took one last look at the fair girl that did not even have up to five items on her body before mentally concluding that she'd pass on the task and she'd drink the vodka shot that was the punishment for passing on tasks.

Except that the girl did not make to drink the vodka shot. She only grinned to herself before she started.

She removed her earrings first and the crowd hooted insanely.

She removed her nose ring next and the crowd hooted even more.

Me? I just kept staring at her, wondering what kind of magic she wanted to perform because there was no way in the world that she'd remove five things from her body without stripping herself completely naked.

And she had no plans of stripping herself naked here, right?


The next thing she removed was a tiny earring that wasn't so obvious on her ears and the crowd, especially the boys groaned in disapproval as if they were waiting for her to remove something more dramatic from her body.

I kept watching all of them in total amazement.

"Okay," The fair girl sighed dramatically, left hand slightly tugging at her chin as if she was thinking of the next thing to remove while the crowd kept staring at her and cheering her on with excited chants.

Eventually, she bent down, her hands going around her left ankle and she undid her ankle chain and it made the crowd groan in total disapproval.

I found myself shaking my head as I slightly nudged Tania with my elbow, "Tania, we need to leave now if we don't want to meet the school gates locked." But I didn't get any reply from her and I turned to see her staring intently at the fair girl as if she was her newest role model.

I sighed again, for the one-millionth time.


"We'll leave soon, ehn? The game will soon end anyway."

I started to tell her that there was no way this game would end anytime soon because it seemed like people were just gearing up for it but something caught my attention and the words I was about to say died right in my throat.

It was the girl in the middle of the circle.

Her hands had now gone underneath her scanty white tee and my eyes followed the movement of her hand to see that her fingers were rolling down the sleeves of her bikini bra my eyes widened slightly at the same time the hootings and screams of the crowd grew.

She isn't trying to take off her bra, right?

But it looked like she was because she kept rolling down the sleeves while the crowd kept cheering her on and in less than a nanosecond, the bra was off her body and was being held up in the air while her boobs remained bare for all to see because the transparent white tee that she had on couldn't be counted as a piece of clothing at all.

I averted my eyes at the same time the crowd went insane with excitement.

They were legit stomping their feet on the ground and cheering loudly just because a girl had practically stripped herself naked because of a silly game while the girl in question had a proud grin on her face as if she did something noble.

I'd never understand.

I mean, I've always known that parties like this weren't for me but this was the last straw.

Emotional manipulation or whatnot, I was never going to attend a party like this again. Never.

I blocked them out as the spinning continued and more irrational and ridiculous dares were passed and I looked away from the circle to look for something to distract me when my eyes caught the image of a familiar-looking boy and girl emerging from a secluded part of the backyard and walking towards the circle.

They were Dunni and Wale.

And Wale's hands seemed to be resting on her lower back as they were walked closer to the circle and when they got to the large circle that had more than 50 participants, Wale settled down with his back to the center of the circle which was a clear indication that he didn't want to have anything to do with the game while Dunni sat beside him, face to the center of the circle just as expected of a party freak but then, there was something off about her demeanor.

She looked sad or down. I wasn't exactly sure because they were sitting far away from me but whatever it was, she didn't look like her usual self.

"Yesssss! Finally!! The bottle has finally decided to point at me." The voice that belonged to my best friend screamed beside me and I looked at the center of the circle to see that the bottle was pointing directly at her.

I panicked on her behalf while she just kept beaming to herself as if she just won a lottery or something.

"So, my little lady," The guy that was going to ask the question started and Tania's face deepened even more, "Your task here is to pick on any of the guys here, grind on him for five minutes."

Tania was quick to jump to her feet like a predator would jump at the sight of his prey, "Well, my boyfriend is here!" She screamed and I found myself glancing towards where Seyi was seated and the latter was rearranging himself on his seat as if in anticipation of what was to come.

These people... Are they for real?

"And," The boy continued, "Whoever you're grinding on has to spot a boner before the five minutes is up. Otherwise, the task would be considered a failure."

A bone... What? Oh, God!

They couldn't be for real, right?

