bite. - chapter 34- Passion Killer

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The manor house was a very old building dating back to the tudor times and was surrounded by woodland and boasted its own lake. The grounds and house was well maintained. Lurch, the chauffer, drove up the winding gravel drive and parked in front of the house. Leandro made us wait inside the car until he checked none of those things had kept up with us. After that I was taken to my room. Unusually the room was above ground in a windowless room that was lavishly decorated. It was off a gallery that over looked the main hall. Lurch carried Michael up to my room and dumped him on the bed. Carefully I checked Michael’s skin for cuts and bruises. There were a few drops of dried blood here and there but all the wounds had healed up. I didn’t like Michael for what he did to me, but then I wasn’t exactly impressed with myself. I slumped onto the floor by the bed and hugged my knees to my chest. All those vampire were dead because of me. I had led Micah back to our hide out. Tears filled my eyes. How could I be so stupid? I couldn’t bear to think what Skull thought of me, or what he would think of me when he was told that I had had coffee with Micah an hour or so earlier to the attack. Guilt and remorse clawed inside me, I had been so incredibly naive. Leandro had said it all when he said I was still a baby vampire. I didn’t understand politics and the nature of men and the games they played for power and money. I felt like I was a small insignificant bug that had got caught in this web that was created from other people’s mistakes and now I was trying to break free. Why had Micah killed all those people? Was it to kill Michael or too punish me?

As I felt the night waning I crawled into bed next Michael and wrapped my arms around him. Yeah, he had tried to knock me out but that couldn’t eclipse the overwhelming love I felt for him. Closing my eyes I waited for the sun to rise up and send me into a deep sleep.

I woke up and found myself snuggled into Michael’s side. Unusually the sun had not woke me up nor my own self. I had been pulled out of sleep by the sound of raised voices outside. Rubbing my eyes I sat up and crossed over the room and opened the door slightly, keeping low I listened to Leandro and Patrick in the Hall arguing.

“The figures don’t add up.” Leandro yelled.

“It was a windfall Leandro, let’s leave it at that. Money is such a vulgar topic let’s talk about something different.”

“Have you’ve been gambling again?”

“I haven’t gambled since you stopped my allowance thirty years ago.”

“You nearly bankrupted the coven!”

“And now, my dear brother-in-law, I am bringing the coven back into the black once more-” Patrick voice was overshadowed by a loud whining squeak behind me. I spun round in fright and Michael caught my shoulders as I nearly fell off balance. He had stepped on an old floor board when he snuck up on me. I grabbed his arm and led him back into our bedroom.

“Where are we?” He asked as I closed the bedroom door.

“In the countryside hiding out with my Great Grandfather.” I explained.

Michael’s eyes darkened, “Was he the asshole that jumped me?” He asked.

My reply was swift and sharp, “No, you were the asshole that jumped me.”

Michael exhaled loudly and ran his fingers through his hair. I walked to the other side of the room putting some distance between us and waited for a reply. Michael raised his hand like he was going to say something then dropped it.  He pondered for another moment looking tense and twitchy. He paused and forced himself to relax, he soften his facial expression and he looked up at me with open eyes and said, 

“Come here.”

I shrugged, “I don’t know Michael. I don’t want to get clobbered.”

Michael’s patience snapped a little and he repeated, “Come here or I will come to you.”

Sighing I padded over to where Michael stood and faced him. Michael took my hands in his and leaned down so we were eye to eye.

“You know why I did that,” he said, “I was trying to protect you.”

There was a part of me that acknowledge the reasons why Michael had acted that way, and it was because of that part, the other part of me couldn’t seem to get angry at him. He stared at me, his eyes pleading for forgiveness or at least understanding. I found my gaze drifting from those eyes to his lips and noticed my breathing had become more ragged now he was standing so close. My mind lost focus and all I could think about was leaning forward and kissing those lips. Michael squeezed my hands waiting for an answer and I quickly blinked. My mind had drifted. Trying to come across pissed I replied,

“I know, but I didn’t expect it.”

Michael didn’t reply initially instead he continued to hold my and drag out the intensity between us. It felt unnatural to stand here and stare at him when I could just lean forward and kiss him and completely lose myself. Michael felt the attraction too, he let go of my hands and lifted his own to my face, gently framing my cheeks. Lowering his gaze to my mouth he roughly ran his thumb along my lower lip. He the corner of his mouth curved upwards as I let out a soft moan. In a low raw voice he said,

“God I’m never going to stop wanting you.”

Michael crushed his lips against mine, tightening his arms around me. The passion exploded between us and I had to have him, he was like an insatiable craving that was never fully repressed. Every thought and every fibre of my being was begging for his touch. I should be mad with him but I couldn’t get mad, not when I wanted him so much. Michael lifted me up on his hips and I wrapped my legs around him. He started to walk towards the bed when the bedroom rattled loudly as someone banged against it.

We both paused and looked irritably at the door. I glanced down at Michael who rolled his eyes and lowered me to the floor, he quickly stole a kiss then walked to the door and opened it. Sheldon flew in,

“Where the fuck have you two losers been? I’ve been waiting downstairs for you since 11pm.” He said pushing into the room. This was definitely a passion killer.

“Sheldon, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“They traced my ip and I got busted so I’m going underground!” Sheldon said.

“How did you get here?”

“Leandro offered me sanctuary in exchange for helping you two track down Micah.”

“Where is Leandro?”

“He and what-his name stormed out arguing. I don’t know, but what I do know is that there is banged up corsa with our name on it in the garage and a lady in Sevenoaks that needs questioning.” Sheldon said zipping up his jacket.

“Okay, but we need to swing by somewhere and get clothes. All I have is Keira’s tracksuit, I don’t even have any shoes.”

“I picked up these before the fuzz raided the hotel last night.” Sheldon dived into his satchel and pulled out a pair of sneakers and threw them at me.


“You’re welcome, now can we please get going?” He asked.

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