Happy Birthday, Corey!

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A/n - Corey is actually 23, not 21 but finding birthday songs is really hard😣. Forgive me. And his birthday is already gone and I wish he told me his bday earlier cause then, this might of actually been on time but whatever. And, Corey, if you made an oc, I don't care, this guy's gonna be acting like you cause, technically, he is you. It's starting.
30 January

(This legit made me think, "This is Corey. 100%...")
It was so hot today. I was standing outside Corey's house and I knocked on the door. 'He better not be making me wait.' I had to take a plane all the way over here cause I was restricted from using teleportation for some time. And I still had to buy a basket. It had a bunch of things like chocolate and stuff in it and it had black and red ribbons all around it, his favourite colours. And to make it weirder, I was wearing those colours...

He opened the door and I screamed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YA BAKA PERV!!!" and I shoved the basket in his hands. He looked shocked and said, "Hi and what's this for?" I smiled and pushed the guy inside, hoping it was cooler on the inside of his house. "It's your birthday present, dummy. I got something planned. You up for it?" He put the basket down and looked at me with a damn dirty look, "I'm always up for anything you have planned~"

"Eewwww, Corey, you got such a dirty mind!" The guy had a small crush on me (and still fucking does😅) and he was a hopeless flirt, sooooo, typical Corey. But he was still fun to hang out with, which is why I came all the way over here for his birthday. "You got any plans today?" I had a whole day planned out for us and a surprise that would probably make him throw up, but I'm just that kind of person so you can't blame me.

"Nah, I was just gonna chill. Why?" I took out 2 tickets and showed it to him. "We're gonna go to a gaming club. This was so expensive." I made a promise to him that 1 day, we'd play stuff like Minecraft together. And this gaming club was pretty cool and I had the whole building rented out, so it was currently empty.

Corey stared at me with his eyes wide. "A gaming club?"

"Yeah. What better way to spend your birthday than at an air conditioned building where you can play games?"

"Hmm..." Corey smirked and finished, "What kind of games?" I face palmed, "PS4, Xbox, electronic games, there's even computer games. The cool 1s, not those crappy..." He looked at me with his eyebrow raised, then winked. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Keep acting like that, and I'm not taking you..." 'And I'll probably slap you into next week...'

He chuckled and pulled me onto his lap when he sat down. He always did that and to this day, I have no idea why. Whenever I asked, his response would be, "Because you're cute." He sighed and said, "Let's just stay here for a while. Please?" He added that whimper tone to his voice, making him sound so innocent. That was always to guilt trip me... And I usually fell for it... ".......fine. Only because it's your birthday..." Corey smiled and took the remote. "What ya wanna watch?" This had to be quick. 'An hour or 2 long anime couldn't hurt that much...' I turned my head and said, "No Game No Life." Corey smiled at my answer and turned on the TV.

TIME SKIP (brought to you by the birthday boi and my waifu, M-chan)

After the anime and me crying, we went to the gaming club. I texted a few people and asked if they were there yet. Unlike my friends, they were early. I was glad. Those were all of Corey's friends that he made over time. And a few of mine who were gamers. They weren't a lot, but they were still fun.

We went inside and there were lights everywhere. But not a lot to make it really bright, just enough to make things look like a glow in the dark party. Then, everything turned black.

I felt Corey's arm brush against me and heard muffled sounds. 'Well done, peeps.' Corey was currently being blindfolded and tied up. I walked through the dark, using my night vision and came to a table. Corey was situated at 1 end and everyone else was around it.

They took the bag off his head and we all shouted, "SURPRISE!!!" Some of the lights came back on and Willow came out with candles to put on the cake that was right in front of Corey. I lit them up with my fire power. "Happy 23rd birthday, bro." Corey blew out the candles, still stunned. Zero was behind him and he slapped him on the back.

Corey was completely surprised. 'A job well done...' He looked around the table and smiled, "Thanks, guys. For a moment, I thought I was getting kidnapped." I raised my eyebrow. "Would I do that to you?" Corey whimpered and stuttered, "M-maybe..." He wasn't wrong. Confusing and cute guy. A flirt but he was usually shy (note that I am giving you a LOT of info about Corey, so if you follow him and talk to him, this is good to keep in mind. Please don't be too harsh on him. I don't know why, but some people end up muting him and being real bastards when talking to him. He might give off the impression of an out-going, cool-headed, really don't-care-what-you-say kind of person, but he's really just a sweet, shy guy. He ain't used to talking to people he just met and didn't rp with. So be nice please. I might not always be nice but I'm like that with everybody and I don't take it too far, guys >:3).

I went to his end of the table and patted his head. And then I unintentionally started to braid his hair. He just had such nice hair. "Really, what is with people and braiding my hair?!" I shook my head and said, "You just have really nice hair. You still want me to teach you?" He looked down and said, "...y-yes..." I smiled and gave him a few strands of my hair. "So, you can do it 2 ways. Whichever works for you. I'll teach you the 1 where you can also do a fish braid first, though." And the lesson began.

TIME SKIP (brought to you by the birthday boi and my waifu, M-chan)

After teaching him how to braid hair, he made 8 braids in my hair! I didn't look bad, to be honest. I stood there and he admired his work. "I finally see why people like braiding hair. And why yours always got braided by others." A long time ago, people used to love playing with my hair. They'd do all different styles while I sat there like a Barbie guinea pig. It was 1 of the most frustrating times in my life...

I brushed the memory off and winked at Corey. I, too, was a hopeless flirt even when I didn't want to be. "How do I look?" Corey looked at me up and down, "Pretty hot~" I giggled and turned around, walking towards the light switch. I flicked a few switches and it completely transformed the place. There was light everywhere, all different colours and in a second, the screens of game machines flickered to life. It looked amazing. I smiled at myself for coming up with this.