But I was the only mortified because the crowd kept hooting and screaming "Yaaah, that's more like it! We love to see it! and all.

And I half expected Tania to ask for the vodka shot because she possibly couldn't be serious about rocking her boyfriend in the presence of everyone till he gets... You know, what they said he must get.

But Tania was already sashaying her way towards him, looking like a small kid that followed her elder sibling here and I had to force my mouth to stay closed when she got to him and she positioned herself on him in that typical rocking posture and I had to look away from the duo right when she got down to business.

I just didn't want to add that image of Tania grinding on her hulk to the cute and childish images that I have of her. I wasn't going to allow this image to ruin what I've always believed of my best friend.

But I could only block out the image, I couldn't block out the cheers and hyping of the crowd as they kept chanting things like small ass dey shake oo, e dey shake, this is how you use your ass and all sorts of ridiculous and lewd comments that made me want to puke.

I shouldn't even be here at all.

But I couldn't leave either. Everything that had happened since the party started, everything that I've seen since this particular game started was starting to form into a loose article at the back of my mind and I could already picture how I was going to make it work- The clear contrast between these people that we're students by the day and this thing that they're now by the night.

The chanting and cheering and hooting continued and when it developed into something crazier, something that sounded like excited chants of approval made me force my eyes back to the circle to see Tania walking back towards me and flipping a non-existent hair into the air with sass while the crowd kept cheering her on and chanting her praises as if she just discovered a way to end the world's poverty or something and behind her, her mountain was walking away from the circle, his legs moving awkwardly and his two palms calming the apex of his legs.

She did that, didn't she?

"Wow, this is a typical example of small but mighty!" One of the guys exclaimed eyes fixed on Tania as she took her seat beside me as if she was a piece of meat, "Who'd have thought that our small aunty would do that to a guy of that size."

And the crowd just had to cheer and hoot at his words.

"Tania, you're crazy," I whispered to her and all I got was a casual and nonchalant shrug of her shoulders.

"At least, I ground on my property, most girls would do it on total strangers." She replied to me even more casually and my lips curved into a scoff.

Her property?

Something was seriously off with this girl.

"Anyway, let's leave oo. It's past 10 already."

"Let's just stay for the night," She told me and I had to resist the urge to give her a rebounding knock, "Let's just stay and enjoy the game and try to participate if the bottle points to you too. Who knows if you'll find your soul mate here?"

Find my... God! I sighed in utter exasperation as I leaned against the backrest of my chair. I was going to give her 15 minutes more before leaving her behind to party all she wanted. And even though I tried so hard to distract myself from the game by going through my WhatsApp, I couldn't help but notice the kind of unreasonable dares they were passing.

And they were doing it without the slightest bit of hesitation.

Like the girl that was dared to go skinny diving with a guy.

Or the guy that was dared to lick whipped cream off a girl's body

And the guy that was dared to keep his hands on the inner thighs of the girl beside him for the rest of the party.

Just the thought of what his hands would be doing there was enough to make me puke and to solidly my decision not and never to attend any college party again.

And the dares and tasks weren't even what was fazing me, it was the peoples' reactions to them as if it was totally normal for them to participate in dares as audaciously wild as this.

I sighed and looked around the circle again and my eyes landed on Dunni who now looked nothing like she looked earlier. She now looked energized, excited as she clapped and cheered on the guy that was now doing his task of taking a girl's top off with just his mouth, a sight that hurt my eyes to even look at it but well, in a way it was still worth it.

It was worth the newsworthy article I was going to write about this.

I rested more on my chair and I busied myself with my phone, my eyes catching something that made my lips stretch into a very hearty smile as I typed back a reply, and the instant reply I got made me erupt into a fit of giggles that was drowned by the crowd's cheers. The cheers seemed to drag on forever until everywhere was suddenly so quiet.

So eerily quiet and while still typing away on my phone, I started to get really uncomfortable as if uncountable pairs of eyes were staring at me and it made me casually glance up.

I was right.

The whole circle was staring at me.

Just like the bottle was pointing at me.

