Chapter Four: The Yule Ball

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This summer was not as bad as last summer for Calypso. She went to the Quidditch World Cup with her parents and Draco. When the Dark Mark was suddenly shot into the sky, she made sure to stay close to her brother. The Mark frightened her. When they arrived home, Calypso shut herself in her room again, until it was time to return to Hogwarts. She thought about Logan the entire time.

She was excited for Hogwarts this year. The Triwizard Tournament was to take place. Her mother surprised her by helping Calypso pick out a set of beautiful violet and silver dress robes.

The trip to Hogwarts seemed to take no time at all. Logan found her on the train and gave her a big hug. Last year he had refrained from touching her too much, but now that she was a little older he didn't seem to hold back. She was taller and her figure was finally starting to fill out. She no longer looked like a stick.

The arrival of the competing schools was phenomenal. Calypso found herself sitting next to a pretty girl with hair even paler than her. Calypso noticed she was exceptionally beautiful.

And so the tournament began. There was talk about nothing else all around the school. Calypso and Kylie would put their heads together to discuss who they thought the champions would be. They would be selected that night.

"Everyone is talking about Diggory," Kylie said as they headed to Herbology together.

"He seems too nice to take part in such a brutal tournament."

Kylie merely shrugged as they entered the Greenhouses and class started. Excitement mounted all day up until dinner. Calypso ate as fast as she could, hoping that if she ate fast enough, the champions would be selected sooner. When the goblet was ready, the hall fell silent. Logan looked over from the Hufflepuff table and winked at her.

"The champion for Durmstrang is Viktor Krum!" Dumbldore called out. Calypso applauded loudly.

"The Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour!" The silver haired girl that had sat next to Calypso stood up proudly from the Ravenclaw table. Calypso's hands were starting to hurt from how hard she was clapping.

"The champion for Hogwarts, is Cedric Diggory!" The Hufflepuff table exploded in cheers. She saw both Logan and Kylie jump up and pat Cedric on the back as he walked by them. Calypso beamed. She didn't even notice the Dumbledore had started talking again. Her eyes were on the Goblet of Fire, which had turned red again.

Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and held it at arm's length. "Harry Potter," he read. Calypso's insides went cold. This could not be happening. Not Harry. She watched as Harry stood up from the Gryffindor table and followed the champions to the back.

Dumbledore dismissed them. Calypso tried to hang around the Great Hall to see Harry come out, but McGonagall shooed her to her dormitory. The next morning, she got up early and ran to Gryffindor Tower. She knew she couldn't enter, but she would wait until Harry showed up to go to breakfast. She sat outside the portrait hole for almost an hour before she saw Hermione walking up the steps, carrying a stack of toast.

Calypso hurried to stand up, blushing. "I was just waiting for-"

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed as he stepped out of the portrait hole.

"I didn't put my name in that cup," was the first thing he said.

"We believe you!" explained Calypso. She went with the two of them to the lake where they talked, and Hermione urged Harry to write to Sirius.

The next few months, Calypso stuck close to Harry's side, trying to help him as much as she could. As he battled the dragon in the first task, Calypso thought she would faint. But he made it! She could breathe again.

Christmas loomed around the corner and Calypso soon faced the Yule Ball. Being under fourth year, she wouldn't be able to go unless an older student asked her. She was kind of hoping Logan might, but whenever she brought it up, he would change the subject.

The day before the holidays were due to start, Calypso was in the library to check out a book for her essay when she ran into her brother.

"Draco!" she said surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Checking out a book for Moody's stupid essay," he grumbled.

"Moody is not stupid." Why must he be so mean?

"He turned me into a ferret, Calypso. And then bounced me around the dungeons!"

She gasped. "He didn't."

"Yeah! He did! I was humiliated!" He shook his pale head. "And it was all in front of Potter too."

"I'm sorry." She placed her hand on his shoulder and he smiled slightly at her. It was times like this that she was glad Draco was her brother. "Who are you going to the ball with?"

"Pansy," he said, sounding very unhappy about it.

"She's a piece of work." They both dissolved into laughter.

"Anyone ask you yet?" he asked as they left the library.

"No," she said sadly.

"That's a shame. Those dress robes mum got you were really nice."

She nodded. When they reached the stairs, Draco went down while Calypso went up. On the second floor, she bumped into Logan.

"Oh sorry," she blushed.

"Don't be," he said, pushing a blonde strand of hair from her face. Then suddenly he said, "Come to the ball with me."

"What? Really? You said you didn't want to go."

"I changed my mind." He gave her that sly smile if his that she had learned to love. "So will you?"

"Of course!"

"Great! I'll meet you in the Great Hall then." As she turned to walk away, he called her back. "Calypso!" She turned to look back at him. "All I can think about right now is kissing you."

Calypso blushed. She had never kissed anyone before. She always thought she was too young. "May I?" he asked and suddenly he was standing right in front of her.

"Umm.." She looked up at him and met his yellow eyes. She didn't feel afraid anymore. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, gently at first, but then something changed and suddenly he was being much too rough with her. He had experience, she knew. His lips told hers what he wanted and he knew exactly how to get it. She pushed against his shoulders and he pulled back.

