Chocopie's Birthday

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6th December, In Meenakshi apartment. Room no 405.

Rithu : Baby, come here!

She drags Divya to the balcony.

Divya : Baby! I have to draft,and class is going on. Tell fast, anything important ?

Rithu : Ah! baby, nikki akka birthday is tomorrow, is everything ready?

Divya smiles widely.

Rithu : What? Why are you smiling?

Divya : Everything is ready, the thing we planned secretly also hehe.

Rithu understood what divya was saying,she smiled widely too.

Rithu : I hope everything we planned will go well divi..!

Divya : Yes, baby! It will dont worry! Come lets go now,before we make akka,more suspicious.

Divya and rithu came to the room and started working on their own things. 

Divya's phone buzzed. She picked it annoyingly. { divya is really a type of girl isnt she? hehe}

It was a message from rithu, she kept a confused face and looked at her, she signalled to read the message. She opened the message.

Potato sister 2: Baby,go and remind them all,call once. I dont have 1% confidence that they remember what we have tomorrow, you call to some of them and come,later I will go and call the rest. 

Divya nodded, she pretended like she got some call and went out.

Nikki : What happened? She is going even before she got call, and behaving weirdly today! 

Rithu : Nothing Akka, she got a call most probably her phone is in silent mode. 

Nikki : But, nobody calls her during this hour,must be important one, you carry on. 

Somehow Divi sneaked out and stood in the balcony. She thought in her mind, that she will call to her pyari akka, yash, uru.

She dialled her pyari akka's number first.
Divi : Hello.

Payal : Hello divii!

Divi : Pyarii akka, good morning, did I disturb?

Payal : No baby, tell me. 

Divi : You remember na, you are coming tomorrow?

Payal: Yes baby, I remember, I will come. Are the arrangements done?

Divi : Almost done akka.

Payal : Okay baby, I will catch you tomorrow,bye cyaa!

Divi : Bye akka!

She dialled to uru next. 

Divya was literally dancing to her caller tone, which is take it easy urvashi song, suddenly nikki came out, rithu rushed back of her. Divya became normal,and acted like she was attending a really important call. 

Rithu said something,actually she blabbered something and took nikki inside. In the mean time when divya was acting uru lifted the call.

Divya : No, listen to me, That was important. How can you do that?

Urvashi : Divi di?

Divya : No sir, I submitted on time only.

Urvashi : Di? You are talking to me or someone else?

After nikki went in, Divya came back to normal.

Divya : Hey bunny! Good morning

Urvashi : Divi di..whom were you talking to?

Divya : Ahh..I was just managing the surprise shouldnt be out na. Nikki akka came so i was blabbering nonsense.

Urvashi : oh okay! 

Divya : You ready na bunny? Tomorrow you are coming right?

Urvashi :  arey! yes di.. i am cominggg

Divya : Good girl, I will hang up now, will meet you tom bunny!

Urvashi : Bye di!

Divya : Phew now only yash is left after that i will go check preparations.

She dialled to yash.

"The number you are dialling is on another call, please try again later.."

Divya was pissed off after calling three times and texted him. She ran like a small kid singing PSYCHO SAIYAN and came in, she signalled wifi to go and make calls. 

Wifi got up from her place, [wifi is rithu hehe]

Wifi : Amma, yes amma! 

Meanwhile inside,

Nikki : Don't you think you both are behaving really weird today?

Divya : me? What did I do akka? I am an innocent potato sister.

Nikki : Yes only we know how innocent you are.

She said typing something while looking at the screen sometimes.

Divya smiled evily

Divya : You know me inside out hehe.!

Meanwhile outside WiFi was calling Lekha, khushi and one unknown person. Actually divi and wifi planned to call everyone,but due to some issues it wasn't possible.

Wifi : Hello lekha! Good morning girl!

Lekha : What made you disturb my sleep? I just took a power nap.

Wifi : Sleep later, I called to remind you about tomorrow.

Lekha : I remember papa..I will come.

Wifi : btw why you lifted my call when you were sleeping?

Lekha : you are dangerous na that's why,now cut the call and lemme sleep.

Wifi cut the call and giggled.

Next she dialled to the mysterious person.

Wifi : hello!

Mysterious person : hello wifi! How are the potatoes treating you?

Wifi : shut up! Come tomorrow. No more talks bye!

Wifi called to khushi finally

Wifi : Hello poo

Khushi : Hi WiFi

Wifi : Good morning poo! I called you to remind about tomorrow.

Khushi : How can I miss my potato sisters birthday. I am coming..!

Wifi : Poo! Come to our room in the evening, as planned I will take Nikki akka out and reach home at 12 till then you both do all the preparations Okay?

Khushi : Okay WiFi! I will be there by 6 okay?

Wifi : Noo poo at 8 please! Till then you and divi, check if all necessary things are there or not if they aren't there bring them while you are coming.