I went back to pressing my phone.

And what followed was whispers. Lots of them. Some were not too hushed that I could hear the venom in them.

Why would she even sit with us when she knows she wasn't going to participate in the games?

What a way to ruin the fun?

What's she even doing here in the first place?

I only hope she won't twist the truth around and write some ridiculous article about what we do at parties.

Tania nudged me slightly and I barely spared her a glance from what I was typing on my phone, "You could have just done the dare," She told me in a meek voice, "The most they'll ask you to do is to grind on a guy."

If I wasn't sure that my best friend was senseless, her statement now just pretty much confirms it.

"Okay guys," Thundered a masculine voice, followed by a low banging of his hands as if to quieten the whispers, "Let's not ruin the fun please, we can just respin the bottle."

I still didn't pay attention to them or mind them until I heard a very excited and dramatic gasp that could only belong to one person.

Dunni Gentry.

"Oh, My God!" She placed her right palm over her mouth as she giggled excitedly, "I thought I was going to miss out on all the fun."

I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. What fun? Beside her, Wale turned to look at the bottle, brows quirked questioning before he gazes at Dunni with a look I didn't understand.

"Oh, it's the dancer this time around, " A short guy who was to dare her muttered excitedly as he sized her up and down as if thinking of yet another crazy dare to tell her to do, "So, pick any guy of your choice and give him a lap dance for five minutes."

The circle erupted in loud cheers and applause that were so deafening and the guy banged his hands together to quieten them.

"And he must get a hard-on, of course, that's the criterion to passing the dare."

The crowd hooted even more and they kept chanting, kept cheering her on as they expected her to stand up and walk over to any guy to give him a lap dance or whatever but the girl remained on her seat, eyes darting around as if searching for someone. Her eyes finally landed on someone and her eyes rested on the person for what seemed like an eternity before she looked back at the crowd again, a frozen smile on her face.

"I'll pass, lemme me just drink the vodka or any other dare but that."

I doubled up in surprise just as the circle started protesting.

Oh come on, don't ruin the fun.

What's she even feeling like?

Does she think she's better than the people that have been doing their dares?

This girl even thinks too highly of herself.

Dunni didn't act as if she could hear the bitter whispers. It was no news that most girls didn't like Dunni. Most of them were just outrightly jealous and bitter of her because of reasons that made absolutely no sense. She was effortlessly pretty, a badass dancer, the life of parties, always a show-stealer, have an array of men trailing after her, and all those nonsense reasons.

I mean, it was typical of girls to hate on their gender just because they thought the person was doing better than them.

It was so common, so normal and so irritating.

"Okay, okay, you won't drink the vodka," The short guy quietened the venomous whispers, "Lemme asks you a truth this time around," He ran his hand through his beards, "You're a pretty girl and pretty girl cheat all the time. Have you ever cheated on any of your romantic partners?"

I scoffed in disgust. What? Pretty girls cheat all the time? Was I going to get any more surprised by these people?

I expected Dunni's reply to be instantaneous but she remained silent, her eyes zeroing and remaining on that particular spot she had looked at earlier and I found myself following her eyes.

She was looking at David and he was also looking at her, a pointed look in his eyes and a can of beer swirling in his hand.

"I've only had one romantic partner," She finally replied, her eyes still fixed on him as if she was trying to communicate something deeper to him through her eyes, "And I'd never cheat on him."

David scoffed in that instant or he probably chuckled. I wasn't so sure because of the distance between us but whatever it was that he did, he followed it by drinking the whole content of the can.

"Wow!" The guy chuckled, "This is definitely Guinness-book-worthy. It's rare to see a pretty chic like you stay loyal to one nigga."

None of the pretty girls said anything to counter the loser's insulting statement, not even Dunni because she was now busy listening to whatever Wale was telling her.

The game continued with dirtier and irritating dares, and just when I decided that I'd had enough and was about to stand and leave with or without Tania, I heard.

"So, your dare is to French kiss any guy here for as long as you want."

It was a girl who dared another girl to do that and it wasn't even the height of all the dirty dares I've heard today but it still made me fall back on my chair in shock because what?