"Logan!" she gasped. "That was way too rough!"

"Sorry," he said, though he didn't sound very sorry at all. "Got carried away. I'll see you on Christmas Day then." And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving her bewildered.

When the day for the ball arrived, Calypso spent all day doing her hair with Luna. She thought an elegant knot would be too much, so she just curled it and let it fall down her shoulders. Her dress robes were violet and covered in small diamonds that made her shimmer when she walked.

Walking down to the entrance hall, she saw many couples meeting their partners from different houses. Logan stood at the foot of the stairs. His hair was slicked back into a small ponytail. His robes were a dark, smokey gray, a color that Calypso thought suited him very well.

Calypso wished she could've danced all night. Logan wasn't a particularly good dancer, but she still had the best time of her life. Taking a break from dancing, she watched him walk away to find drinks. Oh my God, she thought, I love him. The thought terrified her. She was much to young to be falling in love. Who falls in love at thirteen?

He returned with their drinks and they sat in silence. Calypso wasn't sure what to say to him now. She was fighting a losing battle in her head.

"Come take a walk with me," Logan said suddenly.

"Umm.. Alright." She followed him out into the little courtyard filled with fairy lights just outside the door. She thought this was their final destination, but Logan kept walking until they came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"Calypso, I haven't been entirely honest with you," he started with his back towards her.

Her breath caught in her throat. She had a bad feeling about this. "What do you mean?"

"There is something about me that I haven't told you."

"Tell me now then."

"I'd rather show you." The wind picked up and blew the cloud cover away, revealing the full moon. At once, Logan's limbs began to lengthen. Calypso was frozen in horror as she watched him transform. Slowly, Logan turned his head towards her. His yellow eyes were the same.

She knew she had to get away. She gathered up her dress and ran as fast as she could, but it was no use. She heard his gigantic paws beat on the ground behind her. In the next second, his jaw was clamped around her shoulder. She felt her dress tear as his teeth ripped into her skin. This was pain that she had never known before. Every nerve in her body was on fire as the werewolf toxin penetrated her body, flowing through her veins. She screamed and tried to get away, but his jaw was still tight on her shoulder.

He shook his head viciously and she felt her body get thrown twenty feet in the air. She landed in a crumpled heap, unable to stand herself up. He was coming back for her. She could hear him get closer. He was going to bite her agin! But why? He had already done his job. Calypso tried to crawl away, but it was no use. She laid there, waiting for what was to come.

Suddenly Calypso's vision was blinded by a bright, white light. She heard Logan whimper and run off in the direction of the forest. The last thing she saw was that stars twinkling above her before she passed out.

When Calypso woke up, she was in a very comfortable bed. She sighed in content and tried to turn her body into a more comfortable position, that's when the pain spiked her shoulder, jolting her awake. The memories of what had happen overwhelmed her and she screamed.

"Easy, my dear," said a calm voice. Calypso took in her surroundings. She was in the hospital wing and it looked to be early morning. Albus Dumbledore was sitting beside her bed.

"I know you are very traumatized right now, but you need to listen," he told her. "You will be allowed to continued you education here at Hogwarts as long as we take certain precautions."

"Where's Logan?" she asked.

"Mr. Greyback has not returned from his exertions in the forest, though I doubt he will be."

Greyback? Grey... Back.. How could she have been so stupid?

"Judging by you look, I can assume he did not tell you about his parentage."

"No," she said in a small voice. "He told me his last name was just Grey." How could he do this too her? Every cell in her body told her to hate him, to refuse to see him ever again, but what she wanted more than anything was for him to hold her and say he was sorry and tell her that things would be alright.

"It was a terrible thing that he did to you, Miss Malfoy, but I can assure you that your friends think no different of you." He gestured to the door where they were standing. Kylie looked like she had been crying. Ginny and Luna were standing shoulder to shoulder. Harry, Ron and Hermione were staring at her, full of pity. She gave them a weak smile which they returned.

Calypso then turned her attention to her shoulder, which was wrapped in white gauze. She peeled the wrappings away and a horrible sight met her eyes. There was blood and some sort of yellow puss oozing from the places where Logan's teeth had pierced her. The rest of her shoulder was torn and bloody. She couldn't stand to look at it anymore, so she wrapped it back up.

"I can send an owl to your parents if you would l-" Dumbledore started.

"No!" shouted Calypso. Dumbledore seemed to understand and he took his leave. Her friends stayed with, talking late into the night. Calypso didn't have much to say.

The next morning, Draco visited her.

"Bloody hell, Calypso! What happened?" he exclaimed.

"I was bitten by a werewolf," she muttered, not meeting his eyes.

He reacted exactly how she thought he would. He looked disgusted and backed away from her like she was contagious.

"Don't be like that, Draco!" she called, tears pouring from her eyes. "This is hard enough as it is!"

She could still see the revulsion in his eyes, but he stepped closer to her bed. "What are you going to do when mom and dad find out?"

"I don't know," she whispered and allowed her tears to fall freely from her eyes. Draco patted her awkwardly on her good shoulder, letting her cry herself back to sleep.

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