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I've been feeling a lot of different things lately and this is really just one of them.

People. They constantly have to keep proving themselves. Proving that we are good enough. Proving that we are worth other people's time. Why do we need evidence? Why can't we just all love one another? Why can't we just be there for someone when they need it? Why in the world can't we all get along?

Why do we need to prove ourselves to get friends? Why do we need to prove that we are better? Why do we have to prove that we can do something worth while?

I feel sympathy for all the leaders around the world. They have to keep showing our people that we made the right decision. They have to prove that they can do something amazing. They constant have to worry about getting approval. It must be difficult with all that pressure on their shoulders. To have all this people rely on you.

Trust. It's so broken these days. Every turn we take in our lives, we are constantly trying to trust that nothing is behind that corner. We try to trust life is going to get better. Hope is a better word really. Can we really trust that person? Are we going to get backstabbed like the last time? Can s/he really be my friend?

I envy little kids. They are so happy and joyous. Unaware of the dark dark world called reality. I miss the days were you could just run up to anyone and it's like you were instant friends. Where did that go?

Proof. It's difficult to give.

And Trust. It's so hard to receive.

And Friends. They are hard to keep.

Sometimes I just look up at the sky and wonder. Sometimes I frown. And other times I smile. But I should always be smiling. The great God above loves me. He is my friend. He has my trust. I don't have to work to get His love. I don't have to work to get His approval. I just wish it was that simple. I wish for children's eyes again. I want to trust Jesus like that again. I don't want it to be so hard. To feel like your fighting just to get through the day.

Peace. We all need it. I want that peace and comfort that God gives. I want to be content. I want that feeling in your soul that just feels like everything is just right. Nothing could go wrong. I want that feeling. That mercy. That love.

Humanity is corrupt. Hatred. Nasty words and actions. Where's the peace? The harmony? The love? It's like it just dissipated. The ripples of sin keep going and going in the infinite ocean. It's never ending it seems like. Sometimes it's like there is never a break. First ripples, then waves, then humongous tsunamis. And it all seems to crash down. Crash down on the one that is already drowning. Crashing down on the sinking swimmer. Crashing down on the person who just can't keep afloat anymore.

I love this one song. It's called Where I Belong.

Take this world and give it Jesus.

This is not where I belong.

Lord I pray with all my heart to just take this world. Take this country. And give it Jesus. Give it revival. Give us the love that we need to move through the day. Give us the strength that we need to keep on fighting. We'll never find satisfaction without you. We can never dream to grasp that everlasting peace without You. We are wandering through the dark, drowning in that ocean but you are the light. You are the strength. You are the peace. Help us light up the dark and walk on that water. And whatever we do and say, people see  You through us. I am your humble and faithful servant.

I had no idea how this turned out to be like this....first I was just going to rant. And then it turned into this. I'm sorry if this isn't want you were thinking this was about. I have other things to take about. And I'll try not to turn it into all of this. Words just flow from my fingertips. And thank you so much. If you took the time to read all this. God bless you.

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