I left Corey to admire the place while I went up to Honey (there's a girl in Mari Ishida's book that's called Honey and her and Axel know each other but the Honey I'm talking about is my irl friend who's a gamer; it's her nickname). "Hey, Honey. How you doing?" She smirked and said, "There was no way I was gonna miss this. And..." She looked at Corey, "Is that the guy that said he loved you? I thought you didn't like him." I rolled my eyes and answered, "He is the guy but I never said that I didn't like him. I just said I wasn't interested and I needed to rant. Be nice to him and don't call him out, please?" (I feel like such a hypocrite right now😅😂) She looked at me with the "are you for real" look but nodded her head.

I took her hand and lead her to where Minecraft was situated. It's been a long time since we last played together. And this time, we had 2 more members. Willow and Corey. I smiled at Willow and said, "Thanks for coming. Even if it's with a bunch of people you don't know, at least you're not alone." She hugged me and said, "It's no problem. And I'm gonna play Ford Fusion with Smoker later." I chuckled, "Please kick his ass for me." She pulled away and nodded. Corey looked at me and asked, "Firstly, who are all of you? And who's Smoker?"

"These are my friends. They're all gamers. And Smoker is a baka asshat. But he can be fun."

"O-ok?" In that moment, I saw Smoker. He was running to a Rocket League game. I looked at Honey and smirked. "Willow, when you're done with Smoker, what are you gonna do?" She thought for a moment and said, "I'm probably gonna play Pokemon Go." I smiled, "In that case, Honey and I will be playing Rocket League with Smoker." Honey looked at me and a wide smile was spread across her face. We loved Rocket League and beating people then bragging about it later. I now know why we stayed friends since I was 3.

I looked at Corey and giggled, "Corey, after Minecraft and whatever else you wanna do, me and Honey are gonna beat you in Rocket League." Corey smirked, "I don't know about that." I flicked his forehead. "Just you wait."

TIME SKIP (brought to you by the birthday boi and my waifu, M-chan)

After the amazing game that was Minecraft, Honey was busy playing Call of Duty with her dad, who was kicking her ass. I knew that if I joined, I'd be on top. I always beat her in that game. But with her dad in there, the odds were 50, 50. Corey was busy in a zombie role-play with Zero and I was watching Willow and Smoker play Ford Fusion. A lot of other people were everywhere, at every screen and remote. I wanted to play on the Wii remote some time after.

After I don't know how many matches, there was no winner for Ford Fusion. Willow went off on her own and challenged Smoker to the same game next time cause they tied. When I gave her the necassary equipment to play Pokemon Go, I pulled Honey, Smoker and Corey to the screen where Rocket League was on. "Time for Rocket League! Corey and Smoker, you guys are on a team, me and Honey are on another. We're gonna beat you so bad." Smoker leaned somewhat close to Corey and said, "I think we can beat them but I still hope you're good at this game."



"You're so wrong about thinking you can win, though. I'm the star player and me and Honey won almost every game we ever played."

"I doubt that, but let's see." I growled and grabbed a controller. Seating myself next to Honey, and customizing my car to look mostly purple, the game began.

A few snide comments from Smoker and some exasperated sighs from Corey once we started all because Honey and I ended up number 1 for every game. But eventually, Corey started scoring more and more and soon ended up in first place. At the end, we had no idea who had bragging rights...

It was 6 pm by now and Corey was outside. 'What's up with him? Why isn't he inside, enjoying all this stuff?' I went outside and sat next to Corey on the steps. "Whatcha doing?" Corey looked at me and I saw that there were a few tears in his eyes. "Oh my God, why are you crying?!" Corey moved closer to me and hugged me. "Thank you..." was all he said. I hugged him back and stuttered, "Y-you're welcome." We sat like that in silence. I was sure Corey's tears were staining my shirt. I didn't care. He needed to let some stuff out. I had no idea he could get so emotional though.

Once he stopped, we broke off the hug. "Sorry. It's just that..." I put my finger on his lip. "You don't need to say anything. I know." I smiled, sincerely. I then remembered about my last surprise. 'That's gonna totally ruin this.' I shook my head and asked, "You want your last present?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "W-what is it?" I stood up and took his hand. "I'll show you. Just...try not to freak out..." His attempt at humour at this hour: "Is it a kiss?" I shook my head. "Not at all. And it never will be where you want, ya know." 'Why does he always want to kiss me?' (Like legit. Have you seen my pm box with him? *face palm* Corey is special).

I lead him to the basement that was completely locked and sealed. Only Celestials could open it, which is why I needed Mari. Some disturbing stuff was in there...(I'll leave that to your imagination.) And now, it was all replaced by something else disturbing.

I opened the door that was only locked by key since the barrier was already removed and Corey's eyes went wide when he saw what was inside. It was his brother's corpse. Dissected, mangled, burnt, torn, bruised and bleeding. I looked at Corey with a blank expression on my face. His hand was covering his mouth and he looked very close to throwing up. He always wanted his brother dead. "I knew this was a bad idea." I looked down. Corey asked, "You had to be that brutal?" I shrugged. "You did want him dead. Happy birthday, dude." I closed the door and started walking. Corey scooped me up, holding me in his arms. It took me completely off-guard. "Thanks for that. Even if that was very...disturbing, thank you for everything." He kissed my cheek and smiled. 'This guy is an odd ball.'
A/n - Even though I said happy birthday to you on your birthday, Corey, happy late birthday. I told you it wasn't gonna be something too bad. I hope you like it. And I l-l-l-l-l-l-o-ove y-y-y... GAH! I can't say it! I feel like you might take it the wrong way. I have to throw in an insult. I love you, you baka. There, I said it. Happy late birthday...

Word count: 2548


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