Prolouge: Calypso

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When Narcissa Black married Lucius Malfoy, the couple quickly learned that it was not easy for Narcissa to carry a child. She went through many stillborns and miscarriages before she finally had Draco. It was therefore a surprise when Calypso Ravenna Malfoy was born scarcely a year after her brother.

Growing up, Calypso knew she was not like her family. She always refrained from using the slurs like her father did and Dobby the house elf was her best friend. As she got older, she grew to look like her mother, silvery blonde hair and blue eyes in a pale, pointed face. Many people would consider her beautiful.

Draco acted differently around his sister than he did around their parents. When they were present, Draco would take up the typical, snotty, Malfoy mannerism, but when he and Calypso were alone, he was much kinder. He even confessed to her that he didn't like who he was around their parents, but he was desperate to please them. Calypso, on the other hand, knew that no matter what she did, she would never make her parents proud. She saw the way Lucius sneered down at her and how Narcissa's blue eyes harden to ice when she looked at her daughter.

Things only got worse as she got older. When she went to Diagon Alley to buy her wand, Lucius called her willow and unicorn hair wand "a weak piece of wood, unworthy of someone of her blood status", but Calypso insisted on having it. Her entire journey to Hogwarts, she sat with her brother and his friends, who she hated, and dreaded spending the rest of her life as her family did. That sort of life just wasn't for her.

It was therefore a surprise when the Sorting Hat opened wide and shouted "RAVENCLAW!" Calypso caught a flash of disappointment cross her brother's face as she sat down with her new peers.

As she sat down at the table, she expected to see sneers and looks of disgust like she was used to at home. Instead, everyone smiled at her and patted her back. A dirty blonde girl slid over on the bench to give Calypso some room to sit. None of them seem to consider that there was a Malfoy in their midst. She was one of them now, and nothing else. The thought made her smile. Maybe she could find her own place to fit into.

The next day brought the usual owl post and both Draco and Calypso got letters from home. Even in writing, Calypso could hear the disappointment in her parents' voices. "Ravenclaw is a respectable house," they wrote, and Calypso could see in her mind's eye the way her father's hand would clench when he was writing something while angry, "better Ravenclaw than Gryffindor."

Calypso looked sadly at the note, wondering if her parents would ever just accept her. As she tucked the note away, she didn't realize she had caught the gaze of a third year Hufflepuff boy with brown hair and strange yellow eyes. She never would have guessed that his interest in her would change her life forever.

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