Chapter Seven: Worse Than Death

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When Calypso returned to Logan's house for the summer, he immediately refused to join the Order with her.

"This is a wizard's war," he told her. "I'll have no part in it."

"What are you then, if you are not a wizard too?" Calypso demanded.

"I'm a werewolf."

Calypso did not bring up the subject again. She had to find a way to stay with Logan and do the right thing at the same time. Half of her brain kept telling her to leave him, but she still couldn't bring herself to do it.

The first thing she did was write a long apology letter and sent it to Kylie. She hoped she hadn't ruined their friendship. Calypso was closer to Kylie than she was with any other if her friends. Her summer stayed quiet. She wrote to Harry asking if she could take part in the Order, but hadn't gotten a response yet. She tried to appeal to Logan again about coming with her, but again he protested.

"Why are you so with this?" he demanded.

"Why are you so against it?" Calypso shot back.

"This," he said, pointing out the window, "doesn't concern us. No matter which side wins, we'll still be shunned and hunted. Why should I risk my neck against for those assholes?"

"Because you could make a difference!" Calypso shouted at him. "How can you believe that everyone is against you? If You-Know-Who wins this war, then we'll be killed. If Harry wins, then at least we get to live, even if society does hate us."

"It's not worth fighting for." Logan shook his head and turned away from her, his yellow eyes filled with sadness.

"I can't believe you!" Calypso turned on her heel and stormed out. She needed to be on her own for a little while.

How could he be so stubborn? she thought. She thought she had everything about Logan figured out. She had spent the first year of their friendship picking his brain while he picked hers.

She let her feet carry her to her favorite spots in Hogsmead. Logan had recently bought her a red cloak. She wore it now, thinking of one of the Muggle stories that Hermione had sent her called Little Red Riding Hood. The scarlet colored cloak felt familiar to her in a way, though she couldn't figure out how. She wore it all the time, with the hood pulled over her head to avoid angry states.

Without the students of Hogwarts, the streets seemed empty. Calypso thought about many things as she wandered the streets. She thought about Sirius Black, who Harry had so desperately wanted her to meet. She thought about her cousin, Tonks, who Harry had mentioned as well. She had never met either of her mother's sisters, though of the two, she would prefer to meet Andromeda over Bellatrix.

Calypso didn't even realize where she was going until she found herself at the opposite end of town. Sighing, she figured she should head home and make up with Logan. Now that she was older, their relationship had gotten much more physical. She knew what he would want to do after they talked things out.

A loud blast suddenly ripped through the air. Calypso could feel the ground shake under her feet. Bewildered, she looked around for the source. She froze when she saw a distant plume of smoke rise into the air where Logan's house was located.

"No!" she shouted. She sprinted back into town, towards the direction of his house. The journey into town seemed to have taken no time at all, but as she was running back, it was like she couldn't get to the house fast enough. The trip seemed to take an hour.

When she finally reached the small yard, she stopped short. Smoke rose from the center of the house where there must have been a hole in the roof, though she could see no flames. The door was collapsed inward, ripped violently off its hinges. Finding her breath, she entered the house. Inside was just as messy. Efforts of a fight were everywhere. Glass was shattered on the wooden floor, pieces of the furniture were splintered. Calypso stepped carefully over the all the derbies.

As she turned the corner into the bedroom she shared with Logan, her mind froze. Logan was laying facedown in the middle of the room in a pool of blood. It was several second before Calypso could unfreeze herself and run over to him.

"Logan!" she shrieked, falling to her knees beside him. Tears poured down he face. What if he wasn't alive? She gently turned him over. She could only see a sliver of his yellow eyes. His chest was still. "No Logan!" she shouted at his still figure. "You can't die on me!"

Her eyes traveled over his body. Tiny lacerations covered him, which explained all the blood. A small shiny object was sticking out of one of his wounds. Calypso went to remove it, but as soon as her skin touched the object, it burned her. She hissed and withdrew her hand. Whoever had done this knew exactly what Logan was. She brought her eyes back to his face. His eyelids fluttered.

"Logan," she whispered. Her mind flooded with dozens of spells that could help him but she was still underage and therefore couldn't use magic outside school.

"Ca-lyp-so," he muttered weakly. His hand fluttered up to her face and brushed it gently before his hand fell back to the ground. The small movement caused him pain. He groaned and his face got paler.

"Don't move," Calypso whined. "I'll get help."

"No," he groaned. "It's too late.."

"Don't say that!" she snapped at him.

"Calypso," he breathed her name. "I love you. And I'm sorry for what I've done to you."

"I love you too." She watched helplessly as the light faded from his eyes and the last of his breath whooshed from his lungs. Calypso felt her heart shatter. Logan had died, but what she was feeling was worse than death. She clung to his body as the last of his blood seeped from his wounds and stained her robes. She would not let him go. She would die with him, right here, in this very spot. She would not move until she was dead.

What was she going to do now? The only person she loved was dead. She wasn't able to provide for herself. Eventually her parents would cut her off from the family money. She would never be able to find a job because of what she was, what Logan had made her..

Logan.. The love of her life.. Her future... All torn away from her in a single instance. Her body shook as she bent over Logan's body, like her tears could bring him back to life. Who had done this? Why had they done it? Was there something that Logan never told her? She was so wrapped up in her depressive thoughts, crying over Logan's body that she didn't hear the shuffle and the growl come from just outside the door.

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