Bishou v. The Puppet

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     In the forest in Kyoto, Japan, a young boy was walking through the forest and he had a bad feeling that he was being watch. The boy looked around his surroundings but saw nothing, '... strange' the boy thought. He just kept on walking until then he heard a twig snapped. The boy started to get scared so then he ran as fast as he could not turning around to look back. He stopped a few minutes after and looked behind him and saw nothing. He waited a few more minutes to hear anything of some sort but heard nothing. He sighed in relief and when he turned around he saw... The Puppet. "Sore wa migi no kodomo, anata no yoriyoi jikkōdesu. Anata wa watashi kara hanarete jikkō suru koto wa dekimasen. Nan seikō o Hahaha - ? (That's right kid, you better run. You can't run away from me. Hahaha- what the fuck?)" Bishou said with a confused face. Bishou had saw blood splattered everywhere, on the trees and on the ground. "Nantekotta i? Imaimashī kodomo wa shuryūdan ya nanika o tabete imashita ka? (What the hell? Did the goddamn kid eat a grenade or something?)" Bishou said. Bishou looked at the body parts and he found the head. "Soko ni sore ga aru. (There it is.)" Bishou walked up towards the head of the victim and then he grabbed the head to carve a smile on the victims face, "Zutto ī. Shikashi, mada, dare matawa nan seikō ga subete no kono tawagoto o shimashita. Ikutsu ka no kirainahito wa tsumori watashi no kiru o nusumu tame ni zan'nendearu sa rete imasu. Shikata ga nai... (Much better. But still, who or what the fuck did all this shit. Some asshole is gonna be sorry for stealing my kill. Oh well...)" Bishou threw the head on the ground and walked deeper into the forest. "*yawn* Hijiri tawagoto watashi wa tsukarete imasu. Yoriyoi ikutsu ka no nokori no bubun o shutoku. (Holy shit I'm tired. Better get some rest.)" While he was walking away, The Puppet was staring at Bishou... The Puppet was following Bishou. Bishou walked into a cabin in the middle of nowhere of the forest. He walked to his bedroom and laid down on the bed. After a few minutes of tossing, turning, and finding a perfect position to sleep in, he finally fell asleep. Twenty-five minutes passed by and The Puppet was at the outside of the window of Bishou's bedroom. The Puppet was looking at Bishou and when The Puppet was about to jump at Bishou, he heard some people yelling. The Puppet looked at the direction of the yelling and looked back at Bishou. The Puppet tilted his head a bit to the right and disappeared in the shadows.

"Watashi wa anata ga ha~a~tsuitte ita basho o anata wa shitteita to omoimashita! Nani ga okotta?! (I thought you knew where you were going huh?! What happened?!)" a boy said with an angry tone. "Damare! Anata ga saisho no basho de, kono inakamono no hakujin yarō mori ni ikitakatta 1deshita! Baka! (Shut up! You were the one who wanted to go to this goddamn forest in the first place! Idiot!)" another boy had said with the same angry tone. "Sate, naze anata wa watashi o teishi shite inaito ne,-ka ni watashi no o shiri o doraggu! (Well why didn't you stop me and dragged my ass to the house huh?!)" the other boy said. "Ā kimasu. Wareware wa, subete watashi wa anata to issho ni ikanakatta baai, anata wa chīsana akachan no yō ni naki hajimemashou koto o shitte imasu. (Oh come on. We all know that if I didn't go with you, you'll start crying like a little baby.)" The boy