Tomiichi Nagai

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Tomiichi was walking down a road to the park. It was quiet and nice, the moonlight hitting the ground as he walked pass by the houses and trees. After high school ended, he pretty much didn't do anything after that. His friends, Satoru Tama and Renji Toru, they didn't talk much since that incident happened at the train station. 'We were just fooling around. We didn't mean to kill Takatsuki' he thought. Then he was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a whole bunch of people going towards his direction. One guy wearing a suit bumped next to Tomiichi. Tomiichi grabbed his black sleeve and he turned around to look at him. He asked him, "Hey, what's going on?" the man with the suit pointed at the direction he was going and said, "There's a school on fire and some teachers and students are still inside the building!" He then got out of Tomiichi grip and he was confused for a second but then he realized that the school they were heading towards to was his old high school that he used to go to. He ran towards the direction that everyone was at. When he was almost there, Tomiichi saw a bright light and some black smoke going up to the sky. After he got there, there was a whole lot of people surrounding the area and when Tomiichi looked pass the people in front of him, he saw his old high school going down into ashes. The windows were being cracked, explosions were being heard from the inside, more smoke coming out of the opened cracked windows, and the worst thing he's ever seen in his entire life was people screaming for help from the inside of the school building. He heard loud sirens, when he turned around he saw seven police cars and ten fire trucks. The police told everyone to back up from the scene. Some people listened and backed up while others didn't care and started to record the burning high school with their iPhones or Samsung Galaxy. Tomiichi was one of the people who backed up and listened to the police, meanwhile the firefighters were trying to get through the crowded people and put out the fire. The police started to put yellow police tapes around the area and trying to get people away from the scene. 'What was going? How did this happened? Who would do this?' his thoughts were snapped when he heard a police officer speaking to the people with a megaphone in his hand telling the people to get back from the scene. Then out of know where, a loud and huge explosion came out of the side of the school. The grass and trees were getting burned along with the school building. That explosions made things worse, as the entire area of the school building was on fire and now people were starting to back up more. Police got behind their cars for cover from the fire and firefighters tried their best to put out the fire.

It took hours to put out that fire and after that, everyone there had left home. Tomiichi was walking back home when the firefighters was done putting out the fire. While he was walking back home, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched by someone. He turned around and thought that he wouldn't see anyone behind him but he thought wrong. When he turned around he saw a person standing by a light post. The person a few feet from Tomiichi was wearing a black jacket, white shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. He had his head down making it hard for Tomiichi to see his face. Then the person turned around and walked away. Since he was wearing dark clothing, he vanished into the darkness of the street. Tomiichi gave out a sigh of relief when he was gone. He turned around and continued to walk to his home.

Closing the door behind him, Tomiichi walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge to get ramune. He took off the stamp and placed it on top of the marble then he slammed his palm down the stamp and he heard a pop sound. He took of the stamp and threw it away then he began to drink the ramune. He got out of the kitchen and walked down to his bedroom and he jump on the bed and sighed, 'Man, tonight was crazy. Who the hell would sent my old high school on fire?' After thinking of what happened, he eventually fell asleep.

Waking up slowly, hearing his alarm clock going off. He looked at his alarm clock and hit the snooze button. Getting up slowly and when he was about to get dressed, he heard his cell phone ringing. He looked at his phone on the small table right next to his bed side. Tomiichi walked straight towards his phone and picked it up, he looked at the screen and saw that it was his mother calling. He answered the phone and talked, "Hey mom, how've you been?" "Hello sweetie, I'm fine. How about you?" his mother asked. Tomiichi said, "I'm fine. Is there something that you need from me?" Tomiichi asked his mother. "Well, since I'm going to work there's no one in the house to take care of your little brother. I was wondering if you could watch him for me while I'm off at work." His mother said. "Wait, why can't dad do it? He doesn't have work today." "Well I was about to ask him but he got a call from his boss saying that he needed him for something. So could you please watch over your little brother till I'm done?" Tomiichi gave out an annoyed sigh and accepted his mother's request.

