A Warm Welcome

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Hey guys~ This is my first reader x ... fic, so hopefully it doesn't suck. To clarify, (Y/N) stands for Your Name, although, if you're reading this I'd be surprised if you didn't know that. Anyway, I'm just going to describe (Y/N)'s appearance as she looks in the game because I can't be bothered with (E/C), (H/C) etc - I never really know what those stand for anyway and I have to google it.

If you're not familiar with 'Dangerous Fellows' it's an Otome game about the zombie apocalypse that you can get on your phone. But this is a Highschool AU.

I hope you enjoy the story!


I'm minding my own business, trying to decipher where the entrance to my new boarding school is so that I can head over to my orientation for the first day here, pulling my heavy suitcase behind me. I stop for a moment to look at some guys playing football, I guess they have practice even on the first day. However, my decision to watch the game for a moment was clearly a mistake, as suddenly a football is heading straight for my head.

"Ow!" I yell as it hits me straight in the face. The impact is so forceful that I find myself falling to the ground, time slows as it tends to do when you're watching your own inevitable doom. My head hit the concrete. Hard. My head's throbbing, and when I try to open my eyes there are white specks dotting my vision, so I close them again.

"Shit!" I hear a gruff voice yell.

"Is she okay?!" asks a different panicked voice. Their voices are making the pain worse, as are the hurried footsteps running my way.

I feel my head being lifted up onto something, whatever it is it's better than the concrete. I hear two clicks, one next to each ear, I guess whoever this is trying to determine if I can still hear. When I squirm at the sound, a soft voice asks, "Are you okay?" I groan in response and try to blink open my eyes. I'm met with a pearly white smile and a mop of soft silver hair. I blush as I realise my head is, in fact, in his lap, and I try to sit up. But, as soon as I do, blood rushes to my head, and I'm struck with a wave of dizziness.

"Hey, hey, don't try to move," I looked over to yet another new voice, this guy has glasses and messy brown hair. He passes me a bottle of water, which I drink from gratefully.

"Thank you," I say to him and the boy who was taking care of me, who now gave me a hand up. He let me lean against as the dizziness faded.

I heard a sigh from behind me, "Look, she's totally fine. Let's get back to football!" stated an impatient voice, which I could swear was the same panicked one from earlier, said boy was wearing a baggy hoodie and black mask, although for the life of me I could not figure out why he'd need one.

"Eugene she was practically unconscious!" protested the kind boy next to me.

A fiery redhead beside Eugene also sighed. "The kid is seriously fine! Let's get back to football!" he said excitedly.

"I, I'll be okay," I said, though I still felt like I could fall over again any second. "You guys get back to your game. Thanks for coming to check on me."

"Actually, I was just looking for the ball," said Eugene, he had the football under his arm as proof. I glared at him, what's his problem.

"Eugene," said glasses in a warning tone, and then sighed. "Harry, why don't you stay with her until you're sure she's better? You can catch up with us later," decided glasses. The other boys all turned to leave, except for one I had hardly noticed earlier. It's strange, he's so tall, yet so quiet that I never noticed his presence.

"The ball that hit you, I'm the one that kicked it. I'm sorry it hit you," he said with a slight bow of his head.

"Oh, um, don't worry, I'm okay," I said, although, in truth, the world was still spinning. He nodded again and walked off after the others. Harry dragged me over to some grass to sit on.

He gave me a warm smile, "As you may have gathered from earlier, I'm Harry! It's nice to meet you." 

I smiled back at him, "I'm (Y/N)."

"What a pretty name!" he replied, "I've never seen you around before, are you new?" he asked.

"Yeah actually!" I said, "It's my first day at Bishōnen High!"

Harry laughs gently, "I suppose we haven't made the best first impression. Everyone you just met is on the football team. The small, whiny one is Eugene, the fiery, redhead is Zion, the gentle giant is Ethan and commanding one with glasses is Lawrence."

"Well, it was nice to meet... most of you," I decide to say, that gets a laugh out of Harry. "I think I'm meant to be going to an orientation of some kind," I say, trying to stand up, but having to sit back down because of the blood painfully rushing to my head.

"Hey, hey, stay sitting. I'll help you to any classes when you feel better, okay?"

I gave him another smile, "Thank you so much!" Harry showed me to my registration class, and, as luck would have it, I'm in the same one as him and Eugene.

"You've got to be kidding me," said Eugene, sighing as he spotted you. "She's not seriously in our regi class, is she? Harry, please don't let her sit with us!" I glared at him.

"Eugene, being friendly for once in your life won't hurt you, you know?" said Harry. Eugene just humphed, dragging a hand through his styled light coloured fringe.

"Yeah, well being an asshole never hurt me either," he said, sticking his tongue out at Harry. That actually got a small giggle out of me, and I could swear a small smile graced Eugene's lips for a second.

Miraculously, the three of us managed to have quite a pleasant conversation, and when the bell rang, signalling the start of the school day, I found that I shared my first class, music, with Eugene, so he reluctantly showed me the way there.

"You any good at music yourself?" he asked, hands in his hoddie's pocket.

"I'm afraid not, I wouldn't know my way around a triangle," I confessed.

"Yeah, I'm not even sure I'd entrust you with one," he said. I shoved him to the side and he laughed.

"There's no need to be so mean!" I say though I'm smiling.

As the fates would have it when the teachers paired us up, I ended up with Eugene. He sighed as he came over to sit with me.

"So, how do you want our composition to sound?" he asked me, "I mean, I imagine you'll have no idea, but I was thinking this could be the base melody." Absentmindedly, Eugene played a cute but lively melody effortlessly on the keyboard we'd been given. His fingers seemed to dance across the keys, he must practice a lot.