said. "Yoku (Well-)"" Anata wa sore o kiita matsu no ka? (Wait, did you hear that?)" the boy said with a nervous tone. "Nani o kikimasu? (Hear what?!)" the other boy said. "Otoko wa, sakende teishi shimasu. Watashi wa kono basho o kowaga~tsuo shutoku shi hajimete iru, shinkokudesu. Anata wa kono basho ni tsuite no nyūsu o kiite inaidesu ka? Karera wa nana rei kara roku-ri ga, kono mori de korosa reta to iimasu. (Dude, stop yelling. I'm serious, I'm starting to get scared of this place. Didn't you hear the news about this place? They say that seventy-six people were killed in this forest.)" The boy said with again, a nervous tone. "Hontōni? Anata wa dono yō ni orokana koto ga dekimasu ka? Anata no yōna baka wa, kono mori ni ikanai dakenode, sorera dumbasses wa, osoraku, korera no monogatari o katatte imasu. (Really? How stupid can you be? Those dumbasses are probably telling those stories just so idiots like you wouldn't go into this forest.)" The other boy said with a sarcastic voice. "Otoko wa, watashi wa jōdande wa arimasen yo. Watashitachiha yoriyoi koko kara nukedashimasu. (Dude, I'm not joking around. We better get out of here.)" The boy said. The other boy rolled his eyes and started to walk deeper into the forest. He didn't care what his brother thought. "Hei! (Hey!)" he yelled and whisper in the same time, "Nani shite iru no? ! Jigoku wa doko ni iku no? Oi! (What the hell are you doing?! Where the hell are you going?! Dude!)" he tried to follow his path but then end up losing his trail. Meanwhile, when The Puppet was following the other boy, the boy that went off didn't notice that he had lost his brother. "Nē, nani ga okorimasu ka? Naze tte... Totsuzen no yō ni shizukade? (Hey, what happen? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden...huh?)" the boy questioned. "Oi! (DUDE!)" the boy started to get irritated. He turned around and he didn't see his brother. He looked side to side and still didn't see him. "Anata wa watashi o kowagara seru tame ni shiyou to shite iru baai otoko wa, anata wa mojidōri... Hontōni subarashī shigoto o yatte imasu. (Dude, if you're trying to scare me, then you're doing a really great job...literally.)" He started to get scared. He shot up when he heard scratching noises and a little music playing that sounded like 'Pop Goes the Weasel'. He started to run as fast as he could. He didn't hear the scratching noises anymore but he could still hear the little music playing. He felt like the music was getting louder the more he kept on running. He then stopped running and hid behind a tree. He took a few breathe before he would start running. "Kuso ̄ (Damn) *huff* *huff*...Doko jigoku wa anatadesu! (where the hell are you?!) *huff* *huff*" when he turned around he saw a really tall figure in front of him. He looked up to see the figures face and then felt something hit him on the forehead. He put a finger on the thing that hit him and saw that it was a black ooze. The black ooze felt liked it was on fire. He quickly rubbed off the black ooze and heard the music playing again. He looked up at the figures face and saw the figure looking down at him. The boy was terrified. He was shaking and he couldn't move. And then when the music stopped playing, at the end of the music, there were a whole bunch of little kid's voice saying 'There's No Escape'. Then The Puppet jumped at boy and shredded his arms off and then his legs. The boy was screaming in pain and was crying at the same time.