Wifi : Yup you and divi talk then. Cyaa, bye poo!

Wifi sneaked in and sat infront of her laptop.

Divi signalled her to ask nikki akka out and wifi nodded.

Wifi : Nikki akka, we are going out today at 8.

Nikki : Why baby?

Wifi : to shop, I don't have proper dress for your birthday nor does Divi. Please na! Accompany us. I will buy you momo.!

Nikki : Why did you think I will say no? I will definitely come, it's been long we three went somewhere together.

Divi : Sorry akka! You both carry on. I really have to stay back and complete my work. So that I can have some free time and sleep. You see my dark circles.. pretty please! You guys bring for me also okay?

Wifi : Okay baby! No problem.

Soon it was evening. Nikki and wifi got ready,whereas divi acted like she was doing something really important, but in reality she was chatting with khushi. ( I said you first only,divi is one of a kind)

Nikki : Okay baby! I really want to accompany you but dw I will bring something for you, which will be a surprise.

Wifi : Yes baby! Nikki akka come today you must shop soo much for me.

They both went and when they left Divya quickly started making arrangements. She cleared all the mess. And started decoration in  chocolate theme..

This was the entrance look..!

The room decorations.

The dining table decorations.

A special Harry Potter themed cake for our chocopie.

Finally after completing all the decoration. Divya and khushi went to keep nikki akka's first surprise ready. Yes it's her today's midnight party dress and other for the next day.

( Hehe..! Nikki akka bear our poor choice.. really we don't know your choice of dressing so adjust with these this time!)

After keeping all the things ready. Khushi,went and brought some coffee for them.

Divya : Khushi, you stay back! I will go pick up the guest and come.

Divya went down and drove to the station and came back after an hour.

They gave refreshments to the guest, actually they aren't guests,but now they are also a part of surprise.

Divya and khushi was busy talking to the guests and were having fun.

Whereas WiFi and nikki were shopping like hell. They didn't realise time. It was almost 11pm. The shop was closing. So they didn't had an option except for to come out.

Wifi : Akka,let's go have momos now. I am soo hungry.

Nikki : Yes let's go!

In the meanwhile, wifi messaged divi and confirmed that everything was okay.! Then they ate momos and started traveling to home.

Divya and khushi planned and kept everything dark and hid near the entrance door. They somehow managed their owner of the room, to party the next two days.

Nikki and wifi reached home and they knocked,bit nobody opened the door.

Nikki : Guess baby, slept! You have the spare key?

Wifi : Yup! Let me open.

They opened the door and found everything dark.

Nikki : Divi..! baby potato!

Wifi : Diviiii!

Suddenly the light switched on and divu and khushi shouted at the top of their voice.

Wifi,divi and khushi : Happy Birthday nikki akkaaa!!!

Nikki akka kept palms on her mouth and stood surprised there.

Nikki : Girls! Thank you so much. I love you  so much ❤️❤️.

Divya : Come, let's go now.! Your surprise no 1.

They showed her the dress.

Wifi : Get dressed up quickly and come some biggg surprise is waiting for you.

Nikki : Awe! I love surprises! I will come soon.

Soon wifi met the guests and was waiting for nikki akka to come out.

Since nikki, divi and rithu stay away from their parents and it's been more than an year, they visited their parents. So as nikki akka's birthday gift, somehow without her knowledge, divi and wifi invited her family.

Nikki got dressed upand came out checking her dress.

Nikki : divi, wifi.. oh my god!

Nikki went and hugged her parents and cried for sometime, later, they wiped their tears and wished her and blessed her.  Nikki also hugged her sister,later they all gifted nikki this..tantadaaa

Woah! Isn't this soo cool?

Later nikki akka,along with her fam and virtual fam celebrated her birthday and after around 3am. They showed uncle and aunty and her little sister room to sleep.

While Divi, wifi and khushi cleaned up things. Nikki akka changed her dress and came.

They all sat in the hall, switched off the lights and started discussing about Arjun Singhania,the night passed away even before they knew.

They all slept on each other 😅.  It was morning 11 am. Slowly WiFi and khushi woke up and woke up Divya also ( Divya is equal to dead person once she sleeps ,so wifi wakes her baby daily hehe)

Khushi went back to her room and said that she would return back in the evening for the party.

They all ate breakfast, prepared by Aunty, though nikki akka said she would cook. Aunty made all of them sit and cooked for them. The brunch was soo nice.

Yes,it's brunch as they ate at 1pm hehe. 

Later, they all started preparations for the evening party.

Divya and nikki akka's sister were selecting some party songs and rithu was giving suggestions while decorating everything once again..

As they all didn't wanted to trouble in cooking. They ordered the dishes which will come before an hour of the party which is at 7 o clock, the party starts and 6 o clock the food arrives.

Wifi and divi finalized the decorations.

With the special momos and chocolates the party atmosphere was really cool and great! Very slow music was playing in the background.

