Twinny Akka's Birthday

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Its the day Boo and Divi were breaking their heads working on the project which they had to release soon. 

"Boooo, Divi! You guys here?",Puffy asked. 

"Yes puffy tell me",Boo asked. 

"Sakshi's birthday is tomorrow and are we going to surprise her or make some plans?",puffy asked. 

"Oh shit shit shit! Yes definetely, let wifi and Thiya akka also come we will go and have a quick discussion by then we will complete this work",Boo said and puffy nodded. 

Yesh its the building where all of them live. Its just the walls that seperate them, rest all they all live like a family living in an apartment.  

Wifi came and fell on the couch feeling tired. 

"I am so done. I need some food",She said and went to kitchen to find something for her. 

On the other hand Thiya akka who reached home after a longgggg camp, directly fell on the bed.

Boo and Divi worked on their daily work and went to puffy's rom to find her browsing things. 

"No body is here yet?",they asked and puffy nodded as no.

"Yesh! I was browsing for some surprises",she said and both of them sat on the couch. 

"Wifi is here with Thiya akka",the greatest of the greatest wifi announced. 

"Finally, come come lets sit and discuss", they all sat and made their master plan. 

Boo and divi went out to get some essentials, while puffy and wifi looked after decorations. 

Thiya akka, reasted as she was tired af, also she wanted to be fresh on Sakshi di's birthday!

*Where is the birthday girl? must be your thought right? Patience people patience, she will be here soon*

Soon Boo and Divi came with all the essentials and gifts. They also invited few members from their friends circle who were able to make it to Sakshi akka's birthday.

Puffy went to get her decorative items and started planning how to decorate.

"Are we going to stay up all night people?",Boo asked.

"We will wish her and then sleep",Puffy said and Divi nodded.

"Let's sneak into her room!",Wifi said and rest all showed thumbs up.

The watch showed 10:30pm.

"Aren't we really great for planning a birthday just before few hours. We are master minds",Boo said.

"Indeed we are. Wait wait! I forgot to invite the guests for tomorrow! Shit shit!",Divi cursed herself.

"Who are those jaati ratnalu who are coming as guests?",Thiya akka came along with us walking and asked.

( Note : Jaati ratnalu : It's actually a new telugu movie and the three main characters in it are really crazy and they do all crazy things so, I referred the three people who are coming as Jaati ratnalu)

"Shhhh secret akka! If they come na, that's all only once fasak",Divi said and went aside to call them.


"Arey! The call is to somebody named hello itseems sorry wrong number"

"I swear Mahi I will kill you"

"See see see death threats! What do you want Divi? Calling at odd hours and disturbing my beauty sleep"

"Stupid girl! We have party tomorrow! Make sure you come. Bye"

"Time Miss. Divi?"

"At 6pm"

"Will attend bye! Make sure you have loads and loads of food hahaha",she said and disconnected the call.

Divi thought first one only ate my brain. I wonder where will I go by the time the rest two also answer the call.


"Hello Di"

"Yash! Sorry da for disturbing at odd hours! Tomorrow there is birthday party at 6pm. Do come okay?"

"6? Oki I will come,but but I won't be the photographer this time"

"Aye! You are coming and you are the photographer! That's it! Final. And btw mahi is coming too"

"You made me driver, photographer. What else is left?"

"I will look for some good job next time. Come for this time. Bye bye"

"Where are you rushing in hurry?"

"I need to surprise the birthday girl"

"Okay okay! I will sleep now. Bye"

The last conversation was on mute.

Divi and all went slowly and tried to open the door knob. Thankfully it was open. They opened it and went inside.

Wifi checked the room to find Sakshi di sleeping.

She signalled all of them to start their work and puffy, wifi did the decorations. While Thiya akka made sure Sakshi di isn't up or coming to see.

Boo and Divi were making yummy food to eat. They didn't bake a cake because Sakshi di doesn't like cutting cake. They made a pancake instead.

Boo was sitting on the kitchen counter and helping Divi,while Divi cooked.

Everyone was so silent, all their talks were with actions only. If it was other time by now walls would have broken by their talks.

There were 5 mins left and everything was ready. They slowly tip toed into Sakshi akka's room and the clock striked 12. All of them shouted


She woke up with a jerk and looked surprisingly.