Meanwhile, when the boy was screaming, Bishou shot opened his eyes and got up then looked around. "Jigoku wa, sore wa nanideshita ka? Himei no kodomo? Sukoshi tanoshimi no tame no jikan. (What the hell was that? A kid screaming? Time for a little fun.)" Bishou said a creepy voice. Then when the boy looked at The Puppets eyes...the boy's eyes were taken. Then The Puppet chopped off his head off and threw it at the ground. The Puppet looked around and was looking for the other boy. So then The Puppet disappeared into the shadows and was on a search for the other boy. "Doko ni imasu ka? ! HASASHI! (WHERE ARE YOU?! HASASHI!!!)" The boy screamed for his little brother. 'Naze kare wa himei o shimashita ka? Kare wa kiken ni sarasa remashita ka? Kare wa ochite imashita ka? Ittai nani ga okorimashita ka. (Why did he scream? Was he in danger? Did he fell? What the hell happened?!)' he kept on thinking of questions of what happened to his little brother. Then he stopped running and saw a figure right in front of him. The figure was wearing a black jacket and a huge hoodie over his head. He couldn't see his face because of the hoodie. "Kon'nichiwa H - ? Anatahadare? (H- Hello? Who are you?)" the boy questioned the figure in front of him. There was only silence for about a few seconds, Bishou spoke up. "Dono yōna jigoku wa, anata ga kurai toki ni Hayashi no naka ni yatte imasu ka? Anata ga himeidatta koto? (What the hell are you doing in a forest in a dark time? Was that you screaming?)" Bishou questioned the boy. Then the boy spoke quickly when Bishou said something about screaming, "Anata mo sakende iru koto o kikimashita! Sore wa watashi no otōtodeshita. , Anata wa kare o mite iru shite kudasai? Kare wa toraburu ni atta yō ni kare ga kikoemashita. (You heard that screaming too!? That was my little brother. Please, have you seen him? He sounded like he was in trouble.)" "*sighs* Dakara, sore wa sukoshi meinu no yō ni saken deta anata no otōtodeshita. (So, that was your little brother who was screaming like a little bitch.)" Bishou said with a chuckle. "Anata wa ittai nani o iimashita no? Sore wa watashi no otōto anata no yarōdesu! (What the hell did you say?! That's my brother you bastard!)" the boy said with an angry tone. Then Bishou took off his hoodie and revealed his face to the boy. The bloody red eyes and the crooked carved smile on his face. The boy shook in fear and started to back away. "W nan jigoku? Anata no kao... Sono egao... Anata no - anata no me. (W-What the hell? Your face...that smile...your-your eyes.)" was all he could say. "Dō shita no? Anata ga kowagatte? (What's the matter? You scared?)" Bishou said while walking towards the boy. The boy was scared at this point. He wanted to run but felt a sharp fear in him, not letting him run away. "Watashi kara no G - G wa, nyūshu shimasu! (G-g-get away from me!)" the boy said in a fear tone. He backed up way too much and then bumped into a tree. He turned his head to see the tree behind him and then turned to see Bishou in front of his face. Then Bishou covered the boy's mouth and said, "Keep smiling..." and then Bishou sliced his head off. Cut open his stomach and the boys' intestine came out of his stomach and splattered all over the ground. Then Bishou grabbed one of the intestines and wrapped it around the boys' neck and tied it around the tree. "Heh." Bishou then put his knife in the boys' mouth and carved a smile on his face. "Soko... Kanpeki. Tsugini,-betsu no kodomo wa koko no mawari ni arimashita. Doko jigoku wa kare ga iru nodesu ka? Naze kare wa himeiwoagerumashita no... ? Mā, kare wa ochita ka nanika ni chigai arimasen. (There...perfect. Now there was another kid around here. Where the hell is he? Why did he scream...? Oh well, he must've fell or something.)"

Bishou then walked around the forest and continued to wander around. But then he felt like he was being watched. He turned and looked around but saw nothing. He continued to walk some more until he then felt like he was being watched again. He stopped walking and then he lifted up his knife and turned around quickly and slashed something. He took a look at the thing he slashed and it was a leg. He looked up to see a strange tall figure looking down at him. Bishou saw a black ooze dripping down from its eyes and mouth. Then Bishou spoke, "Seikō anatahadaredesu ka? (Who the fuck are you?)" Bishou said looking up at The Puppets face. The Puppet tilted his head to the left and then while Bishou was going to attack, The Puppet swung his right arm and slammed Bishou