Were these people actually for real?

But they were for real because the girl that got the dare, a tall and curvaceous lady who looked like a real-life Disney princess stood up excitedly from where she was sitting and she started sashaying her way towards the other side of the circle while guys kept catcalling her and hooting for her to come to them but the girl did not even blink in their direction and with the way she was intent on where she was going, it almost seemed like she already had her mind on someone right from the beginning.

The catcalls soon turned into cheers when it seemed to everyone that the girl has made her pick and because she and whoever she picked were now the center of attraction and everyone in the circle was practically craning their heads to get a clear view of the French kiss that was about to happen, I couldn't initially see the guy she had picked, I could only make out her sitting on the guy's laps as if she belonged there and her leaning closer and closer and closer until...

My head instinctively whirled around to look at Dunni. She was sitting upright on her seat, eyes intently fixed on the duo, a look of unmasked disbelief and hurt on her face as she stared at the duo as if their sight was the most unpleasant sight ever and there was a quiet trembling in her hands as if they weren't staying still.

As if they couldn't stay still.

And Wale, who hadn't even been paying the slightest bit of attention to the game was now slightly turning back, eyes partly fixed on the duo and also partly fixed on Dunni and for the first time since I've known him, his expression wasn't impassive. He looked slightly angry as he looked at the duo with a frown on his face and he looked slightly concerned as he looked at Dunni with eyes full of worry he leaned closer to whisper something to her ears but I doubted if she heard him.

Because all her attention was solely on the duo, her expression turned more bitter and pained as the girl on her ex-boyfriend's leaned completely in and she pressed her lips against David's.

Dunni staggered to her feet and stomped off.


If I could pretend she was Dunni Gentry, then maybe, just maybe I'd be able to go ahead with this.

But she wasn't.

Even though my head was fuzzy and my vision was greatly impaired because of the migraine that had made my head into one huge rock that felt too heavy for my body and I was starting to feel queasy and unstable from the effect of too much alcohol, I still couldn't pretend that she was Dunni Gentry.

Dunni didn't weigh this much, didn't feel like this, didn't smell like this.

Her hands-on face wouldn't feel like this, they'd feel feathery, soft, capable of spiking my heartbeats or lulling me to sleep depending on why she was doing it, capable of making me an onslaught of emotions that I'd have otherwise thought impossible.

Her eyes on mine would have been hypnotizing, her scent alluring, her touch enthralling.

Even though I was almost wasted, I still couldn't bring myself to get this physically close to another girl that wasn't Dunni because I couldn't bring myself to hurt her like that.

Because I couldn't just bring myself to do it.

And with a little distance between me and the girl sitting on my, her alcoholic breaths fawning my cheeks as her lips hovered over mine, I jerked away from her.

I jerked away from her too much that she nearly fell off my nd her eyes registered shock before they gave way to something that looked so much like a plea before she started to lean in again.

"Get off," I told her silently and her eyes widen in surprise and confusion as if she didn't understand what I meant by that or why I'd turn her down like this.

"Get off!" I told her again, my voice sterner this time around, and then, there was helplessness in her eyes, a silent plea that I understood.

CSA's students would properly make a big deal out of this, they'd probably ridicule her sex appeal because boys were supposed to jump at the opportunity of kissing girls like her and not the other way around.

And it almost wanted me to but I just couldn't.

She wasn't Dunni Gentry.

Instead, she was the girl that Dunni disliked the most.

"Get off!" I told her for the last time, channeling my inner Wale Kukoyi's energy and making my voice sound as rude and as nonchalant as possible and that did the trick because she jumped to her feet, kept her eyes to the ground as if utterly embarrassed as the crowd erupted into series of jeering whispers and noises.

Looks like she got turned down.

Did he really just stand her up?

Girl, I'm available oo.

I can french kiss you for as long as you want.

Even get down to the other bases if you want.