After getting dressed, he walked towards to his living room and turned on the TV watching the news. The news man spoke up first giving the camera a smile and telling everyone about the great day. "Great day? How stupid, it's raining outside you idiot." Tomiichi said while looking out at the window. Hearing the rain hitting the glass. He sighed again and turned his attention back towards the news. "Apparently, a house was set on fire mysteriously three days before a high school was also set on fire yesterday night. Nobody saw anyone coming out or in from the house nor the school. Some police officers found five people and a police officer in the house half burned and they all have a carved smile on their faces. Police are still investigating the house right now and they still haven't found anything else yet. We'll be back with this news after the break." was all the news man said. 'What? There was another fire three days before my high school got burned?' Tomiichi thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the doorbell ring. He got up and walked towards the front door. When he got to the door, he opened it and saw his mother with his little brother right next to her. His mother spoke, "Hi Tomiichi." His mother said with a cheerful voice. "Hi" was all Tomiichi said to his mother. Then she crouched down to look at his little brother and telling him to be a good boy.

After that, his mother left. Tomiichi looked at his little brother and said, "Do you want to watch something?" "KAMEN RIDER!" his little brother quickly answered. "Really? Kamen Rider again? Why not watch something else?" Tomiichi said. His little brother started to pout and crossed his arms then he murmured out "Kamen Rider". Tomiichi signed and walked towards the TV and putted on Kamen Rider for his little brother. Tomiichi then walked towards the kitchen and got a frying pan and cooking oil. "Hey Hiro! Did you eat breakfast!?" Tomiichi yelled and Hiro yelled back "NO!" "Are you hungry?" Tomiichi said. Hiro yelled a yes and continued to watch the TV.

It was now night time, Tomiichi picked up Hiro and set him down on a bed in the guest room. He slowly closed the door and walked right back into the living room and he got out his phone. He was going through his contact list then he saw his mother's name. He immediately pressed the contact name and the phone was ringing. He put the phone next to his left ear and waited for her to answer. The phone was ringing for two minutes and she wasn't picking up. 'What's taking so long? Come on, you should have picked up Hiro two hours ago. What you are doing?' he thought. Just when he was about to hang up, she finally answered the phone. "Finally! Hey, what gives? You were-" he stopped talking when he heard an insane chuckle. "Tomiichi, hey. How's it been?" "Who is this? Why do you have my mom's phone?" Tomiichi said at the person on the other line of the phone. "Come on. You don't remember me? You use to pick on me every day at school." the person said. "T- Takatsuki.... Hey, I'm sorry. I was being stupid back at school. I never meant to hurt you. I swear! Wait...what did you do to my parents?" Tomiichi asked. Then Bishou spoke, "Look at your front door." He said calmly. Tomiichi turned his head towards the front door hesitantly. He lead out a big gulp and fully turned his entire body at the front door. "Don't worry, hahahaha, it's a surprise. Now hurry the fuck up!" Bishou yelled out. Tomiichi flinched when he heard Takatsuki yelling at him. He gulped again and slowly walked towards the front door. When he was next to the front door, he slowly reached out to the door knob and was hesitantly turning it. He didn't know what he was going to see on the other side. All the memories of teasing, pushing, hitting, kicking, and even seeing Takatsuki getting hit by that train made it worse for Tomiichi. 'Was Takatsuki mad? Did he set the school on fire? What does he want?' Tomiichi was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the doorbell ring. "HAHAHA! Better answer that. Must be important." Bishou said on the other line. Tomiichi lead out another gulp and realized that the door knob was fully rotated. He slowly pulled the door open and he closed his eyes not wanting to see what he was about to see in front of him.

Then he heard his mother's voice but something was wrong, it sounded like she was crying along with his father screaming in pain and agony. He opened his eyes carefully and what he saw...he let go of the door knob and he started to puke on the ground, holding his stomach and on to his knees. His parent's bodies were both sitting on a chair with a small recording in the middle. The small recording stopped afterwards.

The father's torso was neatly cutted out starting from his shoulders and ending at his waist. His lungs had three holes on each one. The heart was cut into tiny little pieces and was stuffed into the father's mouth and nose. The gallbladder was being surrounded by a whole lot of centipedes and spiders. The father's kidneys were replaced by his hands holding the two kidneys while doing a middle finger. The spine was in his mouth and out through the back of his head. Every skin was peeled off. Blood everywhere and there was still blood pouring out.

The mother had her eyes out, hanging from her sockets. Scissors right through in the empty eye sockets. Her teeth were replaced by nails going through her gum and the side of her cheeks. Her fingers inside her heart. Two small knives inside her ears while there was tons of worms going around inside of her head. Intestines were lying on the ground and her ribs went through her chest impaling her lungs and her heart.

