Ch. 38: Pain and Practice

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At the castle, Belos standing at a window and looked at the sun setting. It was a nice moment of peace that was rare for him, especially after letting his daughter and daughter-in-law to teach a very painful lesson to Odalia Blight. He fully expects a bloody and beaten Odalia dropped by his feet before the end of the day.

"My Emperor?"

Belos turned and looked and saw a guard.


"Golden Guard has delivered his latest report."

Holding out the message to him, Belos took it and dismissed guard before he opened and read the report.

"Well, they're persistent, I'll give them that." He said.

'Still, we need to increase security around the perimeter of Lilith's mansion. They got TOO close. If Hunter wasn't there, another attack would've happened.' Belos thought as he closed the report, 'Maybe have Luz stay here for the time being.'

It may be uncomfortable, but the coven had more security. It would greatly delay Caine and his crazed plan of using Luz as a power source for his portal to conquer Earth.

"Her mothers would never agree to it, seeing as it would separate them."

"Not that they would let you." Hunter said as he walked into the room.

"I see you've been working on your stealth." Belos said, "I should be impressed... except I knew you were there."

"Of course, you did." Hunter said.

"Anyway, what do you suggest instead of moving Lucenda here?" Belos asked.

"A security detail hidden in plain sight. Either with illusion spells or dressed as civilians." Hunter said.

"I suppose that could work."

"By the way, where are Lilith and Camila?" Hunter asked his uncle.

"They are "catching up" with an old classmate as we speak." Belos said.

"Ah, it seems they were too excited to wait."

Odalia heard a knock on the door, and she went to open it. When she did, Camila's hand grabbed her neck.

"Ugh!" She chocked out as she grabbed the hand, trying to pry it away!

"Hello, Odalia. It's been too long." Camila said as she walked in with Lilith, who shut the door behind them.

"C-Camila?" She choked out in shock.

"Huh, my actual name." Camila said, "Nice that you finally learned it."

"Eh-What are you-" Odalia asked as she brought into the den and forced into a chair.

"That's my little secret. Now, we have more important things to talk about. Like how your parental methods effect your children." Camila said to her.

"What I do with my children is my business." Odalia said.

"Are you actually arguing with the future Empress?" Camila asked, "You should realize that will end badly."

"Very badly." Lilith said as she glared at Odalia. "And as the future emperor, I will make it my duty that people like you are HUNG for the crimes you have committed."

"However, we aren't in charge yet." Camila said, wanting to punch that smirk off Odalia's face, "We are, however, allowed to bring you in... after some fun."

Odalia's face dropped.

"You've been nothing but a pain in my ass since I first came to this realm." Camila said, cracking her knuckles, "I'm going to enjoy this."

Odalia gulped in her chair, looking to Lilith with a begging gaze!

"Don't think you can weasel your way out of this. Unlike you, I see Amity as a daughter and want nothing more than for her to be safe and happy. Something YOU seem to be ignorant of if it's not your own happiness." Lilith said.

Camila looked at Odalia and grabbed her nose.

"This will be fun." She said.

Camila twisted her hand, snapping Odalia's nose. Odalia screamed in pain as she tried to pull away, but Camila had her nose in a vice!

"Oh no. Your punishment is just beginning." Camila said to her.

Camila smiled, she had years of pent-up anger in her.

Rage that was all going to come out to make Odalia Blight suffer mentally and physically.

"Allow me to make her more "comfortable."" Lilith said as she drew a spell circle, creating magic chains to hold Odalia's arms to the chair.

"Good, now, Camila my dear, how should we do this?"


Odalia whimpered in fear and pain as the two witches moved closer to her. Elsewhere, Luz and her friends were practicing magic. After thinks had finally settled down, the group decided to have magic practice with Luz to help her get her magic output down more. Last time, it was just Amity but now she has three friends to help her.

"Now, from what I've seen, she can do spells just by looking at them one time." Amity said.

"Then that means Luz can learn an infinite number of spells, no matter the type." Willow said.

"Yeah, she used a spell that took me months to learn, and it was her first try."

"It's not that big a deal." Luz said.

"It's a HUGE deal! Do you know that kind of talent is only once in several generations!" Gus said in awe!

"It is?"

"Yes! You could become the ultimate witch!" Gus said with a wide smile!

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Amity said, "We need to see just how many spells she knows."

"Okay, sure." Luz said as she began showing them all the spells she knew.

She snapped her fingers and small balls of fire appeared in her hands.

"So, she knows a fire spell." Willow said as Gus wrote this on a notepad.

Luz clapped her hands, and a light spell was created. A very large light spell as it was like a mini sun over their heads.

"That is... very bright." Willow said, "Can you remove it?"

"Sorry." Luz said as she made the light spell disappear.

"Thanks, now that I can see again, what else can you do?"

Luz thought for a moment before a few spells came to mind.