I ignored them, didn't even pay attention to them at all as I stood and I started making my way towards where I saw Dunni disappear a couple of minutes ago.
My feet felt like jelly as I traced my steps towards where she went and the more I walked, the more the banging in my head worsened, the more my feet threatened to give way beneath me, and the more I felt the need to lie down and just drift to nothingness.

But still, I had to get to her.

I had to get to Dunni Gentry.

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally found her leaning against a balcony, face bent down and hair spilling all over her face.

She looked dejected and I felt a pang in my chest, knowing that I did that to her.

I started to walk closer to her until to stop dead in my tracks when I heard the sound of her laughter.

The deep, hearty, boisterous, resounding laughter that was full of life, went straight to my heart, freezing it, shattering as I watched her throw her head back as she laughed without a care in the world.

I remained rooted in that particular spot, with uneasiness and a feeling I couldn't decipher washing all over me. Here she was, someone I thought would be feeling hurt and angry was rather laughing her heart out at something.

At something.

My heart dropped even more because deep down, I could already tell what the something would be.

Or rather who.

But the fact that I knew didn't lessen the pain of seeing and confirming it with my eyes as I moved closer to see Wale's hand raise to brush her hair away from her face as he helped her stand a little more uprightly so that her hair would stop cascading down her face and with a familiarity to the movements of his hands as if he was used to doing that for her.

I kept watching them, the alcohol in my head clearing and giving way to anger and hurt, one that made my fists clench and u clench as Wale's hand dropped to rest on her lower back, his hand moving in a patting movement as if he was trying to calm her down while whispering things that were making her burst into hearty laughter at intervals to her.

Watching them together like this made me feel a pang of jealousy so strong that I had to close my eyes to shut out this image but almost immediately, another image started to take form in my closed vision.

Slightly opened door.

Hushed whispers.

Intimate embrace.

I instantly forced my eyes open to block out that image only to be greeted with the image of Wale now standing directly behind her with his hands on her hair as he helped her tie it into a ponytail.

I turned around instantly and I started to storm off in a fit of rage, my heart slamming against my chest with so much intensity that it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest and with a wave of maddening anger that made me want to drive my fist into the nearest wall.

I stopped walking.

I suddenly stopped walking and without even thinking about it all, I turned back and started to walk back in the direction I just come from.

Wale was the first person to see me and his face contorted into a slight frown as he left Dunni and he started walking towards me to meet him halfway.

"I think you should just leave her alone for tonight," He started when he was about to get to me, "You've made her cry enough for a day..."

"It's none of your business," I told him as I walked past him without even sparing half a glance in his direction and I only came to a halt when I got to Dunni.

And standing in front of her, her eyes looking at me and mirroring hurt and anger, all my earlier feelings dissipated and it gave way to another feeling that I knew all too well.

Fear, mind-numbing fear that had always been my constant companion ever since I met Dunni.

Fear that I'd never be enough for me.

And another crippling feeling that made me want to pull her into my arms and tell her that nothing happened with Peju back there.

But I couldn't bring myself to do that. Instead, I just kept staring at her, heart racing in my chest while she also kept staring at me, eyes misting over with hurt and anger before she started to sidestep me and walk away.

My hand instinctively reached for her forearm to grab her and pull her back to my front. Her eyes narrowed at the contact before she shrugged my hands off as if scalded by hot iron and she crossed her over her chest, lips set into a thin line, nose scrunched up almost in disgust and her eyes narrowed as she stared at me as if she'd rather be anywhere but here.

And still, I couldn't bring myself to say anything. It was almost like I had suddenly become dumb, standing this close to her.

"What do you want?" She finally asked me, voice even more annoyed than she looked and it almost made me take a step back because I was so confused and lost.

What do I even want?

What do you want, David?

I ran my right hand through my hair and face, feeling frustrated with myself, feeling frustrated that I was feeling this way, feeling frustrated that I felt the need to explain things to her, feeling frustrated that I was right here, in front of her.

"See David..."

"Nothing happened," I interrupted whatever she was about to say and her eyes narrowed for the briefest moment at me before she chuckled.

A short and mirthless one.

"I'm not blind and besides, it doesn't even matter. I don't care who you go around kissing or whatever, it's not like we share any special relationship or anything."