to a tree and then Bishou got up and ran towards The Puppet. Bishou jumped up and stabbed The Puppet to the chest while gripping on The Puppets shoulder to keep his balance and he kept on stabbing him to the chest over and over again. The Puppet grabbed Bishou on the back and he lifted him up and slammed him to the ground. The Puppet grabbed Bishou by the ankle and swung him around on to every trees. Bishou is getting slammed to trees, the ground, branches, and even he has thrown to the sky and fell down to the ground. He gotten up and looked at The Puppet and he is very pissed off and yet having fun at the same time. "Omoshiroi! (Interesting!)" Bishou said with an angry tone but a bit of a fun tone in it as well. Bishou than ran straight towards at The Puppet and kicked him at the leg causing The Puppet to fall and almost hitting the ground but then The Puppet put both of his hands on the ground and go back up swinging his arms towards Bishou and grabbed Bishou by the arms and started to crush him. Bishou gritted his teeth and lifted up both of his legs and kicked straight at The Puppets chest. Then The Puppet let go of Bishou and backed up to the kick. Bishou dropped to the ground and looked at The Puppet straight into the eyes and ran towards him again. The Puppet tilted his head a bit to the left and stretched out his right arm to grab Bishou by the neck but then Bishou slashed The Puppets hand and black blood was coming off of The Puppets right hand. Then Bishou started to run towards to The Puppet and he was stabbing him in the leg. The Puppet slapped Bishou on the face causing Bishou to fall to the ground again. Bishou tried to get up but then ended up getting penetrated by The Puppets long pointed claws. The Puppet took out his long pointed claws out of Bishou's back and looked at Bishou, tilting his head left to right over and over again. Then Bishou was coughing up blood and desperately trying to get up but the pain in his stomach and back was not letting him to get up. Then Bishou was starting to hear this song playing. "*cough up blood* Pop...Goes...the...Weasel...? *cough up blood* so...stupid...." The Puppet walked towards Bishou and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up to the air. Then at the end of the song said, 'There's No Escape.' The Puppet was about to strike Bishou in the face but then Bishou quickly grabbed The Puppets wrist and said, "There's No Escape? Nanida ittai nani ni tsuite hanashite imasu ka? (What the fuck are you talking about?) WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN 'THERE'S NO ESCAPE'?!" Then Bishou chopped off The Puppets hand and stabbed him to the face.

The Puppet backed away from Bishou. Bishous knife was still on The Puppets forehead. The Puppet was about to pull out the knife but then he felt a sharp pain to his calves. He ended up lying on the ground and felt the knife in his forehead being pulled out and saw Bishou. Bishou was punching The Puppet on the face and he was about to stab him right into the face again but then The Puppet grabbed Bishou by the waist and threw him across from where he was lying from. The Puppet lifted up his right arm and swirling around his fingers. He was trying to controll Bishou but for some unknown reason, The Puppet couldn't controll the craved smiling boy. The Puppet tilted his head to the left and he clutched both of his hands.This was the first time that The Puppet couldn't control anyone. The Puppets mask was changing its looks. The eyes became more angry looking, the mouth area was forming into a grin but with sharp teeth coming out, and the black ooze stopped dripping from the eyes and mouth and it turned into a black mist on the sides. Bishou got up and looked at The Puppet, he examined his mask for a second and spoke, "Hey, are you pissed off? Your mask is changing? Oh my god, you looked even more uglier than before." Then The Puppet jumped at Bishou letting out a loud screech sound and then Bishou did a backflip to kick The Puppet on his chin. The Puppet fell backwards on to the ground. The Puppet was about to get up but then Bishou ran at The Puppet and punched him on the face but then he grabbed Bishou by the ankle and swung him towards a tree and slammed him to a branch. "tsk...haha...kuso- (damn)...." Bishou said while coughing up blood. He looked up at The Puppet and he flipped him off. The Puppet jumped at Bishou and was about to shred him into pieces but then Bishou managed to dodged it and looks at The Puppet and Bishou sliced The Puppets mask in half.

