Happy Wala Birthday

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Sometimes, it takes ages to blend with someone and be comfortable around them and sometimes, it just takes a single meeting, sharing few words and we know, we are gonna be in touch for a very long time.

Something like this happens with a person whom we met around 2 years ago and oh! Its almost 2 years and we still can’t believe we came this long but as we have already said we just knew we would be there with each other for a long time.

And before you get confused with the term ‘we', here, let me introduce us-

“Oyeeeeee, why do you get to do the introduction part and not me” came a voice of a girl cutting her in middle who was shooting dagger through her eyes  keeping her both hands of her waist.

“Will you stop shouting like banshee” shouted the girl back in irritation due to the disturbance.


“Yes, you are and coming to your first question, you know its always good to have start by intelligent people and also I didn’t want you to make a fool out of yourself, chimpanzee!” came the smug reply.

“What the! How dare you! How dare you call me stupid” said the girl in high tone giving murderous look only if looks could kill, she would have been 5 feet down the earth now.

“What’s there to call, isn’t it a fact” raising her brows the girl replied in teasing tone.

“Ahhh! I HATE YOU, you gorilla!” replied the girl huffing in anger.

“The feeling is mutual, my chimpanzee and before we continue this, at least let me introduce us and no! don’t open your mouth unless I asked you so” she said stopping the girl who was going to say something.

“And who told you I’ll follow you” said the girl smirking at her.

“You don’t have any choice, baby” replied the girl winking at her and in return the girl gave her angry look and look other side.

So, where were we… yeah! Introduction.

“Hello everyone! Meet your host and your friend Shanaya (Shanaya777)” she said pointing at herself “and here my co-host Chanu (chanu4)” she said pointed at the girl sitting beside her who gave a forced smile waving at the audience in return.

And the girl which we are talking about you will get to know her very soon till then keep patience.

“So, let’s start what are we waiting for” she said excitedly rubbing her both palms and gleaming in happiness but then she remember something and looked at Chanu who was sulking beside her cupping her face with her both palms.

Looking her like this she couldn’t help but giggle silently without her notice because if she got to know then, there would be no show but...

Another round of tom and jerry chase.

“But before we start, I have very important work to do” she said keeping her eyes on Chanu who in return gave a confused look to her.

“Chanu, you can speak now” she said stifling her laugh looking at her face which turn from confusing to angry and looking at her anger she knows its not very late when the oh-so-very-famous-chase starts again.

So, working on her reflex before the situation goes out of hand and they both end up doing something which they are not supposed to do today, she warned her.

“Chanu, behave! We are not at home and also we are here for a reason so we better proceed with that.” Hearing her she realized her surrounding and giving her a sheepish smile she mutter sorry and sit properly.

So, yeah! Let’s begin.

“Our first meeting happened in a whatsapp group where we both were so confused due to so many new people, isnt shanu?” Chanu said with a slow smile appearing on her face remembering that moment.

“Indeed we were but it was also an amazing experience surrounded by new people, introducing each other and try to remember their names.” Shanu started laughing after the last part.

“You remember how difficult it was for us and then we even thought for a moment that it was bad decision joining that group”.

“Yes, we had that thought but then again that was the best moment where we get to meet such sweet people who we are still friends with” said chanu remembering those people who have became such great friends over time.

“Yes, and not to forget we got to meet our singer!” said Shanu getting excited all of sudden.

“Hold your horses Shanu, no need to get so excited and Before you people get confused let me clarify it- the girl we are talking about is also a singer and well, it was her singing only because of which we became friends.

It happens like this that when we got to know about her singing, we both sent her a personal message requesting for song and the crazy part was that we both did the same thing without even realizing it and then she created a group so that she doesn’t have to sent individually to both of us.” Continued Chanu with the elaboration, getting the reason of Shanu's excitement which is not new because she gets excited for every little things.

“And that’s how our journey of friendship started which grows with each passing days. We got to know each other more better, connected with each other more closely and became an important part in each others life.” continued Shanu with eyes shining in happiness.

“Yes, indeed. We have had amazing moments which we would never forgot and we intend to keep making such memories which would last lifetime.

We still are friends, nothing changes only the fact that we are not getting that much time to spent with each other now, we don’t get to talk continuously like we used to do but… whenever we talk, it still feels the same like we used to be; the comfort, the love and understanding in our friendship is still the same.” Said Chanu with smile spreading on her lips remembering their moments.

“And that’s the most precious thing one need in a relationship which makes our friendship eternal.” Concluded Shanu in her ever excited tone, clapping her hand in happiness.

So, without wasting anymore time, let us introduce our girl, our birthday girl for whose birthday we all have gathered here.

Give a big hand to none other Shalmali Kamble (Swarmayi) the one and only, the birthday girl, our singer friend.


We wish you a very happy birthday.

May you succeed in your music career and fulfill your dream of becoming a established singer.

May you get enough strength to stand up for your happiness, your own wishes without thinking about others for once.

I know, that’s not how one wishes but this is us, we got the right to say what we truly wish for you.

And we know, you might be emotional right now reading all of this and already turned into crybaby but hey! Its your birthday and you are supposed to only laugh today. So, give us your stupid smile for all the hard work we did for you.

Live your life happily, never lose hope in life and we your ‘energy boosters' would always be there for you, guiding you, making you feel awesome ALWAYS.

Lots of love from your Chanu and Shanu.😘😘😘

P.S.- This work was in collaboration with none other than my partner in crime, my tom, my love Chanu chanu4 .

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