She started to walk away again but I was quick to grab her by her wrist and pull her back to my front.

She did not shrug my hands off this time around, she just kept staring at the spot where my hand was holding hers, eyes softening and for the briefest moment, I was overwhelmed with a sudden urge to pull her into my arms.

I let go of her hand immediately.

"You said you wanted to know why I allowed us to break up just like that..."

She exhaled loudly, cutting short my statement and she eyed me from head to toe as if I just crawled out of a hole.

"What? Is that... God!" She trailed off, crossed her hands over her chest, "I don't need that piece of information again. I was delusional to think... Anyway, I don't care, not anymore, you're free to do whatever you want to do. It has nothing to do with me."

"Really?" My reply came instantly, "You really don't care if I go back there to complete the task?"

"I don't..." I stepped into her personal space, leaving no distance between us and I bent slightly so I was on eye level with her.

"You really don't care?" I probed, voice barely above a whisper, eyes still locked with hers.

She didn't reply, she just kept staring at me, and eventually, in a voice that was even lower than mine, she muttered, "I do."


"But what's the point?" She flared up, voice loud and harsh, "What's the point of even caring? Why does it matter to you? It's not like you particularly care about my feelings or anything. Some things never change so what was I even expecting?"

I frowned. Instinctively, my face just contorted into one big frown but she wasn't even done.

"See, I'm tired of all these beatings around the bush or hide and seek or whatever this thing that we're doing is. You were a jerk to me when we were together and it's my fault to think you'd change when we're not together again."

An alarm went off in my head at her accusation, a terrible and brain-jolting one, "I was... I was a jerk to you when we were together?"

"Oh, you weren't?" She asked, her voice full of humorless mirth, "You weren't a jerk to me, you were just someone who made our relationship fail woefully."

"I made our relationship fail woefully?" I exhaled loudly and I knew I should leave at that instant but I couldn't.

I just couldn't.

"I made our relationship fail woefully when you were the one who called the relationship off?"

"So I probably shouldn't have," She fired, eyes narrowing with hurt and anger, "I should have stayed and kept competing with your sport, I should have stayed and kept worrying myself out of mind about when your health would deteriorate, I should have stayed and kept going on that part of canceling every single male friend out of my life because," She air quoted it,-

"What would David say? Would David be crossed if he should see me with this guy? Would he give me the silent treatment for days because he saw me with some other guys? Would he think and indirectly accuse me of cheating on him with other guys? Would he doubt my loyalty every sincere second of our relationship? No, I definitely shouldn't have stayed!" She fired out, all in one breath, hurt and anger spilling out with her every word, she hurt expression slicing through my heart as she took two steps away from me.

"It's a fucking excruciating circle," She muttered in a tired voice, "I was an idiot to even consider getting back with you."

Then she started to walk away, leaving me there, leaving me to shoulder all the blame for our failed relationship when I didn't even do a quarter of what she did.

When I'd never hurt her in that terrible way she had hurt me.

I turned back to stare at her retreating back only for my eyes to meet that of Wale. He was leaning against a pole that was not quite far from us and it was probably the sight of him, standing there when he should have given us a private moment that irked me to the core.

That eased the lump in my throat.

"And what about you?" My words halted her movement and she slightly turned back to me, a frown on her pretty face, "What did you do? If I did all that you mentioned, then are you completely absolved of guilt?"

She turned back to me, the frown on her face deepening, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about..." I walked closer to her so I was standing in front of her, "How everything I did would never hold a candle to you hooking up with my best friend."

She stared at me for a moment longer than usual, expression unreadable before she took two steps back, a staggering movement in her steps.

Wahala no dey even finish.

Omoh, Nadia is such an innocent softie 😂😂😂

Dunni and David 💔💔 What do y'all think? Do you think it's possible for Dunni to actually hook up with Wale? And will Wale even allow it?

We'll be going to David's home in the next chapter? What do you think is going on there and how has it made David the way he is? I've briefly mentioned it before sha.

See you guys in the next chapter and Saranghea❤❤

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