Tomiichi was shock, terrified, and sad at the same time when he looked at his dead parent's corpse. "Did you like the present I sent you? Huh Tomiichi?" Bishou said. Then Tomiichi spoke up, "YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHY!? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MY FAMILY!?" "Why? Well, it's because your dumbass. Out of all the times I told you to leave me alone and now...behind." Bishou said. After that, Tomiichi quickly turned around but was soon knocked out unconscious when he felt a hard impact hitting him on the side of his head.

Slowly...slowly, Tomiichi woke up. Opening his eyes but it was still dark around him. He wasn't dreaming nor was he dead. He was still alive but the air around him was so cold, he couldn't stop shivering. Then, he heard a door open. And the lights flicked on, Tomiichi quickly closed his eyes so the lights wouldn't blur his vision. Once he got use to the light, he shot open his eyes to see Hiro, his little brother, tied to a chair sitting across from him facing towards Tomiichi. "Hey! Hey Hiro! Wake up!" Tomiichi yelled at Hiro to wake him up. Hiro slowly woke up and lazily lifted up his head to see his big brother tied to a chair while sitting down. "Big *yawn* big brother? What's going on? Where's mommy and daddy?" Hiro said while trying to rub his eyes but failed. "Hey, don't worry, I promise everything's going to be fine. I promise-" "You know, you shouldn't keep promises that you can't keep. Well, not that any of that matters now since the both of you are going to die anyways." Bishou said. Tomiichi turned his head to the left to look at Bishou and when he did his eyes widened, body shivering from fear. He saw the carved smile onto Bishou's face but the one thing that scared Tomiichi the most was the red eyes he was staring at. Then, after a few seconds of staring at Bishou, he spoke, "T-Takatsuki? Is that you? Wha-What happened to you?" Bishou laughed at his stupidity and he grabbed Tomiichi by the collar of his shirt and pulled close towards his face. Tomiichi froze there, scared shitless. He couldn't do nothing but stare at Bishou's red eyes, his brown iris, his pupils, and his sclera were all completely red. It was like a bloody red color. He was snapped out of his fears when he heard Bishou spoke, ""What happened to me?" What a stupid question to ask, were there when I got hit by that fucking train...remember?" he asked. Tomiichi felt a water going down his cheeks, he was crying? "Takatsuki! I'm so sorry! I was being a stupid dumbass, I didn't mean to hurt! Please-" he was stopped when he felt Bishou's fist making contact with his right cheeks. "Sorry? You're...sorry? It's too late for sorry dipshit. First you guys bullied me. Second, I got hit by a fucking train. Third, I WAS IN A FUCKING COMA FOR THREE WHOLE YEARS! Do you know what it felt like? To have every...single...goddamn bones your body to be shattered? BROKEN!" Bishou yelled at Tomiichi. Then Bishou heard a small child voice yelling at him. "Hey! Leave my big brother alone you big ugly meanie!" Bishou turned his head towards the kid and his smile got wider. "Well I forgot about you. You must be Tomiichi's little brother." Bishou said. "That's right! And my big brother is going to kick your butt!" Hiro said. "Hey Hiro, that's enough! Stop i-" Tomiichi was interrupted by a hand punching him across his face. Tomiichi puked out blood, he looked up at Bishou. "No...let the stupid brat talk." He said. Then Hiro kept on yelling at Bishou and Bishou walked towards Hiro then when he was in front of him, Bishou quickly pulled out a knife out of his jacket pocket and stabbed Hiro on his right thigh. Hiro screamed out of pain and he was crying. "STOP IT TAKATSUKI! STOP! IT'S ME YOU WANT DAMN IT!!! LET HIM GO! PLEASE!!!!" Tomiichi yelled out. "Yes, it's you who I want to kill but I also want to see you suffer a little bit more. You're gonna watch as I torture and brutally kill your little brother in front of you. Besides...this is your fault." Bishou said while rotating the knife in Hiro's thigh over and over again. He pulled out the knife and went towards the tray full of weapons. He picked up a cleaver and went back to Hiro. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD, I'M GONNA KILL YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" "I'm the asshole? Says the guy who bullied me at high school. Now don't close your eyes, I'm just getting to the fun part." Bishou said. He lifted up the cleaver and quickly slammed the cleaver down to Hiro's right hand. Hiro screamed in pain, crying out of fear, and his right arm wiggling around because of his hand getting chopped off. Tomiichi eyes widened and seeing the blood squiring out of the wrist. Tomiichi screamed and screamed telling Bishou to stop but Bishou only ignored him and continued with his fun. He went to the other arm and got ready to chop Hiro's left hand off. Hiro cried out of mercy, begging Bishou to stop but Bishou quickly shut him up when he slammed his cleaver down at Hiro's left hand. Hiro then started to cry again. Blood pouring of his left wrist, Tomiichi began to cry as well, "PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! STOP THIS!!! Just kill me instead, I was the one who bullied you, it was my fault you're like this. Just please sto-" Bishou cutted him off by covering Tomiichi's mouth with his hand. "You know, you are getting really annoying. You know that? Just shut up for a bit." Bishou said. He got out a duct tape roll and he pulled out a strand and he put the strand of duct tape on Tomiichi mouth first then he went around his head covering the back of his head and his mouth with duct tape. He then got out three diaper pin, he unclipped one of them and pressed the needle on the left side of Tomiichi's eye lids then he did the same with the right eye lid, then he got out the third diaper pin, he unclipped it and stick it towards the little hole on top of the other two diaper and pressed the needle into the skin of Tomiichi's forehead, putting both of them on Tomiichi eye lids then he lifted them up and duct taped them so that Tomiichi wouldn't be able to close his eyes. Tomiichi screamed in pain, feeling the blood slowly pouring down from his forehead. But the worse thing he hated more than the pain on his forehead was seeing his little brother being tortured right in front of him. Tomiichi tried to say something but he couldn't since duct tape was around his mouth. The only thing that can be heard coming out of Tomiichi's mouth was muffling. Tomiichi tried his hardest to get out of the chair but no matter how many times he struggles, he can't break free. "AAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Hiro screamed out. Tomiichi tried to close his eyes but the diapers weren't letting him. Bishou laughed and laughed enjoying the sounds of screams and flesh being torn apart.

