Ch. 31: Put A Ring On It

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At the castle, Belos walked to Eda's room. He has her uniform in a garment bag. He decided that it would be nice to get her opinion on it.

"Edalyn, are you decent?"

"Like you haven't seen it before. You changed my diapers when I was a baby." Eda said.

"I know but still, you are a young woman now and I am your father. There comes a time when I can't just barge in anymore." He said as he grabbed the doorknob.

"Yeah, I'm dress. Not like I can move without hurting myself."

Belos entered the room and brought the garnet back to Eda as she stepped out of the bathroom.

'Too much apple blood.' The Titan said with a chuckle.

"Can't move, huh?"

"Well... it was either that or drown in vomit." Eda said, "What's in the bag?"

"A change of clothes. I thought since you "officially" joined the coven, you should have something more fitting. No offense to your style but you wear ripped clothing too much." Belos said as he placed the garment bag on the bed. Eda looked at the outfit. It was a dark red dress, a white cloak with a gold trim, a silver Owl Mask, and dark red heels.

"I figured you deserved to have something to show you're more than just another guard." Belos said, "I have a blue version for your sister."

"So, we'd match huh? Not bad but..." Eda said as she tried to rip it but found it impossible.

"Did I mention it's enchanted to adjust to any size, prevent battle damage, prevent wear and tear?" Belos said with a smirk, knowing Eda would try to "stylize" it.

"Yeah, thanks." Eda said, "Glad to know you learned."

"Well after I spent thousands on your wardrobe and you ripped/burned half of them, I took a little time to make sure it was impossible."

Eda chuckled at this as she drew a spell circle, making a screen cover appear so she could try it on, despite being in immense pain, she wanted to do something with her father for once. After a few minutes, she came out with the hood up and the mask in hand.

"How do I look?" Eda asked.

"Like a true Coven Head."

Eda felt conflicted about his wording but knew where father meant well as she placed the owl mask over her face to complete the look. Belos placed a hand on Eda's shoulders.

"You have no idea how proud it makes me to see you wear this." He said.

"Yeah, I guess it does make you all warm inside. So, what's the occasion for this dress?" Eda asked.

"A new coven head is being named and I need you to act as a stand-in for Lilith." Belos explained to her.

"Great... did you forget the broken ribs?" Eda asked.

"I might have a solution."

"You don't mean?"

"I'll go collect it from the Relics Hall."

"Why? I already know those relics are just for show." Eda said.

"That was lie I told you so you wouldn't play with them in your youth." Belos said.

"Please, we both know that Lilith would've played with them... I would've sold them."

"And that why I'm glad I said they were just for show." Belos said as he summoned his staff. "Be back in a flash."

"I guess I'll wait."

With the parents, Luz went to the bathroom and Lilith decided to speak to Camila.

"I think we should get Luz enrolled into Hexside." Lilith said, "If we start the process now, we can get her enrolled in the next semester so she can join her friends."

"Agreed. But first, tell me a little bit about them, Luz never had many friends before, so I want to know who has made her happy here." Camilia said.

"Well, I haven't really met them, but I've heard of them. The first one is Willow Park, a great Plant Track student. The second is Augustus Porter, I'm sure you remember his father Perry, he was in charge of broadcasting our wedding."

Camilia giggled at the memory of Perry, always excitable and dramatic over like he was always on camera. It could be said that he was born to be in front of the camera.

"How could I ever forget him? He was the school best newspaper reporter." Camilia said with a smile.

Luz came back and smiled.

"So, what were you talking about?"

"Just an old friend and enrolling you in Hexside for next semester." Camilia said.

Luz got excited.


"Of course, with you now moved to the isles, you'll need an education. Being a princess doesn't mean you get out of school." Lilith said to her.

"Of course! I wouldn't dare want to miss going to a real magic school!" Luz said with excitement.

"We also are thinking about it being Hexside. A little out of the way, but we figured you could spend time with your aunt and go with your friends." Lilith said.

Luz paled.

"There's... one thing though." Luz said, "I'm... kind of banned from Hexside."

Lilith facepalmed.

"I'll have the Coven make a... genuine donation to the school to remove it."

"And HOW exactly were you banned, Lucenda?" Camilia asked her, a serious tone in her voice.

"Well...before my bile sack was....unlocked.....I meet one of my friends, Willow, and she was having trouble with her abomination project, so-"

"You impersonated an abomination to get into the school?" Camilia asked, surprised by this crazy student.

"Yeah but everything was going fine until...they wanted to dissect me." Luz said gently.

"Forget a donation, I'm going to speak with Principal Bump personally." Camila said.

"Please don't." Lilith said.

"Why? He can't throw me into the Detention Track anymore."

"But we can't have you causing an incident when your angry like this." Lilith said to her.

"Fine, we'll go have a civil conversation with him tomorrow, okay?" Camila asked.

"More than okay." Lilith said as Luz sighed in relief. "But that doesn't mean you're excused from punishment, young lady. You're going to apologies for what you did before we enroll you in Hexside."

"Okay." Luz said, "So, what do you want to do, and don't you have to get ready for something tonight, mama?"

"Thank you for the reminder, Luz. And as for now, I think one more stop is needed. The spot where I first proposed." Lilith said.


"The only time she successfully proposed." Camila said, "She tried at least four times, and something would always get in the way before she could ask."

"They weren't that bad, were they?" Lilith asked her.

"No, they were sweet, but it's just the fact that there was something that stopped it. The wild demon, your sister putting an invisibility spell on your clothes, you almost falling off a cliff."

"Wait, you almost fell off a cliff?" Luz asked.

"Yes, but I can explain that." Lilith said it her, "I tripped over a root and Camila grabbed my leg before I could fall. I'm glad I decided to wear underwear that day."

"Wait, you-" Luz said before Camilia cut her off.

"Do not ask! And do not even THINK of doing the same!" Camilia said to her.

They went to the spot that Lilith proposed. A cliff side that showed a great view of the ocean.

"Still as beautiful as I remember." Camila said.

"There's a reason I wanted to come here." Lilith said.

She reached into her pocket, yes she demanded to have a dress that has pockets, and pulled out the one thing that Camila left behind. Her wedding ring. Lilith grabbed Camila's hand and got on a knee.

"Camila, when you left, I felt part of me die. I lost the light inside of me, I was more focused on my job than on my life. Now that you're back, I have to ask you something." She held up the ring, "Will you marry me again?"

Camilia and Luz gasped at this, the latter crying as the former watched in anticipation.

'Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!' Luz thought!

"Yes! Yes! Mil veces, sí!" Camilia said as she hugged Lilith.

Lilith slid the ring onto Camila's finger, like she did almost twenty years ago. The two kiss and press their foreheads together.

"Promise me we'll never be separated again." Lilith said.

"I promise. I never want to be separated from you. I love you, Mi Amor."

"I love you too." Lilith said as Luz ran up, hugging her mothers.

"And I love both of you!"

Camila and Lilith laugh.

"And we love you too, Lucenda." Lilith said, "Now, let's go back to the castle."

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