The Puppet covered his face with his hands. Hearing the thud sound from the drop of his mask, The Puppet looked at Bishou and Bishou only saw a blank face. It was all black with fogs hovering around it, and seeing drops of ooze dripping down from his face. "Nante kotodesu. Anata wa ittai nanidesu ka? Shinken ni. (Holy shit. What the hell are you? Seriously.)" Bishou said sarcasticly. Then The Puppet had enough of Bishou, he stretched out his right arm and grabbed Bishou by the neck and slammed him to a tree. Bishou started to hear a lot of children saying, 'THERE'SNOESCAPETHERE'SNOESCAPETHERE'SNOESCAPETHERE'SNOESCAPE' and Bishou closed his eyes hearing the same thing over and over again then he too had enough of this shit. He shot out open his eyes and yelled out, "Damare anata wa yakkai COCK sui ritoru SHIT no orokana bubun o inakamono no hakujin yarō! (SHUT UP YOU GODDAMN STUPID PIECE OF MOTHERFUCKING COCK SUCKING LITTLE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)" Then he sliced The Puppets right forearm off and got down to the ground. He looked at The Puppet and his eyes became more red than ever. His eyes were so red that you couldn't see his iris no more and he ran towards The Puppet but then The Puppets veins shot out from his cut off left arm and his right forearm. The veins that were coming off from his dystonia were attached to the cut left arm and then it was pulled back into place. And the veins that were coming off the right upper arm were attached to the forearm and was put back into place. The Puppets arms were completely healed and it looked new. The Puppet looked at both of his arms and placed both hands on his face then pulled them back. Seeing the black ooze on both of his hands, Bishou gritted his teeth and murmured, "Fuck...." Seeing The Puppet healing himself by using his veins was complete bullshit but Bishou didn't care, he ran straight at The Puppet and The Puppet looked at Bishou and scratched Bishou by the torso and Bishou backed up a bit. He looked at his ripped shirt and some black ooze that was on Bishou started to heat up. "Damn that's hot. Whatever.", Bishou said. Then he again ran straight towards The Puppet and The Puppet was gonna slash at Bishou with his white claw covered with black ooze but Bishou dodged that and sliced his right arm off and kicked him down to the ground. The Puppets veins shot out again but Bishou caught them with his left hand and said, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" but he didn't relized that the veins were being wrapped around his left hand and lifted him up into the air. Bishou gritted his teeth and looked down at The Puppet. "humph...fucker." From what he can tell, The Puppet had lifted him up about 23'9 feet form the ground. Bishou looked at the veins and he grabbed them by his other hand and brought them closer to his face then he took a bite at them. He broke the veins and was free but he was falling down. He looked down at The Puppet and grabbed the handle of his knife with both hands and raised it above his head and got ready to stab him. The Puppet saw what he was doing and when Bishou was about to strike, he put his left hand over his face. Bishou put all of his force into the strike and the knife went through The Puppets hand but the hilt pushed down the hand and the point of the knife stabbed The Puppet in the face.

The Puppet led out a loud screech of pain. He grabbed Bishou by the waist and threw him on the ground. Bishous knife came out of The Puppets face but it was still stuck on his hand. Then the knife fell the to ground. Bishou looked at his knife and he only saw the handle of the knife. From what he could tell, the black ooze on his face must have burned off the blade. "Chikushō. Sore wa amarini mo watashi no konomi no naifudeshita. (Damn it. That was my favorite knife too.)" Bishou said. He looked at The Puppet and he was disappearing into the shadows. He was going to leave this fight. "Hei! Jigoku wa, anata ga okonatte iru to omoimasu dokoni? Kono tatakai wa mada owatte imasen! (HEY!!! WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING???!!! THIS FIGHT'S NOT OVER YET!!!)" Bishou yelled out. After that, The Puppet disappeared. Bishou sighed and looked around the forest area he was in. He noticed something on the ground. He looked closer towards it and eyes widen with surprise. He started to laugh like a maniac and grabbed the object from the ground. It was The Puppets right arm that he cut off. "HAHAHAHAHAHA HE FORGOT HIS ARM!!!!!!!!" he yelled out. Then he thinked for a while and thought, 'If I keep this, maybe he might come back for this', he scoffed and left. Carrying the cut offed arm on his shoulder, he walked back to his abandoned house.