Hiro screamed out again, hearing his skin being peeled off by the scrape of sandpaper. Blood gushing everywhere on the cold, wet floor. Hiro looked up to see his big brother doing nothing but cry as he was watching his own little brother being tortured. He tried to call out his name but the only thing that came out was a small quiet squeal. Tomiichi looked straight into Hiro's eyes, seeing the fear and pain in them. Seeing his own blood around him and part of his body skinless. Hiro felt his heart skip a beat. He knew that he was going to die at some point but he wanted to see his big brother's face for the last time before he goes. Tears filling both of their eyes as they looked at each other."Alright, I think I had enough fun for tonight. How about we say I end it right now? Huh?" Bishou said with a hint of excitement inside his voice. He walked over to his weapon area and he grabbed a black colored drill with red outlines around it and walked right behind Hiro. Bishou aligned the drill straight at Hiro's head and he said, "Anything you wanna say to your big brother before you- well you know...die?" Bishou asked. Hiro turned his eyes to the left corner and stared back at Tomiichi's face that was practically begging at this point. Then he decided to speak, "Don't worry big bro, I can get to be with mommy and daddy again. You've been the best broth-" Hiro was cut off by the sound of the drill going through the back of his head. Hiro's blood was being splattered all over Bishou's face and his clothes. When Tomiichi saw this he shut his eyes and the diaper pin connected to his eye lids ripped off, causing blood from his ripped off eye lids pouring down from his face. Tomiichi screams were muffled by the duct tape round his mouth. He wasn't screaming of the pain on his eyes but the pain to see his little brother killed in front of him. Tomiichi looked down while crying. "Hey, shit face. Take a look." Bishou said. Grabbing Tomiichi's hair and forcing him to look at his dead brother but what he said was sick and made him grew more angry, he saw two red lines on each side of the cheeks in what looked like was a smile. "Don't worry, you'll join him. So...just...Keep Smiling." Bishou said. Tomiichi was about to turn his head to look at Bishou but he felt something flowing down his throat. Then he realized that his throat was cut open. 'So, I'm gonna die right here.' was Tomiichi last thought before his body went limp and unconscious. Bishou inhaled, smelling the sweet blood all over the two corpse and on the floor. Then, he exhaled and he spoke, "So...who's next? Satoru Tama or Renji Toru?"     

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