Chapter Three: Book of Memories

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Walking into the quiet, peaceful library, Reina eased her mind. She can taste the aroma of million papers. The shuffling sound of flipping pages were medicine to her ears. Toasty sunlight passed through the window pane casting a cozy embrace to her senses. It was her sanctuary, her secret refuge. Warm, abiding and accepting.

She scuffed along the aisle, following the carpet to an end; she turned to a corner, tossing her things beneath the window. She walked, slowly scanning the books as she trails them with her fingertips. A book caught her attention. Memoir of Angels-- was embroidered on the spine in rustic letters. She was drawn by its red texture. There was a pair of wings carved on the bottom of the cover. She ran her fingertips over it, tilting her head with nostalgia. 'Looks like my birthmark'-- Reina thought squinting her eyes. The whiff of leather and thick dust welcomed her as she open to read. She sat in admiration with her back against the shelf. She read to herself.


 This is a story about a love forbidden by heavens. A love that ceased, and will now happen. 

In the birth of time, a paradise shrouded with light called heaven exist. The place where everything started. A place where angels sprout wings and a forbidden love took place.

There exist three outstanding angels that God bestowed wings. Michael, a muscular and athletic angel with powerful facial expression and body language. His wings emits the epitome of strength and valor.

Lucifer, a highly intelligent angel with superabundance of spiritual gifts that radiates with light. The embodiment of sage intellect which God granted with three pairs of magnificent wings.

And Lilia, a wise and gentle angel who had a pair of wings recumbent to her shoulders. She symbolized simplicity.

Reina ventured to her little world, reading each leaf of wrangle, diligently. She starved for more as if picking up important pieces of her that languished long time ago. Time stopped as she continued to unravel every page.

Michael, Lucifer and Lilia was respected among angels because of their magnificent work and friendship. They subsequently served directly under God. Planting themselves in the hierarchy of angels. Every mission, they grew closer to each other. So close that they are about to break a taboo.

Mutual love and affection amongst angels is forbidden. They are granted the right of will but have to be selfless to shower their love for the living.

Lucifer was in love with Lilia.

Reina snapped to reality by a tapping sound. "We are closing in 5 minutes" the librarian said. She looked out of the window. The bright sky turned orange red. "Already?" she voiced in disbelief, disappointed. She grabbed her things and had the book checked out. She went to her locker to grab some notes for tomorrow's class. She pulled the door. "Oh right" she sighed with her racket sitting cold inside. She was supposed to play tennis with Michael. She groaned hooking it on her shoulder. Dawdling in her locker, Reina scanned through her mind trying to remember what notes she needed. She was out of it that day, occasionally spacing out; contemplating things about Cross. Reina closed her locker, surprised to find him standing there. And thrilled. In fact, she was more surprised how thrilled she was. A warm, nervous feeling filled her stomach. She felt her throat go dry. "You scared me!" she cried. She saw his profile outlined against the light, his shoulder against the locker. There was so much she wanted to ask him: if he really was real, if he really was in her class, if he's got anything to do with her birthmark. But somehow, she couldn't articulate the words.

"So..." was all she managed to say. He stood there, staring. Studying her features, he darted on her lips.

"Do you know why I stare at you with these burning eyes?" Reina felt weak to her knees as he cast his eyes on her. She shakes her head not breaching his sight. "For me, it's a waste of time to even blink." 

She gasped for air, bobbing her head to a side. "That's strong" she said almost fainting from his words. She wasn't sure she had the voice, but away from the spell he cast over her, she felt more herself. His lips arched as he tucked his hands in his pocket. He gave her a warm, nostalgic smile that touched her in places she couldn't name. She reached up to cup his face. She was still a moment, pondering while being drawn to his scent. "How could you be so familiar, yet mysterious?" she voiced under her breath.

Cross gently closed his eyes, moulding his right hand with hers; engrossed with Reina's warmth. Everything went bright. Reina had sudden vision the same as before, but this time, the man is saying something important to her that she could not understand. The pure and gentle light background that she usually see became trees and mild sky. She read his lips before reverting to reality.

"Lucifer" she called out. Cross daintily opened his eyes. His lips arched to grin.

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