Bishou didn't noticed a figure behind a tree that was a couple feet away from him watching him walking away. The figure smiled and thought out, 'What a cutie. That was one intense fight they had. I wish I could've joined in on the fun. Oh well. Let's see where he's going.' The woman stepped away from the tree that she was hiding and her face was shown. She had a sewed up mouth and her eyes were grey, her hair was brown, she wore a white shirt that only covered her breast and it had long sleeves, ripped jeans, and knee high black stockings. She followed Bishou quietly and thought, 'Where's he going. What's up with his face. The carved smile, and red eyes. Is he like me?' Then Bishou kicked open his front door and walked in. He closed the door behind him and locked it. He went to the living room and hunged up the cut offed arm to a random wall in the living room. "There, perfect. Haahahahaaha, what a dumbass." he said. He went to his bathroom and turned on the hot water. After that, he started to take off his black jacket and his white t-shirt off and tossed them to the floor. His six pack abs and muscler torso and arms yet very skinney body were torned up. He took off his pants and undergarments off aswell and he was naked. He was about to take a shower to wash off the black ooze and blood from his torso and legs but he stopped for a momoent and looked at his reflection in the mirror. Seeing the cut marks and whip scars from his family, still reminded him of what his family did to him. Meanwhile, the woman outside the house had her eyes closed and was searching all over the house to find Bishou. When she heard the water turned on from the bathroom, she quickly looked at the bathroom and saw Bishou there naked. The woman opened her eyes quickly and covered her sewed up mouth. 'Oh my god, was he just- oh my. I didn't mean to look. Aww, I'm such a perv.', thought the stitched woman. Then she got up and walked away from the house and thought, 'Well, I guess I'll meet you again soon...Bishou.' When she thought her name, Bishou opened his eyes and looked around his surroundings. "Jigoku wa, sore wa nanideshita ka? Jigoku de dare ga watashi no namae o iimashita ka? (What the hell was that? Who in the hell said my name?)" said Bishou. A couple of minutes, he shrunged it off and continued to scrub off the black ooze from his body.

Meanwhile, The Puppet was in a closet of a little kids room. Then The Puppet heard a kid yelling at his mother and father. The kid was on his bed crying, "*sob* *sob* *sob* Sore o dan. Naze karera wa tsuneni otagai o tatakawanakereba naranai nodesu ka? Karera ga tatakau toki, watashi wa sore o kiraimasu. Naze wareware wa futatabi shiawase ni suru koto wa dekimasen ka? (Dang it. Why do they always have to fight each other? I hate it when they fight. Why can't we be happy again?)" then the kid heard his closet door opening. The kid looked at The Puppet and asked, "W - anatahadaredesu ka? (W-who are you?)" The Puppet didn't answer the kid but only looked at him. The Puppet tilted his head to the right and the kid did the same. The kid then smiled at The Puppet and said, "Tomodachi ni natte kuremasu ka? (Can you be my friend?)" the kid held out his hand towards The Puppet. The Puppet lifted his left arm and sliced the kid in half. The Puppet heard a small knock on the door and heard the kids mother talked, "Suu~ītī wa, dete kite kudasai. Mama to papa wa, tatakai no tame ni mōshiwake arimasen. Watashitachi wa futatabi tatakau tsumori wanai yakusoku shimasu. (Sweetie, please come out. Mommy and daddy are sorry for fighting. We promise we won't fight again.)" There was no answer. The Puppet came out of the mothers shadow and got behind her. The mother felt a liquid hit her on the head and she looked up. Seeing The Puppet before her. Before she could scream, The Puppet sliced the mothers head off and the head fell to the ground. Then The Puppet noticed that his right arm is still gone. He looked at his cut offed arm and he cluched his left hand. He disppeared into the shadow once more and went to the forest where he fought Bishou. He looked everywhere to find his right arm but the only thing he could find was his sliced mask. He grabbed the pieces of the mask and put them on. The line of the cut were gone and the mask was good as new. The looks of the mask went back to normal. He found his mask but he couldn't find his right arm. He let out a loud screech. Then Bishou looked at his window and heard the screech. His carved smile got wider and said, "Bakku yori ha~anno tame ni ki? (Come back for more huh)"? 

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