"Oh my god! For one second I was shocked people  thank you so much 💞"

They all went and cut the pancake which boo and divi made. Sakshi akka was impressed by the decorations and all and she was happy.

"Sakshi akka, here we bought a dress for you. Tomorrow i.e evening we will have a party. Three people are coming! I am sure you will love their presence",Divi said.

"Surprise guests? Oh my god!! You all make me cry sobs",her eyes moistened and all of them gave her a group hug.

"Di if you start crying. I will have to start fighting with Boo",Wifi said.

"Why should we fight? You don't love me anymore wifi",they started and Sakshi di giggled seeing the babies fight.

"Today let's all shleep with Sakshi dii",Boo announced.

"Oh oh oh! Okay okay! You don't love me anymore I understand boo",Wifi started and Sakshi di shut their mouthes and took them to her room.

Others slept off on the couch. The bright sun light was hitting the home.

Thiya akka and puffy being morning persons, they woke up and freshened up.

Later Divi and Nikki also woke up and freshened up.

Sakshi di woke up too. But our cute babies slept and everyone let them sleep.

"Sakshi dii, here is your outfit for evening. Now you can wear anything you wish. I will go make your favourite dosa for you",Divi said

(The above is the picture)

"Yum! It's tastyy",Sakshi di said and Divi smiled.

Everyone were about to complete their breakfast and they saw Boo and wifi standing there angrily while keeping their hands on their hips.

"How? How can you eat without two small babies? Now don't say me because we were asleep. Babies sleep more na. You should wait tch tch. Now, now we also want hot hot dosa",Boo said and dragged wifi to freshen up.

They freshened up and came. They insisted Divi and Sakshi di to feed them, which they gladly did.

It was afternoon by that time and everyone started getting ready things for the party.

Everyone knew there were three people coming and Divi made bread pakoda, bhel puri,gulab jamun and chocolate coffee.

"Oh my god! Where is this person? I ordered momos, biryani, burger,pizza and some chocolates. This guy is not coming. I don't want to listen to taunts. Mummyyyyyyyyyyy Muruga help mee",Divi blabbered to herself.

The delivery guy came and divi quickly arranged all the things and went to change her dress.

Everyone was ready and people were waiting for the mysterious three.

First came the person, MAHI.

"Yayyyyyyyyyyy! Mahi is hereeeeeeeeee",she shouted like a crazy girl making everyone go deaf.

"Girl! Will you ever change??",Boo asked.

"Why is this bittergourd here?",Wifi asked.

"I just came and too many questions no no! You oily potatoes shut up. First let me introduce myself and wish. Later I will see you all",she said and winked.

"Hello Sakshi di! I am Mahi 😁. People call me prankster as I do pranks most of the time. But trust me I am innocent. I am very very nice person unlike these potatoes",She said.

"Hello Mahi! I am Sakshi",Sakshi di introduced herself.

"So happy happy birthday di! Here is my gift for you",she said and handed over the gift to her.

"Thanks Mahi 😘!",she said and they both hugged.

"Am I late?",came a voice and everyone were shocked seeing the person.

"Naishmikaaaaaaaaaaaaa",Sakshi di exclaimed and went to hug her.

"Surpriseeeeeee",She exclaimed.

"Oh my lord oh my holy Harry",she said and hugged her.

"I missed you so much Biryani. Me ish glad you came today",Sakshi di became emo.

"Aye! Aye! Don't cry Sakshi! Wait did my poor brain forget or what? Happy happy happy birthday Birthday Sakshi di",She wished her.

"Thank you so much Biryani! This really really really means a lot",Sakshi said and they heard a click sound.

"Hey! Did you guys book a photographer or what?",Naish akka exclaimed.

"No no! It's me YASH",and then the third jaati ratnam entered.

"Already on your job? Noice noice keep it up duh",Divi said and giggled.

"Now as everyone Is here! Let's have some fun. let's play games and listen to music",Thiya akka said.

Everyone started partying and Yash gave Sakshi di a Harry Styles cup with few books.

Naishmika akka gave a wrist watch with bracelet and ring set.

While all the others gave her a teddy bear along with some chocolates and Harry Styles t shirt

The rest of the evening went partying and eating and having fun. Finally it was a day to remember.

Many more happy returns of the day _sakshiimishra_
Dii here is your last gift from myside for today. Hope you likey the chapter. I wrote it in a hurry.

*Snaps and vanishes*

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