The Sun Will Rise

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It seems that all anyone ever talks about is how the world has changed. Everyone is so very focused on yesterday, the has been, the was. It seems that everything involving now is frightening and wrong.

But that simply isn't true.

In fact the world has hardly changed at all in the last billion years or so. Its still careening through space and time just as it has been, and just as it will until it decomposes back into the energy from which it came and the 4th dimension ceases to exist once again. It is only our perspective that has changed. We have gone from a collective society of hope, to one of fear. Where the future was once an opportunity, it is now a threat. There was a time when people looked at the stars with the excitement and hope of the sunrise that would soon paint the horizon.

But now, those same people, who had seen the sun rise, and then set again sit in fear. They fear the darkness around us and they tell their children always, "The sun will set. No matter what, the sun always sets." And in their fear they forget that sun once rose at all.

But their children will wander away from the smoking fires that their parents huddle around. Away from the warmth and familiarity, and toward the darkness that their mothers and fathers so fear.

And they will see the sun rise, and hope will be born again.

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