Chapter 1

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I don't remeber how quickly it happened.

One second, I was saving the wizarding world from Lord Voldemort, the next... I was starting my eighth year, as a Vampire.

Strange, huh?

Each time I tried thinking how I was turned, my mind went blank.

Once I had actually figured out that I was a Vampire, I rushed to write to Hermione and Ron. I needed Hermione's help the most. She would know what to do, right?

Dear Hermione (and Ron),

I need to meet with you as soon as possible. I have something very important to discuss. Please write back to me, and where you would like to meet. I'm sorry, I cannot say more.

- Harry.


[At the meeting]

I sat at our normal table at the three broomsticks, waiting.

"Harry!" I heard a voice call out. Hermione. Her and Ron, who was trailing behind, sat down.
"What's so important, mate?" Ron asked.
"Well. The thing is..." I smiled an open mouthed smile, showing my enlarged fangs.
Hermione gasped. "Harry," she trailed off. "When...? How?"
"Well, I noticed it about a week ago," I looked down at the fresh butterbeer I had just gotten before Hermione and Ron had arrived. "And I can't remeber... Whenever I think about it, my mind goes blank..."
Hermione seemed to be in thought. She then says, more to herself, "Perhaps you were knocked out? Or your memory could have been modified..."

Hermione kept mumbling to herself, whilst I turn to Ron.

"You're still gonna go back, right? It wouldn't be the same without you..." Ron asked me, which had caught Hermione's attention (not much, but some).
"Of course I'm coming back, Ron!" I paused. "Of course, it's going to be harder than I thought..."
"You need to write to McGonnagal," Hermione said, almost immediately. "She would be able to give you a... Supply..."
"Ay, mate?" Ron questioned. I nodded for him to continue. "Have you... Ya know... Drank?"
"Oh..." I mumbled.

I had noticed the things I normally enjoyed, such as treacle tart and butterbeer, tasted awfully bland.

"Not really. I mean, I can still eat and drink things," I reply, staring at my butterbeer once more. "They just taste very bland."
"The thirst is only going to get worse. September is coming soon, you should- no, need to write to McGonnagal. And if I hear you haven't written, I will March you down to her office myself," Hermione finished, looking determined.
"Yes, Hermione. I'll write to her. Otherwise, I'd probably accidentally bite someone I shouldn't," I say, shivering at the thought. Even thinking that I could... Bite someone, threw me off.
"Hermione, do you know who else is coming back this year?" I asked, to get my mind off of the previous subject.
"Well... I've only talked to a couple people. I know that Neville is coming back, but that's only because I wrote to him asking how he was...-" Hermione starts, before Ron cuts her off.
"Otherwise, you don't know who else," Ron finishes, then took a gulp of his butterbeer.
"Well, I'd best be off," I said, standing up and brushing off my pants, as if to brush off non-existent dirt.

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