"We'll, I could do this little diddy." Luz said before holding up three fingers and drawing three spell circles at once.

A dome shield appeared over Luz as large plant vines rose from the ground and a group of abominations formed around them. Three sets of jaws dropped.

"She.....She just performed three different spells at the same time." Gus said as he arms hung like limp noodles.

"All three different categories too." Willow said in awe of the plant magic.

"That's... never happened before." Amity said

"Not even among emperor's coven members?" Luz asked as she undid the spells.

"No." They all said.

"Not even my mom or grandpa?" Luz asked, referring to Lilith and Belos.

They shook their heads.

"Wow." Luz said about herself, "So, I am the strongest witch alive?"

"In power but not on skill."

Turning around, everyone saw that Belos and Hunter stood before them with Belos looking to Luz.

"Your power is great, but it is still raw and unrefined. To truly be powerful, you must sharpen and hone your skills since you are a bit behind in your generation." He said to her.

"Grandpa? What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come and see how your magic training is doing." Belos said.

"Well, it's not exactly training. More like just showing off a bit but my magic output is a lot better than before. Amity can attest to that." Luz said, gesturing to Amity.

"I-i-it's true." Amity said, before kneeling, "It's an honor to be standing in front of you, Emperor Belos."

Willow and Gus kneeled as well.

"It is fine. You may all rise." Belos said to them.

He looked over Amity.

"Ah, I see why Lilith has recommended you as the next head of the Emperor's Coven." Belos said, "I can see that you're a strong witch, however, maybe you need to... try more than Abominations."

"More? Well, I do know a few spells outside of abomination." Amity said before counting them off. "Fire magic, a barrier, plant magic, and a small disintegration spell for garbage."

"I will speak with Lilith and have her teach you more spells." Belos said, "If you're to become the leader of the Emperor's Coven, you'll need basic knowledge of each Coven. As for you two."

Belos walked over to Willow and Gus.

"Principal Bump has told me that you're strong for your age, I'll speak with the Illusion and Plant coven heads, see if they are fine with taking on apprentices."

"Apprentices?!" Willow and Gus said in shock!

The news was so big and such an honor that Gus passed out from awe while Willow was fanning herself from the rush of emotions.

"Uh, Grandpa?" Luz asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, Lucenda. I'm just pointing out the potential I see before me." Belos said.

'Plus, you need to distract her from wondering where her mothers are.' Hunter thought.

"Now, I want to see what you all can do." Belos said, "Pretend I'm not even here and go back to what you were doing."

"I can even join you and show you some new spells they don't know. You can learn them after seeing them once, right?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, sure." Luz said with a nod.

"That is impressive." Belos said, "Show me."

Luz held up two fingers, with two light blue spell circles premade.

Just as before, Luz created a small groups of abominations with a mass of large vines around her.

"Tada!" Luz said as the abominations gestured to Luz with jazz hands.

"Incredible." Belos said, "You'll be a fine Emperor one day."

"Really? Me? An Emperor?" Luz said as she imagined herself on the throne.

"Luz, your mom's are the Princesses and next in line." Amity said, "You're going to become the Ruler of the Isles."

Luz won't lie, she sometimes forgets that she's the Princess.

"It's alright if you forgot, Lucenda. With everything going on, your mind is focusing on other things instead of your royal title but that also shows you're humble and place other things before a title." Belos said with a nod.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

As Luz was showing her friends and family all she can do, the two future rulers of the isles were showing Odalia all they could do to help her "learn" her lesson on treating Amity right.

"Now, I'm SURE." Camila grabbed Odalia's broken finger, "You've learned your lesson. Unless, of course, you want to see what happens when a broken finger looks like when the bone is reduced to dust... and I don't need a spell to do that."

Odalia could only nodded in agreement, having experienced the worst pain imaginable and being healed so could experience it again! It was a vicious loop that nearly broke her mentally as she cried silently.

"Good girl." Camila said before she healed the last of Odalia's injuries.

"Now... don't make us come back here." Camila said, "We're letting you off easy."

"She's right, Odalia. Because if I find out you went back on your word, the deepest hole in the Conformatorium will seem like a blessing." Lilith said with a glare as she moved her staff under Odalia's chin to make her look into her eyes. "Am I clear?"

"C-Crystal! I swear, I'll be a better woman and mother to my whole family!" Odalia said with fear.

"Good." Lilith said as she pulled away and turned to leave with Camila, "We'll be watching."

The Blight woman was out on edge again as they left her home and slammed the door behind them! Camila looked at Lilith.

"Well, I think went quiet well."

"I do, too." Lilith said as she set her staff in the air to float. "Shall we return home?"

"Gladly. I can't wait to give Amity the good news." Camila said as she sat in the staff.

The two flew off, leaving Odalia inside. She finally calmed down when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't you wish you could stick it to those two? Because I can help with that."

Odalia smiled.


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