Chapter 6

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... Previously...

As I finally got nearer the office, a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Potter. What the fuck are you doing out this late?"


A string of curse words swan through my mind. I froze, trying to find the corred words to respond to Malfoy.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I felt my fangs growing slightly. As almost primal urge to lunge at Malfoy arose, because of the distance, I could control myself.

"Malfoy... Dont get closer to me," I choked out, having trouble getting the words out with my fangs enlarged.

Malfoy took a step forwards. "I asked a question."

"Blood. I need fucking blood, okay, Malfoy?" I spat, trying to get him to back off.

The sentence didn't seem to faze him. If it had, he didn't show it.

"Surely you don't go looking around and feasting in prefects, do you?" he teased, taking a few steps towards me again.

I said nothing.

"Oh! Or do you drink animal blood to tie you over...?" he asked, continue to move forward.

This was the closest I had been to someone this hangry. It took almost all my self control not to just pounce on him.

Malfoy looked me right in the eyes. He must have seen the red ring around my once bright green eyes. I was hungry, to the point where I was almost feral. Malfoy still didn't falter.

He moved till he was in range of me, and from where I was standing, I could've lunged and drained him so easily...

Malfoy stepped closer once more, and this time, I couldn't stop myself. Instead of immediately sinking my fangs in, I just buried my face in his neck, breathing in sharply.

Malfoy made no noise of protest, surprisingly. As I lifted my head a little I liked along his exposed collarbone and neck.

"I could bite you right now... And you're completely calm.." I trailed off, softly nibbling at his skin but not biting.
"You are truly dense, Potter," he muttered, almost to himself. "If you're gonna fucking bite me, do it."

I sank my fangs in, harshly lapping up the blood coming from him.

As soon as I had sank my fangs in, Malfoy had gripped to me, not actually expecting me to bite him, but not exactly against it. Malfoy's hands gripped at my outer lay of clothes, making little whimpers every here and there.

I detached from his neck, lapping up the blood around his bite, my fangs shrinking slightly. I pulled back, realising what I had done.

"Good lord- Malfoy, I'm sorry- I couldn't control myself," I said quickly, apologising the best I could.

Malfoy though, at the moment, looked dazed and just nodded along and hummed in agreement.

Dammit. What the hell am I supposed to do with him? I can't just leave him here...

Still dazed, Malfoy suddenly grabbed my arm and started pulling along, before stopping at the Slytherin dormitories.

"Malfoy, let go," I asked softly, trying to pull his fingers away in what seemed to be an iron grip.

His grip loosened and his gaze focused. He glanced between where he was holding my wrist and my face.

"Ah- Malfoy, I'm sorry-" I start to say before being cut of by him.
"Shut up you utter twat. I heard you the first time."
"Are you okay?"
"Like you care- I'm surprised you didn't pierce my neck first chance you had," Malfoy spat, before walking into the Slytherin dorms, slamming the door behind him.


[POV Switch: Draco]

God dammit, Potter. I rubbed my neck around where the bite mark was. How the hell am I going to cover this up?

Maybe a glamour...? I sighed harshly, not realising a certain Pansy Parkinson creeping down the stairs.

"Draco?" Pansy asked, obviously confused seeing me there. "Aren't you supposed to be on prefect duty?"

Her eyes widened as her eyes sound my neck.

"Good lord, Draco. I knew you were obsessed with him... But I didn't think you'd let him feed from you."
"Me neither."

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