The first one to come was pyari akka! Nikki akka was quite busy since morning attending calls and responding to messages.
Now she kept her phone aside.

Payal akka : Many more happy returns of the day nikki.!

She hugged her.

Nikki : Thanks sweetie.!

Divya : Akka, you won't say hi to us?

Payal : oh my babies! How are you both wifi and divi?

Divi and wifi : We are good akka,infact now too happy hehe.!

They all talked meanwhile lekha came in..

Lekha : Nikkiiiiiiiii

They had a bone crushing hug.

Nikki : Ah! Lekha I am not able to breathe.!

Lekha : Happy happy happy birthday nikki.

Nikki : Thank you so much love.

Lekha : Hello wifi and divi!

Wifi : Papa! How are you?

Lekha : good and you?

Wifi : I am like this hehe.

Divya clears her throat.

Divya : Hi inki!

Lekha : Hey ! What's up? How are you?

Divya : I am good! And you?

Lekha : Fine.

Divya : Enjoy, I will just come.

Divya's phone was buzzing continuously.

She took it out irritatingly.
It was the person who didn't lift her call. Who else yashu.!

Yashu : dii! This much time in answering call? I am struck somewhere.

Divya giggled

Divya : Bro, where are you. Share your location or say some land marks.

He said something and she guided him after lots of troubles,he reached.

Divya was waiting at the entrance

She saw him.

Divya : Bro, why did you take that route, instead of other one I said, see you are too tired now.

Yashu : Can't help di! I was confused.

Divya : Come,come in.

Yash went to nikki akka and wished her.

Yash : Happy Birthday di!

Nikki : Thanks yash. Have fun boyy hehe..

Next uru came too..she gave chocolates to chocopie, and they exchanged a hug.

Now is the time for cake cutting.

Nikki cut the cake,and fed to her parents first and then her sister and then to her potato sisters *wink*

Everyone started enjoying. Just then WiFi and Divi went in the centre and

Wifi : Attention everyone!!!!

Everyone turned their gaze towards wifi and divi.

Divi : So,the actual surprise isn't revealed yet! Any guesses?

Nikki : Is my enemy coming too? ( One and only enemy to potatosisters is mahi hehe,she is bitter gourd army)

Wifi : Maybe,but but there is something else too!!

Divi : No more guess?

Khushi didn't know it too. Everyone looked confused at each other.

Wifi : Well, they aren't opening their mouths Divi! Let's reveal it..

Divi: And then, the surprise is.......We have pixie di, deeku di, kavitapu di, varsha di hereeeeeeeee....

Nikki : Woah woah! My god ! My choco lord! Is this for real? Someone pinch me. Ah! I am so happy rn...

One by one everyone entered and stood infront of nikki.

The whole teen fix fam shared a group hug! Almost everyone were having happy tears in their eyes..

The real party started then..they started playing dj and started dancing..and some were singing..some were eating and what not..

In all these things they didn't notice someone entered the party!

Wifi and divi noticed her and shouted..

Divi : ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

Everyone turned and still the great mahi was dancing to the song..

Wifi : Akka, our enemy is here.

Nikki : Let's leave her today, it's my birthday na! We will let her enjoy today, later we will see bitter gourd army end.

Whereas the others, deeku akka, pixie akka,varsha akka and kavitapu akka,stared at each other as they didn't understand anything.

Later, all of them sat to eat their dinner.

These were the recipes..
(P.s don't blame me if you are hungry hehe)

That's it. They all joked and laughed and had lunch.

Divi : Let's call it a day guys! Cheers with chocolate as it's chocopie birthday hehe..

Everyone : cheers.

After sometime everyone left one after the other. Though they felt sad. They promised each other that they will meet once in a while atleast.

Nikki akka went to drop her family off to the station and it was divi and WiFi left at home.

Wifi : It was indeed a memorable day. Na divi?

Divi : Yes baby! It was unforgettable experience. I wish those moments never end. But life doesn't stop there na.

WiFi : True baby, I was so happy seeing nikki akka happy. Let's clear the room, so that we all can be back to normal from Tom.

They both started cleaning the room. In around three hours they completed and fell on the couch.

Wifi: I don't have any more energy left. I am going to sleep here that's it.

Divi : Neither me!

They fell on the couch dramatically.

Nikki : Babies! I love you so much! I love you to the square of infinity, thank you for making my day so special.!

Divi : Awee akka! We love you too 💝. Presently we  don't have enough energy to even talk. Play some movie. We will see and sleep like kids hehe

Wifi : yes akka please!

They all watched, Harry Potter series and drifted into sleep.

This story never ends.

Many many more happy returns of the day chocopie Potterhead_Niki

I love you so much, I love you for always being there for me. In this one year no matter how many things happened you were always there for me. I..I can't leave you ever. Divi ,wifi and chocopie will be together forever ❤️💗

- Divya and WiFi..


Cyaa for now hehe..

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