Chapter Fifteen: Homecoming

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The smell of the sea vanished as her feet hit solid ground. She opened her eyes to see the familiar shape of Lupin's small home looming before her. Her heart expanded at the sight. Lupin grasped her thin arm and helped her inside.

As soon as she stepped across the threshold, something small collided with her midriff. "Mama!" Silas cried, wrapping his tiny arms around her even tinier waist. He had gotten so big in her months of imprisonment.

His eyes were yellow, like Logan's, practically glowing at the sight of her. She had been away for so long.. He was now walking and talking. Calypso felt a searing pain in her chest at the thought of all the time with him she had lost. Could a heart truly break?

But she plastered a smile on her face. She didn't want Silas to remember her as a gloomy, heartbroken mother. "Silas," she cooed, behind down to carefully lift him up. Not all of her strength had return, so she found she couldn't hold him for long. Silas grabbed his mother's hand and half pulled her to the couch so he could crawl into her lap.

"Calypso," Lupin said softly. "Someone wants to meet you."

His face glowed as he looked behind him. Coming around the corner was Tonks, her figure returned to normal and her hair her usual bubble gum pink, carrying a small baby in her arms. Teddy Lupin was tiny, with a small tuff of blonde hair that was slowly turning redder as Calypso watched. Tonks smiled at her, offering Calypso her godson. She took the tiny infant from her arms, remembering when Silas had been that size.

Teddy rolled over in Calypso's arms, snuggling into her. Silas peered over her shoulder, curious at little Teddy, but he seemed to grasp the concept to be careful and quiet since Teddy was asleep.

"Who he?" Silas whispered.

"This is my godson," said Calypso quietly.

"But me your son!" Silas exclaimed, causing Teddy to flinch in her arms.

"Shhhhh," Calypso warned him, pressing her fingers to her lips to show him. Her repeated the motion, pressing his finger to his lips to show he understood. "Yes, you are my son. Teddy is a different kind of son. I'll take care of him if Remus and Tonks can't."

Silas still looked confused. "Can I hold?"

Worry flashed across her face as she looked up at Remus and Tonks. They shared a glance before nodding slightly. Tonks came and took Teddy from her arms while Silas climbed into Calypso's lap. Once he was settled, Tonks slowly lowered her son into Silas's arms. Calypso rested her arms under his to support him.

Silas looked down in awe at the tiny body he held. Teddy's hair was now as bright a red as any of the Weasleys. Calypso thought of Kylie with a pang of guilt. She had not spoken to her best friend in months. Kylie was enduring the tortures at Hogwarts without her. She missed Kylie most of all.

"He's so little," Silas whispered, pitting his face close to Teddy's.

"Yes he is," Calypso whispered back. "But he'll get bigger, just like you did."

Teddy turned in Silas's arms. Calypso tensed, ready to catch Teddy if he slid out of Silas's arms. But Silas seemed to have a good grip on him. Teddy reached out a small hand a wrapped it around Silas's finger. Calypso looked up at Remus and Tonks, who were beaming at them.

This is what it's like to have a proper family, she thought. Calypso's thoughts returned to Kylie again, wishing she could share this moment with her. Recently, thoughts of Kylie had banished the thoughts of Logan from her mind. Kylie had been the only one to warn Calypso against him. A warm feeling spread in her heart. She had always loved Kylie, ever since they became best friends. Calypso longed to see her, to have Kylie hug her and tell her things would be ok. She wanted Kylie to play a part in her son's life. She wanted Kylie to play a part in her life. When Logan died, it had left Calypso feeling empty, like there was a hole in her life, but Kylie effortlessly filled that hole, even when she wasn't present.

The weight removed from her arms brought Calypso back to the present. Tonks had taken Teddy, who was now awake, and moved into the kitchen to feed him. Silas remained in her lap, snuggling close to her. She took this time to fill herself in on what she missed in her son's life.

"How have your full moons been?"

"They hurt," Silas said.

"It will be easier when your older," Calypso told him sadly. She hated that she had caused this for him.

"Mama," Silas asked, "do I have a daddy?"

Calypso stiffened, but Silas didn't seem to notice the discomfort he caused her. "You're daddy isn't with us anymore."

"Where is he?"

Calypso frowned. How do you tell a one year old that his father is dead? "He's... He died before you were born."

She hated having to tell him that, but she wanted him to grow up knowing the truth. Silas didn't seem to have any reaction. He simply said, "Oh."

"One day mommy will get another partner," she told him as Kylie's smiling face flashed in her mind again. Maybe her feeling for Kylie were deeper than she thought..

Seeming done with the conversation, Silas squirmed out of her arms and onto the floor where his toys were scattered about. Calypso watched him for a while, with a small smile in her face.

Lupin came around the corner. "Calypso, you need to eat, you're still really pale and thin."

She nodded and stood up slowly. She still felt very weak, like her body didn't want to respond to her movements. Seeing her family again had been a medicine unlike any other.

Calypso made her way to the kitchen, Silas following her, making his toy truck weave between the legs of the table and chairs. Lupin set a small salad in front of her, which she ate hesitantly.

Everyday, Calypso was able to eat a little more, until she was nearly back to normal again. She was still too thin, too pale, but she almost felt like her self again. She spent as much time as she could with Silas, trying to make up for her lost time. Silas didn't seem to mind. He would sit in her lap, explaining all his toys to her. She would make sure that she was with him in every full moon. She would read to him every night before bed, both Muggle children's stories and Wizarding ones. After he fell asleep, she would snuggle in her soft bed, which was a wonderful difference from the stone floor she had slept on for so many months, and read a Muggle book until she fell asleep as well.

Calypso could still feel the clouds of war brewing, but for now, she was going to enjoy her life.

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