Chapter Eleven: The Weddings

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After the funeral, Calypso returned to Lupin's house with him and Tonks. Over the next few weeks, Tonks stayed the night a lot. Calypso thought nothing of it until they announced they were going to be married.

"It's a little soon, isn't it?" Calypso asked as she fed Silas.

"Well yes," said Tonks. "But in the present situation, we may not be alone long enough to get married later." Calypso looked up and met her cousins's eyes. "It'll be a small ceremony, but I would be honored if you would be my maid of honor."

Calypso sought out Lupin's eyes, but he was staring at the ground. "Of course I will," she told Tonks with a small smile.

The wedding was indeed a small ceremony. Calypso was dressed in deep blue dress robes, with Silas in a little suit of the same color. Andromeda and Ted each wore purple. The sadness and fear seemed to ebb from Lupin's face as Tonks approached him in shining white with her hair her favorite shade of bubble gum pink. Her overall appearance was bright, but Calypso thought no looked more beautiful than Tonks did.

A small wedding reception followed. Calypso kept her eyes on Lupin the whole time, watching worry creep back across his face. She could only imagine about how he felt. He was putting her at a great risk, but he loved her.

Calypso got his house to herself for a few days while they went on their honeymoon. It made her felt lonely, but Andromeda came to see her every day. The day Lupin and Tonks returned home, Lupin told her about the Order's plans to get Harry to safety.

"I want to come," Calypso said immediately.

"No," Lupin said. "It's too dangerous."

"Isn't that what the Order is about?" Calypso said stubbornly.

He gave her a wry smile. "Yes, but you're still young. You forget that Voldemort would love to get his hands on you. He thinks he can use you against your family. You need to be kept safe too. Come on, we need to get ready for the full moon tonight."

Calypso's blood ran cold. How could she forget? It was the first full moon Silas would experience. Neither her nor Lupin knew what would happen. That night, she mixed Wolfsbane Potion in with his milk, and waited. The transformation was the same as always. It wasn't as bad now that she didn't have the extra pain that her pregnancy had added. It was even worse, however, to hear Silas's screams of pain and terror. She wished she could make it stop.

The next day, all three of them were pale and weary. Calypso feared that these transformations were no good for Silas and it would hurt him beyond repair, but there was no cure.

Saying goodbye to Lupin and Tonks that night made Calypso's stomach turn. She yearned to go with them, but at the same time, she wondered if she would see them alive again. All night, she paced the house, hoping they would return safely. When they did, Calypso ran and hugged them both, relieved that they were alright.

A few days later, Calypso gathered her things and apparated with Lupin and Tonks to the Weasley's for Harry's birthday. She wanted to bring Silas with her, but Lupin advised against it, so she left him with Andromeda again.

"Happy birthday, Harry!" she called upon her arrival. She shoved her present into his hands and went to go sit with Kylie, who she was glad to see.

Mrs. Weasley seemed nervous, but Calypso, lost in her conversation, didn't seem to notice. Her attention was caught by a white figure that glided onto the table and spoke in Mr. Weasley's voice. "Minister of Magic coming with me."

Suddenly Lupin grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "I'm sorry, Harry. We have to go." Before Calypso could call out a goodbye, Lupin had led her and Tonks out of the gate and dissaperated.

All was quiet until it was time for Bill and Fleur's wedding. Calypso wore the same blue dress robes she had worn for Lupin's wedding, being unable to purchase new ones. The color suited her so she didn't mind. Again, she had to leave Silas behind, but this time she realized it was a good thing she did.

As they approached the Weasley's gate again, they were met by two redhead boys. One was Ron, but Calypso didn't recognize the other. She suspected it was Harry in disguise. Ron lead them to their seats. Kylie was soon seated next to her and Luna and her father behind her. The excitement that buzzed through the tent was contagious and Calypso couldn't help but grin.

The ceremony started. Calypso couldn't help but compare it to Lupin and Tonks's wedding. Though she had become very close with her cousin, she had to admit she liked this wedding more. Ginny and a little blonde girl Calypso didn't know glided down the isle, looking radiant, shortly followed by Fluer. As she approached Bill, Calypso noticed the same change in him that she did in Lupin in his wedding day.

When at last they became husband and wife, the chairs were swept away and the dance floor appeared. "Come dance with me," Kylie said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the dance floor. They were soon joined by Ginny and Luna. Calypso couldn't remember a time in which she had been so happy. She danced all night, mostly with Kylie, but Ron, Fred, George, and Harry all asked for a dance. She tried not to remember the last dance she had been to and the horror is resulted in.

The night got later. Lupin was talking about going him soon when a flash of white streaked across her vision and landed in the middle of the dance floor. The lynx opened its mouth and spoke in the deep voice of Kingsley. "Ministry has fallen. Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming."

Pandemonium broke loose. People where turning on the spot, apparating now that the protective enchantments had broken. Calypso watched as people in masks occupied the scene. She pulled out her wand, barely managing to block the spell that had just been shot her way.

"Stupefy!" she shouted. A jet of red light burst from her wand and hit her targeted Death Eater in the small of his back. She didn't even have time to savor her victory when she felt cords wrap around her hands and feet, causing her to fall. She felt herself being dragged over to a line of chairs where the rest of the wedding guests now sat, also bound. Some bore evidence of putting up a fight. Calypso didn't see Harry, Ron, or Hermione.

"Now," said a large male Death Eater, pacing in front of the line if chairs. "We have a warrant for the arrest of Harry James Potter. He's wanted for questioning about the death of Albus Dumbledore." The man stopped right in front of Calypso's chair. "Who is going to offer me up some information?"

He stared at Calypso and she met his gaze before he turned and walked back down the line of chairs. Her eyes flashed around the group of Death Eaters, but she saw no one she recognized. She would occasionally hear bangs and shouts of pain as he moved among the guests. A scream drew her attention down the line. The Death Eater had grabbed Kylie by her hair and dragged her forward. Calypso struggled against the cords around her hands, trying to break free.

"Where is Potter?" the Death Eater snarled, yanking Kylie's hair. Kylie screamed in pain. Calypso could see the tears running down her face. The Death Eater raised his wand. "Crucio!"

Calypso wished she could block her ears against Kylie's screams. "Stop!" she screamed.

The Death Eater lifted the spell and Kylie slumped to the ground. He stepped in front of Calypso again. "You'll take her place then." Calypso gulped as he ripped her away from her chair. "What's your name, pretty?"

"Calypso Malfoy," she told him, looking at the floor.

"Be careful!" she heard a female woman hiss. "This one is a werewolf!"

"A little extra dose then," said her captor and then she felt his spell hit her. She felt like she was being sliced by a million hot knives all at once. She screamed and writhed on the ground, wishing for it to end. When the pain stopped, the man leaned over her. "Now, where is Potter?"

"I don't know!" cried Calypso. "He wasn't here! I don't know where he's at!"

"Search the house!" he ordered. Calypso heard distant crashed as they stormed into the Burrow and tore it apart. She remained curled into a ball at the Death Eater's feet, waiting to see if she would be tortured again.

"There's no one in there," called the same female voice.

"Very well. But we'll be keeping our eyes on you." He gave Calypso a swift kick to the ribs before turning to leave.

The first person to reach her was Kylie. "You shouldn't've done that," she sobbed.

"I wasn't going to let you be tortured." Calypso told her.

"Everyone should go home," Mr. Weasley called. He had a cut on his lip. "I'll send a message to Harry when I get the chance. Stay safe everyone."

Many people watched her as Lupin pulled her to her feet. She gave Kylie a quick hug before allowing Lupin to pull her away to apparate home.

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