Chapter 38b

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The sunset and I woke up feeling Michael's arms around me. I nuzzled into his chest, gently trying to wake him. He groaned and rolled over, burying his face into the mattress.

Clearly, he wasn't ready to get up.

I slipped out of the bed and got dressed. Tiptoeing upstairs I entered the disused restaurant area. I wondered if this place still running water so I have a shower or a wash... although there was something kinda kinky about smelling like him.

I padded across the floor until I caught the scent of something in the air - cigarette smoke.

"Your Audi has an inbuilt tracker," a voice said behind.

I turned and saw Leandro sitting on a bar stool with a cigarette in one hand.

"Oh, shit," I said out loud.

Leandro raised an eyebrow and stubbed out his cigarette. "You should be glad that it was me who found you and not the government or your ex-boyfriend."

"I don't need your help, Leandro."

"You do. Micah has Keira," he replied starkly.

"What?" I demanded, feeling panic rising up inside me.

"She was abducted from the hotel night. Micah left a message addressed to you." Leandro pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and passed it to me.

'I want to do something a little touristy with you. Meet me by the Cuttysark in Greenwich tomorrow evening at 11.45pm. Leave the boyfriend behind. – Your Micah. P.S don't disappoint me or I will feed Keira to my pets'

"He wants to meet me tonight. He'lI Keira if I don't go," I explained.

Leandro shook his head, "It's too risky."

"I have too. I lost Sheldon and I refuse to lose Keria too."

"I will deal with it," a voice behind me said.

A hand rested on my shoulder and I felt Michael protective warmth enveloping me. He pressed a kiss against my neck and said, "You go with Leandro and I will deal with Micah."

I pulled away from him, shaking my head.

"He'll kill Keira. I have to go," I said.

"I'm not letting you go, Lorna."

"Michael, I don't have time to agonize over this with you. I am going - Leandro, will you take me?"

Leandro shook his head too, "I'm afraid I am going to have to agree with Michael," He said, "It's too dangerous."

"But Keira will die!"

"Duncan should have secured his coven better," Leandro said without any remorse.

I looked at the pair of them in shock and disgust. They were going to willingly and knowingly let Keira die because of that? Anger burst threw me and screamed at the top of my lungs, "Did you not hear me! She'll die without me!"

I couldn't let Keira die. Sheldon had already died for me and I couldn't let another of friends die too. Michael and Leandro stood side by side willing to take the brunt of my rage in order to protect me.

"Cover the doors," Michael said to Leandro, "She's fast."

Michael then looked at me and said calmly, "Run and you will pass out in a few minutes, Lorna. You haven't got the stamina to run all the way to Greenwich."

"Then help me," I begged.

"I'm sorry, Lorna."

"Don't you dare come near me, Michael," I said backing away from him.

"Lorna, please, Micah has probably killed Keira-"

"Don't say that! Shut your damn mouth! Keira is alive and I'm not going to leave her."

"You're not going," Michael said.

Suddenly two green laser dots appeared on Michael's and Leandro's foreheads. Both of them stilled.

Raphael and Gabriel emerged from the shadows with their weapons raised. How they got into the building without being noticed, I have no idea, but somehow the pair of them had managed to sneak past Michael and Leandro undetected.

Gabriel and Raphael walked up to my side and Raphael put one hand on my shoulder,

"Now here's an idea, Darling," Raphael said, "With my gun pointed at Michael and with Gabe's gun pointed at teenage dream over there, we can kidnap you from said boyfriend and whoever the hell he is and take you on a little helicopter ride to visit your ex-boyfriend."

Michael looked at me desperately, "Please, Lorna, don't go." He said.

I ignored Michael's plea and turned to Raphael and asked,

"Will you help me kill Micah?"

"I've got a special bullet with his name engraved on it already, Babe," Raphael said.

"Let's go."

"Then we've got a plan," Raphael said.

Michael and Leandro stood stock still, while Raphael and Gabe escorted me out of the pub to a black slayer van waiting down the road. We got in and accelerated down the road at high speed.

"Mikey's not going to be too happy with us," Raphael said.

"The boy can kiss my ass, god knows he shot it enough times." Gabe snapped.

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