Birth of the Daughter ( PPG mini fanfic)

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In the waiting room of the maternity ward of Townsville Hospital, a miracle happened, Brick was looking forward to the news of the birth of his daughter with his wife Blossom. almost four hours passed, Brick was still waiting, but he was a little worried that if something was wrong with the child or worse, before he had time to think about something else, a nurse with black hair comes in and calls him:

 - Brick? she asked. Yes, it's me, - answered Brick. Nothing bad happened during the birth, right?

"Not at all," the nurse said, "you have a healthy and beautiful girl.

Brick felt his lips tremble in a smile at the word girl.

now he has a daughter.

"Could you please come with me to Blossom's room," she asked. Brick wasted no time following the nurse down the corridor. they walked a long distance and came to a door marked "Room 109".

The nurse gave a congratulatory nod to Brick, who stepped inside.

The room was cozy and homely, with a window giving a good view and a comfortable looking armchair next to the bed. By the way, Blossom is sitting on the said bed, holding a bundle with a new life completely wrapped in it. from her came squeaky coos and whimpers. Blossom raises her head and sees her husband, an expression of happiness and confidence frozen on her face.

- Hey Brick, glad you're here. She said.

Brick walks over to the bed and sits in a comfortable chair, trying to get a better look at his baby.

"Would you like to say hello to your daughter?" Blossom asked as she passed the bundle to Brick. He agrees and looks down on their little newborn daughter. The baby cooed softly, moving a little in the blanket. She then opens her eyes, seeing the  new surroundings for the first time. One day her vision cleared. she got a good look at her father. her eyes were halves, one the color of her mother's eyes and the other her father's.

"Hi, little one, I'm your father," said Brick, feeling tears of joy flow down his face, he gently tickles the face of the baby with the hand that the child grabs him, and then smiles slightly.

"She's so small, so precious and fragile," Brick whispered before the thought hit him, "we still need to give her a name."

   Well, you can name her our daughter's name. Blossom suggested.

—Alright then... "brick said. "well, how about Becky".

"That name is perfect"— said blossom

the two parents look at Becky with pride and joy. Brick gently strokes Becky's head.

— I promise, no matter what, we will always be there, we will protect and love you," he whispered.

 Becky yawned sweetly before falling back asleep, snuggled against her father's chest. this is the proudest day of Brick and Blossom's life because they became one family.     

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