Chapter 3b

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A/N - this is an additional chapter which is part of the new edit.


It was difficult to tell from inside the cabin, how big the ship was. 

I could only guess by the way we were being tossed about, that I was in a small boat.

Francesca and Magda allowed me to leave my cabin and explore the ship. When I reached the ship's massive stairwell, I soon discovered that this little ship was in fact a large ferry with over a dozen decks to explore. As walked up the stairs, I wondered if there were any other passengers on board.

There were a couple of duty free posters advertising perfumes that I recognised and another sign for a shopping deck on upper levels. I thought about going up there when I noticed a laminated A4 poster stuck below the perfume sign.

I crossed the dark corridor and examined the poster.


Beneath the angry message was an official logo that read 'Department of Supernatural Relations'.

I glanced about and spotted other laminated signs.





Suddenly, this place didn't seem like a passenger ferry. 

I returned back to the stairwell and went up a few more flights of stairs. All the decks were the same - dark, dirty, and littered with ominous laminated posters warning staff of best behaviour and which parts of the ship were dangerous.

I was standing halfway on the stairs, debating whether I should go back to my cabin, when the ship suddenly lurched backwards as it started to climb a large wave. The whole ship went from horizontal to vertical in a matter of seconds. I grabbed onto the stair's bannister and held on for precious life. I could feel my feet lifting off the floor.

Oh my God - were we about to sink?

I shut my eyes and prayed for a quick end. 

"Lorna, hold on!" A hard masculine voice shouted.

I opened my eyes in time to see Michael, appear right next to me. He placed his arms either side of me, gently pinning me between his chest and the stair bannister. I froze, in fear and confusion. I didn't know what was happening, but his body so warm and he smelt so good...

The ship heaved itself up to the top of the wave and fell forward crashing into the sea. The drop reminded me of a fairground ride. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for it to be over, while Michael held me tight, stopping me from being thrown against the wall. 

The ship plunged down and levelled out.

I kept still, focusing on the pressure from Michael's chest against my back. The ship swayed from side to side and stilled. I opened my eyes glanced down at the arms around me.

"Michael?" I breathed.

Before he had the chance to respond, the ship's speaker system crackled to life.

"Er...sorry folks. That was a freak wave caused by the storm. We'll do our best to move the ship into calmer waters, but for now, please remain in your cabins."

Michael released me and quickly turned away, heading down the stairs. 

"Wait," I called after him, wanting to thank him for saving me.

He paused for a split second, his pace faltering, but then he pushed on, disappearing into the darkness. 

I tried following him, but my legs had turned to jelly. I managed a few steps and then had to stop. I took a seat on the step and rested my head against the bannister.

What the hell had just happened back there?

"Lorna? Lorna?" Francesca's voice echoed up the stairwell.

"I'm here," I called back.

Francesca appeared in front of me a split second later.

"Oh my darling, are you injured?" she asked.

I shook my head, "No, I just needed to take a rest."

"You're weak, my sweetness. Please come with me and I can get you something to eat."

"I'm not drinking blood."

"Darling heart, you have to drink... you'll get sick."

"It's not that," I lied. "The rocking of the boat, it's making me nauseous."

"Okay, we'll try giving you a little blood when we arrive on land."

Forcing a smile, I replied, "That sound's great."

Francesca returned my smile with a hug and disappeared back down below, leaving me to wonder what the hell I was going to do in a few hours when confronted with the prospect of drinking blood again.

You didn't mind drinking Michael's blood -  a small voice whispered inside my head.

No, last night was different. I was on the brink of death and Michael's blood saved me. 

You liked his blood, you want to drink it again... you want to taste him again.. 

"No way," I muttered to myself.

His blood belongs to you... he belongs to you...

At this point I stood up and ran up the stairs. I don't know why, but I needed air - I needed to get outside of this ship. 

I followed the signs to the top floor and found the door leading to the outside deck. I ignored the poster that screamed in bold capitals 'DO NOT GO OUT ONTO THE DECK IN BAD WEATHER' and tried opening the door. The door opened a few inches and then slammed shut.

"I thought I told you to go back to your cabin," a voice growled.

I spun around and saw Micheal, holding the door shut, glaring at me.

"I needed some air."

"Are you so blood starved, that you have completely lost your mind?"

He grabbed my arm and started to pull me back towards the stairwell. 

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Taking you back to your parents. The ship is dangerous, it's not a playground."

"I know! I've read the million posters plastered around the ship! Stop pulling on me! Let go," I yelled and pulled my arm out of his grip.

I fell backwards and landed on the floor with a bump. 

Micheal stood over me and said, "There is no using in fighting me. You're barely strong enough to walk back to your cabin."

I stared up at him in puzzlement. A few minutes ago, he seemed to really care about me, but now he was just being a pain in the ass.

"I'm not fighting you," I replied defiantly, "I object to being manhandle roughly."

His expression hardened and he crouched down next to me. "You're weak. You need blood but you refuse to drink."

"I'm not hungry."

"You're lying. I can feel your hunger and growing weakness."

He lifted his hand and touched my face, remarking, "You're so pale."

I slapped his hand away and snapped, "What do you expect? I have spent the last decade of my life in the ground. I'm sorry that I haven't had the opportunity to work on a sun tan."

"Lorna, you need to eat," he said, rolling up his sleeve and biting into his wrist. 

"Please, don't... I'm not hungry," I lied.

"You need to eat," he said and coated the tip of his index fingertip with blood.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He responded by reaching out and brushing his bloody finger across my bottom lip.

"See," he murmured softly, "It tastes good."

I swept my tongue over my bottom lip and tasted his blood - it was sheer bliss.

He saw the look of ecstasy on my face and drew closer, raising his wrist to my mouth.

I licked my lips and lowered my mouth onto his wrist. He inhaled sharply as he watched me suck on his wrist, drawing the blood out from the veins and swallowing mouthful after mouthful.

"Lorna," he exhaled.

I stopped drinking and looked up at him, utterly drunk on blood. 

I wanted him so badly, I couldn't stop myself.

I tilted my head up so I was facing him and leaned forward. My lips were millimetres away from his when he whispered, "Lorna, please stop."

"What," I replied in a daze.

"Stop," he repeated, "We can't do this - I'm sorry."

A tidal wave of humiliation crashed into me. I pulled back, drowning in embarrassment and quickly wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. 

"I'm sorry, Michael. I didn't mean-"

"Look," he said, cutting me off. "We will be docking soon and I need take you back to your parents."

"Yes, I understand."

"Come on, I'll walk you back to your room," he said.


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