"Wow, Eugene, that's amazing!" he looks at me in shock, "Did you come up with that on the spot?!" I asked excitedly. He looks at me guardedly, as if searching for a teasing lilt to my voice.

"Um, no, actually, I've been working on it for a while..." he says quietly, looking away from me.

"Well, it's awesome! I'm not sure how I can help add to it though," I admit.

He smirked at me, "Well, we've just got to pick some percussion for the backing, add some harmony, maybe a countermelody," he says thoughtfully.

"You make it sound so easy!" We spend the rest of the morning working on our composition, by the time morning break came, to my utmost surprise, Eugene dragged me to his friend group. I gratefully follow in suit.

As I stare at the group of new people, I spot an old friend, who immediately jumps out of her chair to greet me. "Oh my God! (Y/N), is that you?!"

"Wait... Judy?!" I rush over to hug her, she was a friend I had when I was younger, but I haven't seen her in forever.

"I had no idea you were enrolling at Bishōnen high!"

"I had no idea you went here!"

"This sentimentally is starting to hurt my brain," complained Eugene, Zion nodded along with him.

"This is seriously not that exciting," yawned Zion from where he was reclining on a bench, practically manspreading over the entirety of it.

"I think it's lovely to see two old friends reconnect," commented Lawrence, Ethan nodded along with him, and Harry smiled at the two of us.

I sat down in a chair next to Judy, but it was at this point that an angry looking blonde girl huffed loudly. "Um, excuse me, I'm fine with you having your happy little reunion. But who exactly decided it was okay for this girl to sit with us?"

"Scarlett, there's no need to be so hostile!" said Judy, "(Y/N) is a lovely person!"

"I don't care if she's won a Nobel peace prize! May I remind you how hard it was to gain the popularity and safety we have currently? It's a kill or be killed world here. May I remind you guys what happened earlier last year? She and her ratty clothes really don't inspire much confidence. We're threatened enough by the other cliques as it is," she said, talking as if I wasn't even there.

"I... I don't want to go back to where we were b-before," muttered a girl with long green hair.

"I'm with Scarlett. You've had your reunion, now leave us be," said a brunette with a red jacket.

"You guys are being horrible!" said Judy, outraged. "You can't just leave her to fend for herself!"

"If you love her so much, why don't you leave with her?" snapped Scarlett, Judy went silent, looking as if she was about to cry.

"Yeah, that's a great idea, if you leave the squad at least she won't be alone!" said the brunette, sounding satisfied. I was getting increasingly agitated, I really thought I could make some friends here. It's my first day, after all, I don't want to be alone. I've heard horror stories about the bullying that goes on here.

"All of you, stop this talk at once. Scarlett, you're catastrophising. Our group definitely has room for (Y/N)," said Harry, I smiled gratefully at him.

Zion huffed, "She's doing more than catastrophising. She's being a hypocrite. When you were new last year you practically begged to friends with us," he smirked, this seemed to shut Scarlett up.

"Eugene, what do you think?" asked Lawrence.

"It's whatever. I don't care either way. We'll lose our popularity soon anyway, it's a fickle thing." I smiled at him, although he acts like he doesn't care, he brought me here in the first place, so I know where he stands.

"Ethan, what about you?"

"She seems nice to me," he stated.

"And Sue?" he asked, turning to a small girl with glasses who hadn't spoken so far.

"I think she could be a valuable asset. Our group could always use more members; there is strength in numbers."

"Alright (Y/N), that's 6 votes against 3. Welcome to our clique. You're like family to us now, you protect us, and we protect you," said Lawrence. I blinked at him, after being referred to as an asset, I felt more like a financial investment that was just bought than a person being welcomed by a new group of friends. However, as strange and unorthodox as they are, I think I can really make some friends here. "Now, let's move!" he announced. Ethan produced what looked like a can of oil from his school bag and covered the benches, chairs and grass we had been sitting on in it. Lawrence then casually threw a lighter at it and the bunch of us ran. I found myself jogging next to Zion.

"He just set school property on fire!" I yelled in shock. 

Zion just grinned at me, "Yeah, but it's to set up the Pyros, another school gang. The administration threatened that if they set anything else on fire they'd get suspended. They've had it out for us for a while, Lawrence is just looking out for us."

"So, you're saying that because the outcome is beneficial to us, it's fine?!" I said in shock.

Zion grinned, "That's Lawrence's motto, anything to protect us. Plus fires are super cool." I just blink at him in shock. I already knew this school was messed up, but this is insane. It looks like I got more than I bargained for enrolling here.


Hey guys~ I think the cover and the Lawrence photo I edited may be proof that I should not be allowed to use the 3D Paint app on my computer... I'm sorry for the terrible editing!

If you're new to my writing, I tend to ramble here for a bit, so please feel free to skip to the next chapter.

With this fic, I just thought, you know what be fun? A fanfiction that takes away the actually exciting bit of the game - what if there weren't any zombies? In all seriousness, I wanted to try and figure out how the guys would work in a high school setting.

I also love the cover picture:

Eugene: I'm too cool for sitting

Zion: Imma man spread to my heart's content

Ethan: No time for sitting. I must be vigilant.

Harry: Imma cross my legs like the good mannered bean I am

And Lawrence just looks ready to murder someone.

My editor also wondered why Scarlett is called Scarlett if she has blonde hair. He thinks her name should be changed to dumb blonde.

Anyways, you guys are all awesome, and please feel free to comment, I love to hear from you guys! I hope to see you next chapter.

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