bite. -chapter 21- butterfly in the hurricane

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Hanging my head in the toilet bowl I heaved one more wretch and purged the last of my stomach contents. I never thought vampires could be sick. Sheldon sat on the other side the toilet holding my hair out the bowl like a true friend. When I had finished wretching I slouched against the porcelain sink next to the toilet. I couldn’t think straight. Too much had happened simultaneously in one evening for me to process my thoughts properly. I felt like a fragile butterfly in the middle of hurricane trying to not get my wings torn off.

Sheldon wrapped a warm towel around my shoulders and passed me a toothbrush and toothpaste. Calmly he said, “I know this is scary and I’m shitting bricks too, but when Michael walks back into this apartment you need to keep you shit together all we are going to be majorly fucked Lorna.”

I looked at Sheldon said numbly, “I had a dream and I saw Michael and all the other angels killing those people. I thought it was a nightmare-” I couldn’t suppress the sob that escaped from my lungs as the images of those people in their final moments flashed over and over in my mind.

“Vampire mates sometime inherit memories when they make the blood bond with each other. You must have inherited that memory from Michael which explains your dream. I want to help you deal with this but Michael is going to back any moment now and frankly those fucking V-whatever’s are looking hotter than you right now. So please brush your teeth and put on brave force and keep your shit together, if not for yourself, then do it for Emma and Micah.”

“Micah.” I whispered.

Micah, my darling Micah, what would Michael do to you when he found you? Would he tear out your throat like he did to your friends? Oh God, I wish you were here Micah, I am in so much trouble. I closed my eyes and felt the hot tears rolling down my cheeks. I had to carry on. I had to get onto that boat. Michael would eventually find out but if saving Micah meant an eternity of Hell with Michael then I would pay that price.

Standing I leaned on Sheldon for support. I cleaned myself up and blocked out all those bad thoughts and focused on Micah. Sheldon lead me into the lounge and sat me down on the couch. He then went into the kitchen and prepared some blood for me and brought it out on a tray. I sat quietly sipping the blood waiting in anticipation for Michael to return. I forced a smile across my face trying to keep it cool.

“Why are you smiling?” Sheldon asked.

“I’m trying to act normal.” I replied.

“A monster broke into you fucking apartment and licked you fucking face- you are not alright.”

“You told me to act cool.”

“I didn’t tell you to act euphoric. Think of how you would feel if you hadn’t found out your boyfriend was a psychopathic homicidal fucker.” Sheldon advised.

“Okay.” I said flatly.

“All you need to do is pretend you’re tired and ask to lie down. You’ll get away from Michael and I’ll go and talk to Keira and we’ll figure some shit out. So just act normal. Cool?”

I nodded. Okay fine. I can do this. Act normal.

The front door opened and Michael walked in. Looking at Sheldon he asked, “How is she?”

Sheldon had his hands in his pockets and glanced at me replying, “She’s a little shaken up.”

 “I want to go to bed.” I said.

“What? Right now?” Michael said raising an eyebrow.

I tried to say yes but I couldn’t make the sound so I nodded my head violently. Shit I was being way too over dramatic. Sheldon was staring at me with large anry eyes that screamed, ‘act fucking normal’.

Michael glanced around the room rubbing his chin, “You’re bedroom is trashed.”

“She can use the guest room in my flat.” Sheldon said.

“Thanks, but Raphael hasn’t found out how the monsters got in. Everyone on this floor is going to evacuated temporarily. Barry thinks Lorna should come back to the head quarters with me and others so we can protect her better.”

I shook my head, I couldn’t go there, the boat would be docking soon and I needed to be here when it did so Keira could bust me out. But the how was I going to convince Michael that the hotel would be safer than the slayer HQ? I opened my mouth to state my case but Francesca and Magda burst through the door. Raphael must have got the elevators working again.

“Oh thank the stars you are alive!” Francesca said flinging her arms around me.

“I’m fine, I’m just very tired.” I replied shakily.

“We’ve spoken to Barry, he is going to look after you for a few days baby.” Francesca said.

I shook my head again but no one noticed. They were too busy interrogating Michael and Sheldon about what had happened. I tried several times to voice my protests but I couldn’t. Everytime I looked up at Michael a nausea and heartache hit me so bad it took my breathe away.

He killed all those people.

“There is no doubt Lorna will be safest with the slayers and you Michael.” Magda said voicing her confidence in both Michael and his department.

“I’ll pack Lorna’s overnight bag and bring some more stuff over to yours tomorrow.” Francesca added.

I felt Sheldon eyes boring into me- say something- he was mentally screaming at me. Clearing my throat I eventually mustered a quiet, “I don’t want to go.”

The room fell silent and everyone stared at me.

“Lorna, you’ll be safer in our HQ-” but I cut Michael dead.

“I don’t want to go.” I repeated.

My vampire parents exchanged looks then eyed Michael up suspiciously, “Why don’t you want to go?” Magda asked.

“I don’t want to leave my family.” I replied.

It felt so childish and fake but I knew my vampire parents who had been so desparate for a child would lap this shit up. Francesca put her arm protectively around me and said softly, “We will come and visit you every night.”

I shook my head. “I just want to be normal.” I replied.

“Maybe we could speak to Duncan see if he had a better solution.” Magda suggested.

Michael disagreed, “No, the whole hotel has been compromised, it’s not safe. She needs to come with us.”

“I don’t want to go with you.” I said.

Michael’s face harden becoming an unreadable mask of stone he tensed his jaw and said, “Lorna stop this childish nonsense.”

“Don’t call my daughter childish.” Francesca snapped protectively.

“What happens when they come back next time while we are all asleep!.” Michael yelled.

Magda inserted herself between Francesca and Michael, “Do not yell at my family!”

“Then let me protect my wife.” Michael responded.

There was a silence and then Magda and Francesca said in unison, “Lorna stays with us.”

Michael shook his head in disbelief, “We are sitting ducks if we stay here!”

“Duncan is already increasing security. Lorna needs to be with her coven in these difficult times.” Magda said.

Michael wasn’t convinced he grabbed his coat off the armchair and snapped, “I’m going for a walk.”

The door slammed shut behind him and I felt relief wash over me.

 I had won.

 I was staying.

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